A downloadable asset pack

Collection of Dungeon assets that add some dressing, map icons and compass roses.

Many variations of the compass rose. Rough, No direction labels, transparency. Big resolution so they can easily be big or scaled down. 

4 rug styles in both 1x1 and 2x2 sizes. Sword, wooden shield, metal shield, bow and arrow, and wizard staff 1x1. Crack effects, humanoid silhouette, and blood. Various icons and assets inspired by old school maps such as the Star in Circle icon and spiral staircase icons.

These are ready for use in DungeonScawl or any equivalent mapping tool.

Each asset is designed on the same scale so that  70pixels = 1 square. So a 1x1 assets dimensions are 70 x 70 pixels. All labeled. All compass roses are 1400x1400 pixels so 20x20 squares.

All these assets are under CC0


Feel free to attribute these as created by Mark Gosbell if you want to.

Screenshots made in Dungeon Scrawl by probabletrain


Free Flat Greyscale Assets 2.rar 629 kB
Free Flat Greyscale Assets 2.zip 631 kB


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Very cool! Thank you :)