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Turismo Rural
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Information about genetic dissimilarity is very important to corroborate genealogical relationships and to predict the most heterozygotic hybrid combinations. Eight popcorn S 6 lines of diverse germplasm types were evaluated using simple... more
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      GeneticsTechnologyGenetic DiversityBiological Sciences
This study aimed to investigate the combining ability and heterotic effects on grain yield (GY), oil content (OC) and crude protein (CP) in tropical and temperate maize lines. Hybrids and inbred lines were evaluated in a complete diallel... more
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    • