Papers by Evanilde Benedito
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, SPARC Europe Award 2009 English. Free, full text, quality... more DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, SPARC Europe Award 2009 English. Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages. ...

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2004
The relationship between habitats and the ichthyofauna composition in the Parque Nacional das Ema... more The relationship between habitats and the ichthyofauna composition in the Parque Nacional das Emas (PNE) and adjacent areas (the Araguaia and Sucuriú rivers) are provided and could be applied in determining the Park's future zoning. Samples of the ichthyofauna and limnological parameters were obtained during both dry (September 1999) and wet (December 1999) seasons. Ichthyofauna collections resulted in the capture of 4,740 specimens of 22 species. The most abundant species in the Araguaia River during the two sampling seasons were Astyanax sp. 2 and Hasemania sp. In the Sucuriú River and PNE, Astyanax scabripinnis cf. paranae and Hoplias aff. malabaricus were the most frequent species. The largest number of species and diversity index were recorded for the Araguaia River. However, sound management policies require more detailed studies on the fish communities of the Cerrado biome.
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 1997
ABSTRACT. ICHTHYOFAUNlsnc COLONIZAnDN DF THE ITAIPU RESERVOlR AND VICINITY AREAS. Samples were ta... more ABSTRACT. ICHTHYOFAUNlsnc COLONIZAnDN DF THE ITAIPU RESERVOlR AND VICINITY AREAS. Samples were taken from November 1983 to October 1989 in sites along lhe main body of the Itaipu reservoir and its area of influence to evaluate lhe impacts of this reservoir on ...

Acta Scientiarum: …, Jan 1, 2010
The urban environment has become an object of study by ornithologists, who seek to understand the... more The urban environment has become an object of study by ornithologists, who seek to understand the relationships between this new habitat and the birds that survive within it. Aiming to investigate the composition and richness of the avifauna present at the State University of Maringá and identify temporal changes in species composition, the obtained results were compared to the study accomplished by in this same location. Thus, we performed field samplings from August 2007 to July 2008, using transects, with visual and auditive identification. We recorded 74 species belonging to 27 families from 12 orders, during 72 hours of observation. Most species were constant in the study area. The predominant trophic categories were insectivores (46%) and omnivores (20%). Comparing the analyzed periods, we verified a reduction in the number of species, besides the record of new species for the studied location.

Acta Scientiarum. …, Jan 1, 2009
The urban environment has become an object of study by ornithologists, who seek to understand the... more The urban environment has become an object of study by ornithologists, who seek to understand the relationships between this new habitat and the birds that survive within it. Aiming to investigate the composition and richness of the avifauna present at the State University of Maringá and identify temporal changes in species composition, the obtained results were compared to the study accomplished by in this same location. Thus, we performed field samplings from August 2007 to July 2008, using transects, with visual and auditive identification. We recorded 74 species belonging to 27 families from 12 orders, during 72 hours of observation. Most species were constant in the study area. The predominant trophic categories were insectivores (46%) and omnivores (20%). Comparing the analyzed periods, we verified a reduction in the number of species, besides the record of new species for the studied location.

