Papers by Nilgün Karataş Gümüştaş

disdainful, and excluding actions that interrupt workplace norms of respect but otherwise seem du... more disdainful, and excluding actions that interrupt workplace norms of respect but otherwise seem dull (Schilpzand et al., 2016; Cortina et al., 2017). Defined as "low-intensity deviant behaviour with ambiguous intent to harm the target, in violation of workplace norms for mutual respect" (Andersson & Pearson, 1999, p. 457), uncivil behaviours usually involve sarcasm, condescension, denigrating others, making condescending comments, subtly disapproving comments as well as nonverbal demonstrations of impertinence such as ignoring (Porath and Pearson, 2012; Cortina et al., 2013; Schilpzand et al., 2016). Even though workplace incivility does not receive as much legal responsiveness as other counterproductive workplace behaviour constructs such as sexual harassment (Lim et al., 2008), it is highly common in the workplace than other negative workplace behaviours (Rosen et al., 2016), and studies have shown that the occurrence of workplace incivility is rising (Liu et al., 2019). For instance, Cortina et al. (2001) found that 71% of 1180 employees had been exposed to uncivil behaviours in the previous five years. For instance, Porath & Pearson (2013) found that 98% of the employees reported experiencing workplace incivility and were treated rudely at least once

Central European Business review, Jun 17, 2023
Using the arguments of conservation of resources theory and social identity theory, this study in... more Using the arguments of conservation of resources theory and social identity theory, this study investigated the impact of abusive supervision on organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) through the mediating effect of burnout. Simultaneously, the moderator effect of organizational identity on the relationship between abusive supervision and burnout is examined. The intention here was to examine whether organizational identity would increase the negative effect of abusive supervision on burnout and to test the underlying mechanism by which abusive supervision affects the OCB, with the most affected parties. According to this, it is aimed to contribute to the literature on the potential effects of organizational identity on coping with workplace stressors. Also, this study aims to be contributive in terms of filling the gap in the existing literature due to the limited number of studies examining how and by which mechanisms abusive supervision affects the OCB (Zhang et al., 2019). Using the data collected from 256 full-time employees from hi-tech, banking and manufacturing industries, it is found that burnout fully mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and OCB. Moreover, it is seen that the negative effect of abusive supervision is stronger for employees with higher organizational identification, suggesting that suffering from abusive supervision can be more overwhelming for employees who see their organization as a vital aspect of their identity. According to the study findings, both theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Implications for Central European audience: Current research fills the gaps in the literature by revealing the 'black box' that underlies the association between abusive supervision and OCB. Victims of abusive supervision may feel burnt out and possess fewer resources to engage in OCB. To eliminate the negative results of abusive supervision and increase positive work outcomes, organizations should emphasise delivering a code of conduct and organizational culture that stresses proper behaviours within the work environment. Implementing a zero-tolerance to deviant behaviour policy may also improve and generate a positive and deviant behaviour-free work environment.

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2013
This study attempts to extend the theoretical and empirical work of previous studies on abusive s... more This study attempts to extend the theoretical and empirical work of previous studies on abusive supervision in light of new insights into supervisor–subordinate guanxi (s-s guanxi) and two distinct dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviours. Data were collected from a survey of 280 employees and their 280 direct supervisors in a Chinese organization. Results indicate that abusive supervision is positively related to subordinates' organizational citizenship behaviours towards individuals (OCBI), whereas there is no relationship between abusive supervision and organizational citizenship behaviours towards the organization (OCBO). Moreover, our analyses establish a mediating role of s-s guanxi in the relationship between abusive supervision and OCBI and OCBO. Our results also demonstrate that s-s guanxi more strongly affects OCBI than OCBO. Implications and specific suggestions for practitioners are discussed.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Mission and vision statements are a critically important piece of business communication from an ... more Mission and vision statements are a critically important piece of business communication from an organization to all of its stakeholders [1]. Today, it is quite easy for even a small company to create a website and sell goods all over the world and most companies around the world have increasingly adopted mission statements with corporate values as a top issue on their agendas. These mission and vision statements must be constantly revised and modified in response to changes within the organization and its environment [1]. In contrast to traditional strategic management approaches, today's companies have focused on the social strategy activities, such as philanthropy, corporate values for having the competitive advantage [2]. Therefore, social responsibilities should also be considered to include concerns for social factors and the environment within the missions of the companies [3].Personal and ethical values constitute the basis of their mission statements with an emphasis of the strategy formulation along with the significance of international or global operations [4]. Following the information that the natural environment is an increasingly salient component of the global commercial environment as is reflected in growing academic and practitioner interest in corporate management of environmental issues [5], "going green" is analyzed in current mission and vision statements as the basic emphasis which acquires the definition of involving the concepts of ethical behavior, social responsibility and protection of the environment.

