Papers by Vagner A Arnaut de Toledo
As abelhas sociais vivem em colônias, que compreende
toda a parte biológica e a não biológica, s... more As abelhas sociais vivem em colônias, que compreende
toda a parte biológica e a não biológica, sendo a primeira composta
por favos, ovos, larvas, pupas, alimentos armazenado
nos alveólos, operárias, rainha e eventualmente machos. A
união desses componentes proporciona odor característico,
o que as tornam capazes de distinguir pelo cheiro as pertencentes
a sua colônia. Quando uma abelha entra em outra
colônia por engano é recebida desde que esteja carregada
de alimento, resina ou água, pois não caracteriza-se como
pilhadora. Essa troca de colônia é denominada desorientação,
do termo em inglês drifting. Na prática, é o ato das abelhas
entrarem sem intenção em outras colônias.

Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2007
This research was carried out to evaluate the growing of Africanized honeybee colonies from July ... more This research was carried out to evaluate the growing of Africanized honeybee colonies from July 1999 to June 2000, as for the percentages of occupation area with brood, food, occupied total area, to correlate them with environmental variables and to determine the tenor of crude protein in the pollen stocked in the combs by workers. Five colonies were mapped monthly, which were made the counting of the occupied area with brood, food, occupied total area and also the pollen was collected and submitted to the bromatological analysis to determine the tenor of crude protein. The medium percentages of occupation with brood (egg-larvae plus workers pupa and drones), with food (honey and pollen) and of the occupied total area they were not also different among the treatments (p>0.05). The Africanized honeybee colonies reduced their population with low external temperatures (winter) and also with excess of relative humidity of the air (summer). The medium tenor of crude protein in the pollen during the year was 24.51%, and this value is acceptable for a good development of the colonies.

Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, 2011
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a cross-pollinating plant, in which the main pollinators are ... more Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a cross-pollinating plant, in which the main pollinators are bees. Sunflowers produce seeds due to insect pollination, and Apis mellifera L. is the most effective pollinator. The performance of the honeybee as pollinator depends on several factors, namely the availability of pollen and nectar in flowers, weather and physical aspects of soil. Sunflower is not very sensitive to changes in the photoperiod, which allows its production scheduling in almost all the national territory. In Brazil, a large part is considered suitable for the cultivation of sunflowers due to its satisfactory weather conditions; currently, this plant is grown in all continents. This review aims to gather data for a compilation of information on the sunflower crop and the importance of A. mellifera L., mainly the Africanized honeybees, in the pollination of H. annuus L.

Major royal jelly protein-3 (MRJP3) polymorphism was appraised in 239 of Africanized honeybees nu... more Major royal jelly protein-3 (MRJP3) polymorphism was appraised in 239 of Africanized honeybees nurses, originating from mini-hives destined to royal jelly production. Total protein extraction was accomplished using the nurse head, in which where the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands are localized. Denaturing protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) allowed to detect five alleles for MRPJ3 denominated A, B, C, D and E in agreement with the electrophoretic mobility. The allele with low molecular weight was denominated A and the one of higher molecular weight denominated allele E. Mean observed heterozygosity in the cycles of royal jelly production was 0.4447; that value suggests a high heterozygosity for the analyzed samples. The FIS value (0.4046) indicates a homozygous excess that can be explained by the queen honeybees selection for royal jelly production. The low FST value (0.0006) indicates that, although some have been observed MRJP3 allelic frequencies alterations in the two cycle...
During the last years, a great number of swarms of Africanized honey bees migrated to the urban z... more During the last years, a great number of swarms of Africanized honey bees migrated to the urban zone of Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, causing a great concern, mainly in those who live at home with children, elderly and allergic people. This study aimed to record and remove the colonies and swarms reported to the Animal Science Department at Universidade Estadual de Maringá from 1997 to 1999, in order to avoid possible problems caused by honey bees (Apis mellifera) to the community and use them for research and teaching purposes. 283 reports were recorded, being 226 (79.9%) colonies and 57 (20.1%) swarms. 191 (67.5%) of the total reports were collected, being 169 (88.5%) colonies and 22 (11.5%) swarms. The honeybees were generally located in roofs (123; 43.5%), boxes (64; 22.6%), floors (59; 20.8%) and trees (37; 13.1%).