Neotropical Biology …, Jan 1, 2012
O presente estudo investigou a morte de aves por atropelamento em um trecho sequencial de rodovia... more O presente estudo investigou a morte de aves por atropelamento em um trecho sequencial de rodovias federais e estaduais ligando os municípios de Maringá e Guarapuava, ambos no estado do Paraná. Esse percurso é caracterizado por uma transição de paisagens. O principal objetivo da investigação foi relacionar os conhecimentos disponíveis acerca da biologia e da ecologia das espécies com a frequência de atropelamento em trechos similares ao longo da rodovia e nas diferentes épocas do ano. Para tanto, as aves atropeladas no período de fevereiro de 2005 a julho de 2006 no percurso em questão foram coletadas e encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Maringá para identificação. Foram registradas 44 espécies pertencentes a 26 famílias e 11 ordens, com destaque para a ordem Passeriformes, que somou 59% das espécies. Dentre as características biológicas e ecológicas avaliadas, o tamanho corporal e o uso do habitat foram significativamente importantes em relação à frequência de atropelamentos nos trechos que continham muitos fragmentos florestais no entorno da rodovia. As espécies de pequeno porte e com algum grau de dependência de floresta foram mais frequentes em áreas com muitos fragmentos florestais no entorno. Por sua vez, espécies de grande porte e independentes de floresta prevaleceram em áreas cercadas pela agricultura e por campos. Apesar de não ter sido encontrado um padrão claro de sazonalidade, existe uma tendência de aumento na frequência de atropelamentos de aves na época da colheita de grãos.
Acta Scientiarum: …
CITATIONS 0 READS 28 3 authors:
Com o intuito de avaliar os padrões de alocação de energia em espécies de peixes da planície de i... more Com o intuito de avaliar os padrões de alocação de energia em espécies de peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná, selecionou-se a espécie piscívora Acestrorhynchus lacustris e suas principais presas ( Astyanax altiparanae, Moenkhausia intermedia e Steindachnerina insculpta). Analisou-se a energia mobili zada do soma às gônadas da espécie predadora, durante o período de maturação gonadal, e a transferência da energia das presas ao predador. Constatou-se que os valores médios de K, aumentaram gradativamente durante a maturação gonadal, sendo estes superiores para as fêmeas. Os valores calóricos dos músculos de ambos os sexos sofreram acréscimo na densidade calórica com o amadurecimento gonadal, sendo as maiores médias apresentadas durante o período reprodutivo, com queda ao final deste. A densidade calórica registrada nos músculos das presas foram superiores ao de seu predador, indicando redução da energia disposnível ao longo da teia trófica.

Iheringia. Série Zoologia, Jan 1, 2008
In order to achieve effectiveness in conservation and management measures it is necessary to unde... more In order to achieve effectiveness in conservation and management measures it is necessary to understand the origin and destiny of energy by which organisms compete in different environments. This study tested the hypothesis that there are differences in muscle energy content during the gonadal development of Salminus brasiliensis (Cuvier, 1816) in Manso Reservoir. Fish collections were carried out from October 2002 to September 2003. After biometry, muscle samples of all individuals were dried at 60ºC and dry weight calorie/gram was determined by acalorimetric pump. Condition factor and Gonad Somatic Relationship (RGS) were compared to caloric values. Significant differences were not detected for caloric values between males and females. However, caloric values of each sex were significantly different among stages of gonadal development. There are different tendencies between sexes for ripening individuals: energy content increases in females, while it remains the same in males. For both sexes, higher levels of energy occurred at the mature stage in relation to the other stages. Females presented better condition factor than males, with higher values for mature females and spent males. Females presented higher RGS than males in ripening and mature stages. Intraspecific differences in muscle energy content suggest that similar studies should take all stages of gonadal development into account for both sexes. Abiotic conditions of Brazilian water bodies can also conduct to alterations in fish issue energy concentrations. Studies of energy content should contribute especially to assess anthropogenic impact in aquatic environments, as well rational measures of resource exploitation.
Acta Scientiarum: Biological …
O presente subprojeto, teve por objetivo estabelecer a variabilidade isotópica dos principais pro... more O presente subprojeto, teve por objetivo estabelecer a variabilidade isotópica dos principais produtores primários (macrófitas aquáticas C4, C3, vegetação ripariana C3, plantas MAC, perifíton, fitoplâncton e POC) da planície de inundação do rio Paraná, abrangendo ainda o trecho represado do rio Paraná localizado no corpo principal do reservatório de Itaipu. Evidenciou-se que as fontes autotróficas de carbono analisadas apresentaram valores médios distinguíveis, possibilitando, portanto, serem utilizados na identificação das fontes de carbono utilizadas para as comunidades animais da área estudada. São também descritos os valores para o isótopo de nitrogênio, os quais poderão auxiliar na identificação mais precisa da posição trófica dos diferentes grupos animais pertencentes a cadeia alimentar da planície de inundação do rio Paraná.
Revista Brasileira de …, Jan 1, 1997
… . Human and Social …, Jan 1, 2008
… : Revista de ciencia y …, Jan 1, 2010
Información del artículo Contenido calórico de músculos de Prochilodus Lineatus (Characiformes, p... more Información del artículo Contenido calórico de músculos de Prochilodus Lineatus (Characiformes, prochilodontidae) en el embalse de Manso, Brasil.
Papers by Evanilde Benedito