Product placement is the ‘inclusion of branded products or brand identifiers, through audio and/o... more Product placement is the ‘inclusion of branded products or brand identifiers, through audio and/or visual means within mass media programming’ (Kuhn, 2010). Since this is a limited definition because the platforms, where product placement began to appear, have been increased to a wider level, the definition may be altered as ‘the purposeful incorporation of commercial content into noncommercial settings, that is, a product plug generated via the fusion of advertising and entertainment, while it is becoming a common practice to place products and brands into mainstream media including films, broadcast and TV programs, computer/video games, blogs, music videos/DVDs, magazines, books, comics, musicals, plays, radio, Internet, and mobile phones’ (Williams et al., 2011). Even, images of products can now be ‘digitally inserted into a film or TV program after the program has actually been made’

Journal of Research in Business
Organizational structures and organizational processes are shaped within a specific organizationa... more Organizational structures and organizational processes are shaped within a specific organizational field and within the framework of logics. Thornton and Ocasio (1999; 2008) have argued that there may be two or more conflicting rhetoric in the organizational field, and heterogeneity can be seen instead of homogeneity, despite the thought of Meyer and Rowan (1977) and DiMaggio and Powell (1983) that the organizations in this field are similar and homogeneous in time. Also, it is argued in institutional theory that clashing and contradictory logics, rules and beliefs can be found at the same time within an organizational field. The aim of this study is to examine how different institutional logics are adapted to multinational organizations operating in emerging markets and the responses given to the emerging institutional chaos. In this study, it is examined how multinational German companies with market logic as widespread institutional logic reconcile both logics and the conflict between them in an emerging country such as Turkey with community logic as its widespread institutional logic.

Social entrepreneurs (SE) make significant and diverse contributions to their communities and soc... more Social entrepreneurs (SE) make significant and diverse contributions to their communities and societies by providing creative solutions to complex and persistent social problems. Much of existing research on SE has been grounded on institutional theory (Dart, 2004; Mason et al., 2007). In order to secure resources, social enterprises seek legitimacy in their institutional environments by looking like other non-profit organisations, or private-sector businesses (Curtis, 2008). Legitimacy has increasingly received scholarly attention from research on institutional theory (Bitektine, 2011). When the venture is new, it is difficult to convince stakeholders such as engaged communities, influential decision makers and resource providers which can secure legitimacy, support, and resources (Baum and Oliver, 1991; Singh et al., 1986). Entrepreneurs have to show that they are similar but also distinct. Founders of new social ventures need to persuade stakeholders that their enterprise simultaneously fits in with, and stands out from, other ventures and businesses in its environment. The task of actually combining legitimacy and distinctiveness has been stated as being complicated (Chaney and Marshall, 2013; Tan et al., 2013).
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Conference Presentations by Nilgün Karataş Gümüştaş

Kurum çalışanlarının çeşitli sebeplerle işlerini kaybetmelerine (işten çıkarılarak, ya da istifa ... more Kurum çalışanlarının çeşitli sebeplerle işlerini kaybetmelerine (işten çıkarılarak, ya da istifa ederek) sıklıkla rastlanmaktadır. İşini kaybeden bireylerin birçoğu yaşamına yeni bir şirkette devam etmekte, bir kısmı da kendi işini kurmaktadır (Blau, 2007). İş kurma davranışının hangi faktörlere bağlı olduğunu irdeleyen çalışmalarda bugüne kadar daha
ziyade bireyin çevredeki fırsat ve tehditleri incelediği (Anton ve Yao, 1995; Bottazzi vd., 2007) ve iş kurma kararını bu inceleme sonucunda verdiği öne sürülmüştür. Bu bakış açısına göre bireylerin kendi işini kurma kararında her ne kadar çevredeki fırsat ve tehditlerin etkisinin olduğu düşünülse de, bireylerin içinde bulunduğu sosyal ilişki ağının da bu kararda önemli bir yere sahip olabileceği ihtimalini yeterince dikkate alınmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bireylerin (girişimcilerin) tek başına yaşamadığı ve sosyal birer varlık olarak yer aldıkları sosyal ilişki ağının (social networks) ve bunun bir sonucu olarak bireylerde oluşan işe
gömülmüşlüğün iş kurma kararına nasıl etki ettiği sorunsalı ele alınmaktadır.
Book Reviews by Nilgün Karataş Gümüştaş
Örgüt Kuramlarında Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 2022
Editörler: Prof. Dr. Göksel Ataman ve Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Artür Yetvart Mumcu
Bu baskının bütün hakl... more Editörler: Prof. Dr. Göksel Ataman ve Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Artür Yetvart Mumcu
Bu baskının bütün hakları Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Ş aittir. Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2011 yılından beri "tanınmış uluslararası yayınevi" statüsündedir.