The objective was to evaluate the behavior of Apis mellifera and Tetragonisca angustula bees in p... more The objective was to evaluate the behavior of Apis mellifera and Tetragonisca angustula bees in pollination tests in Brassica napus at different times of the day, temperature and relative humidity. The experimental design was completely with eight treatments and two pollination tests, repeated in five randomized blocks during seven days of observations for two years, totaling 560 records. During the visits, the following parameters were recorded: collected resources, nectar collection site, time spent on flower, number of flowers visited in one minute, pollen load in the pollen basket and bee contact with anthers and stigma. Data were analyzed using generalized linear models. The number of Africanized and T. angustula bees collecting nectar increased with the passage of time throughout the day and with the decrease of relative humidity. The same was observed for nectar collection in both nectaries. The proportion of bees collecting pollen was higher in the morning hours, as well as ...

Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 2011
The environmental preservation area in the Parana River islands has a great potential for produci... more The environmental preservation area in the Parana River islands has a great potential for producing organic honey. This product has different characteristics and is appreciated in the international market, since it is contaminant-free. Therefore, the characterization of this honey is important for its identification, standardization and marketing. The honey composition depends, basically, on the nectar composition of each vegetal species, which gives its specific properties, while both climate and beekeeper handling have less influence (WHITE JUNIOR, 1978). However, the chemical composition of honey and some physical parameters are found within a certain range, allowing its quality control (PEREIRA, 1983). Honey production depends on the abundance and quality of flowers in the worker honeybee action area. Thus, since the Brazilian flora is very diverse, due to its territorial extension and the existing climate variability, it is essential to characterize the regional honey and set standards, taking into consideration the vast botanical diversity and climate variations of each region (MARCHINI; SODRÉ; MORETI, 2004a). Resumo O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a composição físico-química de mel orgânico produzido nas ilhas do rio Paraná, na região de Porto Brasílio, Estado do Paraná. O mel foi coletado diretamente das melgueiras das colônias avaliadas, em três apiários distribuídos em pontos estratégicos nas ilhas Floresta e Laranjeira de agosto de 2005 a agosto de 2006. Vinte e quatro amostras de méis orgânicos produzidos por abelhas Apis mellifera africanizadas foram avaliadas. Os parâmetros analisados foram: pH, acidez, índice de formol, hidroximetilfurfural, cinzas, cor, condutividade elétrica e umidade. Para as análises laboratoriais foram realizadas três repetições por amostra, obtendo-se a média e o desvio padrão. A maioria das amostras de méis avaliadas apresentou-se em conformidade com o determinado pela Instrução Normativa 11, de 20 de Outubro de 2000. Entretanto, 4,17% apresentaram-se fora dos padrões pela questão da umidade e 8,33% devido às altas concentrações de hidroximetilfurfural, totalizando 12,50% de amostras fora do estabelecido pela norma vigente. Contudo, pode-se concluir que 87,50% do mel analisado está de acordo com a normativa vigente, sendo um produto orgânico de excelente qualidade, com expectativa de boa aceitação no mercado. Palavras-chave: Apis mellifera; composição do mel; análises físico-químicas.

PloS one, 2016
Traditionally, melissopalynological and physicochemical analyses have been the most used to deter... more Traditionally, melissopalynological and physicochemical analyses have been the most used to determine the botanical origin of honey. However, when performed individually, these analyses may provide less unambiguous results, making it difficult to discriminate between mono and multifloral honeys. In this context, with the aim of better characterizing this beehive product, a selection of 112 Lavandula spp. monofloral honey samples from several regions were evaluated by association of multivariate statistical techniques with physicochemical, melissopalynological and phenolic compounds analysis. All honey samples fulfilled the quality standards recommended by international legislation, except regarding sucrose content and diastase activity. The content of sucrose and the percentage of Lavandula spp. pollen have a strong positive association. In fact, it was found that higher amounts of sucrose in honey are related with highest percentage of pollen of Lavandula spp.. The samples were ver...

Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, 2016
The meliponinae are important pollinators of plant species. T. weyrauchi has restricted distribut... more The meliponinae are important pollinators of plant species. T. weyrauchi has restricted distribution, is found only in northern Brazil. This study aimed to perform the electrophoretic characterization of esterases from T. weyrauchi and check the expression pattern of total proteins. Adult individuals were collected at the entrance of the nests located in Alto Paraíso, state of Rondônia, Brazil and stored at-20 °C. Individual extracts of head and thorax and abdomen of the workers were subjected to electrophoresis on 10% polyacrylamide gel and 5% stacking gel. Extracts from head and thorax of T. weyrauchi presented six esterase regions. In abdomen extracts it was only one esterase activity region, EST-4. The heated samples to 52 °C and 54 °C decrease in the relative activity of esterases 1, 2, 3 and 4 and total degradation of esterases 5 and 6. At 58 °C only esterase 4 presented lower relative activity while the others were totally degraded. On the electrophoretic pattern of the proteins, 24 peptides detected, by molecular weight, their size ranged from 10 to 220 kDa. This study revealed, that number found for esterase species is greater than for other species of the same genus, as well as the number of proteins. The thermostability test showed resistance is associated with thermoregulatory capacity, an important characteristic because this species is found in regions with high temperatures.

Sociobiology, 2014
Tetragonisca angustula and T. fiebrigi esterases were biochemically characterized by their inhibi... more Tetragonisca angustula and T. fiebrigi esterases were biochemically characterized by their inhibition pattern and thermostability. Workers of both species were collected from nests at the State University of Maringa. In T. fiebrigi three esterases were observed: EST-1 (β-esterase, cholinesterase I), EST-2 (α-esterase, cholinesterase II) and EST-4 (αβ-esterase, carboxylesterase). In T. angustula two esterases were detected: EST-3 (β-esterase, acetylesterase) e EST-4 (αβ-esterase, carboxylesterase). T. angustula EST-3 showed the highest thermostability, and it was not observed above 54°C, while in T. fiebrigi EST- 1 and EST-2 were not detected above 52°C. Through this characterization, it was observed that EST-4 of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi showed identical biochemical characteristics, and probably those esterases are encoded by the same gene in the two species. Together, the biochemical characterization and molecular markers show that the two species are differentiated and seconda...

Sociobiology, 2014
Genetic and phenotypic parameters for hygienic behavior, invasion and infestation rates, total an... more Genetic and phenotypic parameters for hygienic behavior, invasion and infestation rates, total and effective reproduction of Varroa destructor in Africanized honeybee colonies producing honey (20 hives) or royal jelly (30 mini-hives) were analyzed. The significance of monthly fixed effects, type of product (honey and royal jelly) and their interactions were verified through generalized linear model procedures. Software WinBugs (Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling) with Bayesian inference was employed for (co)variance estimates. The average values for colonies producing honey or royal jelly were 74.38 and 71.40% for hygienic behavior in 24 hours; infestation rates 8.30 and 11.40%; invasion rates 9.50 and 7.50%; total reproduction 1.02 and 0.55%; effective reproduction was 0.62 and 0.33%, respectively. The additive genetic variance for invasion (0.16), total reproduction (0.25) and effective reproduction (0.94) rates of the mite were higher than estimates for hygienic behavior in ...

Agricultural Sciences, 2016
Efficient honey production requires knowledge about the behavior of the workers and the parameter... more Efficient honey production requires knowledge about the behavior of the workers and the parameters that influence the strength of the colony. In this study, the objective was to analyze the interaction between the foraging behavior of worker honeybees and pollen storage levels in Africanized honeybees colonies. Colonies with low pollen storage increased pollen intake rates, but this value was 15% lower than colonies with high pollen storage, demonstrating a direct relationship between the pollen storage levels and foraging activity. The difference in pollen intake rates varied according to the number of foraging honeybees and pollen load collected by each individual. Under both high and low pollen storage, colonies returned pollen storage to initial level within 16 days, suggesting that honeybees regulate pollen storage levels around a homeostatic set point. Relationship between pollen storage levels and colony brood production was also found, indicating how alterations in the behavior of each individual can affect the strength of the colony.

