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The religious sphere in Rural Damascus Governorate is poised to become a political battleground as both the regime and the exiled opposition seek to court a new rising group of religious leaders.
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يبدو أن المجال الديني في محافظة ريف دمشق سيصبح ساحة معركة سياسية، يحاول فيها كل من النظام والمعارضة المنفية التودّد إلى مجموعة صاعدة جديدة من القادة الدينيين.
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      SociologyIslamic StudiesSyria
This article may be used for research, teaching and study purposes, as long as it is properly referred to. The Rowaq Arabi editors make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained in the journal. However, the... more
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Bu çalışmada, korku sinemasının sıklıkla katil ya da canavar olarak isimlendirilen bitkilerine, insan-bitki hibridlerine, Michael Marder’ın bitki düşünüşü ve bitkisel ontoloji üzerine ilham verici kitabı Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of... more
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    • Horror Cinema
Teresa de Lauretis'in “Aesthetic and Feminist Theory: Rethinking Women's Cinema” isimli makalesinin çevirisidir.
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“Haneke Sinemasının Yaralanabilir Seyircisi” başlıklı bu tez çalışmasında, Avusturyalı yönetmen Michael Haneke’nin filmleri, seyirci, film ve yönetmen arasında etik bir alan açma ve seyirciyi “yaralanabilir” kılma olanakları üzerinden... more
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      Judith ButlerSpectatorshipVulnerabilityMichael Haneke
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    • Sociology of Crime and Deviance
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The aim of this study is to examine Americans' attitudes towards their disagreement with the statement that religion is more likely to reinforce conflict, especially violent conflict, than to promote peace before the September 11. Many... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionPeace and Conflict Studies
Sosyal sermaye, sosyal bilimlerde son otuz yılda geniş ölçüde tartışılan konulardan biri olmuştur. Sosyal bilimciler sosyal sermayeyi bir toplumu canlı tutan en önemli dinamiklerden biri olarak tanımlamışlardır. Mevcut yazında, sosyal... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionAlevism and Sunnism in Turkey
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      ReligionSociologyMarriage & Family TherapyAlevism and Sunnism in Turkey
The aim of this study is to examine Americans' attitudes towards their disagreement with the statement that religion is more likely to reinforce conflict, especially violent conflict, than to promote peace before the September 11. Many... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionPeace and Conflict Studies
Balkanlioglu, Mehmet A. Influence of Alevi-Sunni intermarriage on the spouses' religious affiliation, family relations, and social environment: A qualitative study of Turkish couples. Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology), August 2011, 158... more
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What influence Alevi-Sunni intermarriage has on spouses’ individual religious affiliation after marriage was the initial research question addressed in this study. No official or unofficial data exist regarding the Alevi-Sunni... more
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      New Religious MovementsSociologySociology of ReligionNew Religions
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      Political ParticipationImmigrationAmerican MuslimsMuslim Minorities
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      Sociology of ReligionRace and RacismRace and EthnicitySociology of Organizations
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityAfrican American HistoryAfrican-American Political Thought
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      New Religious MovementsPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionPolitical Philosophy