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A workshop was convened in Washington, DC on 19-21 June 2012 to review the available information on the relationship between spawning stock and recruitment for western Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), a critical part of the... more
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      ZoologyBiologyBiodiversityHistorical Studies
These realities reinforce the importance of understanding, assessing and effectively managing coastal fisheries. This is the key theme of the documentto examine the various approaches and challenges arising in the assessment and... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceFisheryLatin Americans
This paper presents an overview of the key characteristics of small-scale coastal marine fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as an examination of some of the weaknesses, gaps, and challenges faced in fisheries assessment... more
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From all of the fishing resources in the Caribbean region, a shared metapopulation of spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) has the highest market value, which together with its abundance and wide distribution, makes it the main source of... more
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Resumen Los ácidos grasos insaturados son de interés en la actualidad por su potencial para reducir enfermedades cardiovasculares, primera causa de muerte en el mundo. Por su contenido de ácidos grasos esenciales, el pescado es uno de los... more
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      GeographySpatial AnalysisTime SeriesFisheries
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      FisheriesLatin AmericaPescaCiencias Agrícolas
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      BusinessEconomicsApplied EconomicsFisheries Sciences
The Fourth Biennial Conference of the North American Association of Fisheries Economics (NAAFE) was a forum for presenting papers dealing with the role of economics in mitigating unsustainability of fisheries and in contributing to... more
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      EconomicsCorporate GovernancePolitical ScienceApplied Economics
This study presents a bioeconomic analysis of artificial shelter performance in a fishery targeting a spiny lobster meta-population, with spatially allocated, individual exclusive benthic property rights for shelter introduction and... more
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      GeographyEarth SciencesBiologyEnvironmental Sciences
The management of marine fisheries needs to undergo dramatic change in the new millennium, in response to the well–documented evidence of global overfishing and the general depletion of commercial fish stocks. The axioms of sustainable... more
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      BusinessDecision MakingFisheriesBiomass
The improvement of survival in some species due to the close coexistence between individuals is a concept that has caught the attention of scientists over the years. This behaviour has been documented in many taxa, including species which... more
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The fishery supported by Octopus maya Voss and Solis, 1966, has been managed with season closure, minimum legal size and gear restrictions. The opening of the fishing season occurs during the breeding season of this species, which could... more
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This work reports on how benefits were distributed among fishers of two rights-based managed small-scale spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) fisheries, presenting individually and collectively based territorial use rights regimes. In the... more
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      Earth SciencesEconomicsEnvironmental SciencesIntegrated Coastal and Ocean Management
Illegal fishing (θ j) affects recovery time-lines and produce economic losses for having to extend moratoria, especially when targeting high value species. The lack of data concerning the level of θ j creates an uncertain context for... more
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Capture-based aquaculture (CBA) is a production strategy that consists of using juveniles from wild populations for rearing. During 2008, CBA produced 20% of total marine aquaculture with an estimated value of USD 1.7 billion (Lovatelli &... more
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      BiologyAquacultureFisheries SciencesFishery
A critical problem in the production of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in intensive and hyper-intensive systems is the heterogeneity of body sizes as it influences the final production and economic yield. The objective of this study... more
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      Animal ScienceBiologyPopulationNile Tilapia
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Se presentan reflexiones y estrategias que contribuyan a formar capacidades de investigacion en universidades privadas con investigadores jovenes comprometidos con el avance del conocimiento en su area de investigacion asi como con su... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
The economic consequence of the mismanagement of world fishery resources is estimated to be in the order of US$ 50 billion per year in terms of the difference between potential and actual net economic benefits from marine fisheries.... more
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    • Geography