Beekeeping and Bee Conservation - Advances in Research, 2016
This research was carried out to infer the genetic value to produce royal jelly in Africanized Ap... more This research was carried out to infer the genetic value to produce royal jelly in Africanized Apis mellifera L. honeybees with the compilation of data collected from 2006 to 2011. Genetic information of the selected and accessed colonies was obtained using the total DNA extraction techniques of nurse honeybees' thorax with molecular markers for MRJP3 protein and characterized in Apis mellifera L. From the information on the colonies and genealogical structure were predicted genetic values of the colonies and queens for the larvae acceptance trait (%), royal jelly per colony (g), and royal jelly per cup (mg). Animal model with Bayesian Inference was used from Multiple Trait Gibbs Sampling software in Animal Models, Gibbs chains 58,500 cycles resulting from 650,000 cycles with intervals and disposal of 65,000 and 10 withdraw, respectively. From the predicted values, the colonies were classified into upper and lower. To compare the average of the genetic values according to the genotypes, the average multiple comparison tests were proceeded and implemented in routine PROC GENMOD from the Statistical Analysis System. Environmental effects were considered, time and hive type (standard Langstroth) as having flat distribution and collection as chi-square distribution. The studies presented an increase in the alleles C and D and the alleles D and E-referring to MRJPs-found in the highest genetic value for royal jelly production. Alleles D, E, and C are important when evaluating the parameters larvae acceptance, royal jelly per colony, and royal jelly per cup and, occasionally, it was the DE genotype that stood out royal jelly production. Genotypes DE, DC, and EC are those that should be kept in this evaluation system for royal jelly production, and the other genotypes should be discarded because they had the worst performance for the parameters evaluated.

Beekeeping and Bee Conservation - Advances in Research, 2016
Royal jelly is an important apiarian product for honeybees and has been used as an important ingr... more Royal jelly is an important apiarian product for honeybees and has been used as an important ingredient to human health and healthy life style. Because of its wide use, there is great demand in their production. As royal jelly is a secretion of the cephalic glands of bees and it is produced at a certain age of the workers, it is necessary to perform the selection of producing queens to increase the amount produced. The employment of molecular markers is a tool that can be used to identify the genotypes of the best producers. Among the molecular markers, one of them called MRJP3 (Major Royal Jelly Protein 3) has been used in the Program of Improvement of Apis mellifera Royal Jelly Producing (PIAMRJP), State University of Maringá, Brazil. This molecular marker has been efficient in genotyping queens' royal jelly producers. Combined with classical breeding studies, the selection of queens assisted by MRJP3 marker has allowed to keep the selected genotypes for royal jelly production since 2006 (10 years). In this chapter, we present the main aspects of royal jelly, the hypopharyngeal glands, the major proteins of royal jelly and how it can be used as molecular markers.

Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2016
We evaluated varroa infestation and the performance of Africanized honeybee colonies with queens ... more We evaluated varroa infestation and the performance of Africanized honeybee colonies with queens selected for honey and royal jelly production, and also unselected queens, correlating with climatic variables. In Campo Alegre, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, the experiment I used 10 Langstroth hives and in Mafra, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, the experiment II was performed with 15 Schenk hives. A mapping in areas of sealed and unsealed brood, honey and pollen was carried out on days zero, 45 and 90 days after the introduction of the queen. In the experiment I, there was interaction between the type of queen selection and the evaluation period for areas of sealed brood, honey, and total stored food. The group selected for royal jelly production presented larger sealed brood area and smaller honey area at 90 days. Varroa infestation was lower (p < 0.05) at 90 days. The type of queen selection and the evaluation period influenced the sealed brood area, the total brood and the total area occupied in the colony. The high relative humidity caused greater honey storage for the local group. The different groups of queens presented different behavior according to the environment in which they are settled.

Acta Scientiarum Animal Sciences
This research was carried out to evaluate the behavior of africanized honeybees, Apis mellifera L... more This research was carried out to evaluate the behavior of africanized honeybees, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) and the development of a colony inside a covered area of sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. (Asteraceae) crop. It was used an area marked with 8 m x 3 m, and a second area in which a honeybee colony was installed inside a covered area with wire screen of 8m x 3m, two meters high in the highest part. The honeybees were constantly on sunflower during all day, however the Halictidae bees had been the most frequent in pollen harvesting, but these bees were seen until 11 a.m. In covered area, it occurred a reduction of 34.74% in swarm weight, 38.08% in honey, 100% in worker pupae, and 99.37% in egg-larvae. The honeybees gathered more nectar than pollen during the day. The nectar forager has more effect upon crop pollination than pollen foragers and pollen/nectar foragers, in sunflower.

Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2015
This study evaluated the level of invasion of Varroa mite into worker brood cells, the infestatio... more This study evaluated the level of invasion of Varroa mite into worker brood cells, the infestation rate on adult worker honeybees, total and effective reproduction rates of the mite in Africanized honeybee colonies under royal jelly or honey production. Invasion and infestation rates were not statistically different between honeybee colonies producing honey or royal jelly and the averages for these parameters were 5.79 and 8.54%, respectively. Colonies producing honey presented a higher (p < 0.05) total and effective reproduction of Varroa than colonies producing royal jelly. There was a negative correlation between levels of invasion and infestation with minimum external temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. The variables month and season influenced the development of the mite, but rates were low and within the range normally found in Brazil for Africanized honeybee colonies, which confirm the greater resistance of these honeybees to Varroa destructor than European honeybees.

1. Introdução As abelhas fornecem vários produtos como o mel, própolis, pólen, geléia real, apito... more 1. Introdução As abelhas fornecem vários produtos como o mel, própolis, pólen, geléia real, apitoxina e o serviço da polinização aos ecossistemas. São usuários deste último produto a agricultura e a biodiversidade. Para Kevan e Imperatriz-Fonseca (2002), os planejadores do uso de terras brasileiras precisam estabelecer prioridades conservacionistas na paisagem agrícola, a fim de preservar a agro-biodiversidade e manter a ligação entre a natureza e a agricultura, por meio da sustentabilidade e de serviços realizados por polinizadores. O Brasil, como quinto maior país do mundo com 8.514.215,3 km 2 , apresentou em 2008, áreas plantadas entre lavouras permanentes e temporárias de 6.495.563 e 59.032.241 hectares, respectivamente. Destas áreas foi colhido quase 100% do que foi plantado, o que gerou um valor total de produção de R$ 148.792.073 mil reais (IBGE, 2010). Uma das questões principais é como quantificar o benefício gerado pelas abelhas em todo este contexto. Segundo Malerbo-Souza...

The great use of insecticides is affecting as much the insect's curses as other organisms. Th... more The great use of insecticides is affecting as much the insect's curses as other organisms. The insecticide Thiamethoxam is a composed neonicotinoid of high toxicity on bees. These works aimed at characterize in the chromatin of Malpighian tubules of worker's Apis mellifera with different ages the effect of this insecticide. Besides, the behavior of the same ones was analyzed, that it based on the observation of acceptance/rejection of the food and of the rate of the worker's mortality. For the analysis of the chromatin the technique of Critical Electrolytes Concentration (CEC) were undertaken with Toluidine Blue staining (TB) at pH 4.0. It is sensitive to differentiate types of complex DNA-proteins in chromatin in situ and in vitro. Behavioral differences, alterations in the values of CEC and chromatin structure were observed at different ages as different concentrations of the insecticide used, evidencing the toxicity of the same, mainly in low concentrations (sublethal...
Papers by Vagner A Arnaut de Toledo
toda a parte biológica e a não biológica, sendo a primeira composta
por favos, ovos, larvas, pupas, alimentos armazenado
nos alveólos, operárias, rainha e eventualmente machos. A
união desses componentes proporciona odor característico,
o que as tornam capazes de distinguir pelo cheiro as pertencentes
a sua colônia. Quando uma abelha entra em outra
colônia por engano é recebida desde que esteja carregada
de alimento, resina ou água, pois não caracteriza-se como
pilhadora. Essa troca de colônia é denominada desorientação,
do termo em inglês drifting. Na prática, é o ato das abelhas
entrarem sem intenção em outras colônias.
toda a parte biológica e a não biológica, sendo a primeira composta
por favos, ovos, larvas, pupas, alimentos armazenado
nos alveólos, operárias, rainha e eventualmente machos. A
união desses componentes proporciona odor característico,
o que as tornam capazes de distinguir pelo cheiro as pertencentes
a sua colônia. Quando uma abelha entra em outra
colônia por engano é recebida desde que esteja carregada
de alimento, resina ou água, pois não caracteriza-se como
pilhadora. Essa troca de colônia é denominada desorientação,
do termo em inglês drifting. Na prática, é o ato das abelhas
entrarem sem intenção em outras colônias.