Öz: Girişimleri için meşruiyet sağlamaya yönelik çabalarında, sosyal girişim-ciler retorik araçla... more Öz: Girişimleri için meşruiyet sağlamaya yönelik çabalarında, sosyal girişim-ciler retorik araçlar kullanırlar. İstanbul şehrinde on sosyal girişimciyle yapı-lan röportajlara dayanarak, bu amaca ulaşmak için kullanılan dört strateji be-lirlenmiştir. Birincisi, sosyal girişimciler, girişimlerini aynı sektördeki diğer firmalardan ayırarak bilişsel meşruiyet sağlamaya odaklanırlar. İkincisi, giri-şimlerinin sosyal etkisini ahlaki açıdan doğru şey olarak tanımlayarak ahlaki meşruiyet sağlamaya çalışırlar. Üçüncüsü, meşruiyet kazanmak için daha üst bir makamdan onay almaya veya kendi otoritelerini tesis etmeye çalışırlar. Son olarak, girişimciler mesajlarını takipçilerine göre uyarlamanın önemini vurgulayarak farklı mesajların farklı paydaş türleri için uygun olduğunu be-lirttiler. Elde edilen bulguların araştırma ve uygulama üzerindeki etkilerini tartışacağız. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sosyal girişimcilik, kurumsal kuram, meşruiyet, belagat (retorik) Abstract: Social entrepreneurs use rhetorical tactics in an effort to establish legitimacy for their ventures. We had identified four strategies used to accomplish this goal based on interviews with ten social entrepreneurs in the city of Istanbul. The first of these is whereby social entrepreneurs focus on establishing cognitive legitimacy by distinguishing their venture from other firms in the same industry. The second involves them pursuing moral legitimacy by identifying the social impact of their ventures as the morally right thing to do. The third tactic seeks to obtain endorsement from a higher authority-or establishing oneself as an authority-in order to gain legitimacy. The forth/final tactic is whereby entrepreneurs stress the importance of tailoring their message to their audience, indicating that different messages were appropriate for * Marmara Üniversitesi, İşletme Fakültesi, Almanca İşletme Bölümü.
Papers by Nilgün Karataş Gümüştaş
Conference Presentations by Nilgün Karataş Gümüştaş
ziyade bireyin çevredeki fırsat ve tehditleri incelediği (Anton ve Yao, 1995; Bottazzi vd., 2007) ve iş kurma kararını bu inceleme sonucunda verdiği öne sürülmüştür. Bu bakış açısına göre bireylerin kendi işini kurma kararında her ne kadar çevredeki fırsat ve tehditlerin etkisinin olduğu düşünülse de, bireylerin içinde bulunduğu sosyal ilişki ağının da bu kararda önemli bir yere sahip olabileceği ihtimalini yeterince dikkate alınmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bireylerin (girişimcilerin) tek başına yaşamadığı ve sosyal birer varlık olarak yer aldıkları sosyal ilişki ağının (social networks) ve bunun bir sonucu olarak bireylerde oluşan işe
gömülmüşlüğün iş kurma kararına nasıl etki ettiği sorunsalı ele alınmaktadır.
Book Reviews by Nilgün Karataş Gümüştaş
Bu baskının bütün hakları Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Ş aittir. Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2011 yılından beri "tanınmış uluslararası yayınevi" statüsündedir.
ziyade bireyin çevredeki fırsat ve tehditleri incelediği (Anton ve Yao, 1995; Bottazzi vd., 2007) ve iş kurma kararını bu inceleme sonucunda verdiği öne sürülmüştür. Bu bakış açısına göre bireylerin kendi işini kurma kararında her ne kadar çevredeki fırsat ve tehditlerin etkisinin olduğu düşünülse de, bireylerin içinde bulunduğu sosyal ilişki ağının da bu kararda önemli bir yere sahip olabileceği ihtimalini yeterince dikkate alınmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bireylerin (girişimcilerin) tek başına yaşamadığı ve sosyal birer varlık olarak yer aldıkları sosyal ilişki ağının (social networks) ve bunun bir sonucu olarak bireylerde oluşan işe
gömülmüşlüğün iş kurma kararına nasıl etki ettiği sorunsalı ele alınmaktadır.
Bu baskının bütün hakları Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Ş aittir. Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2011 yılından beri "tanınmış uluslararası yayınevi" statüsündedir.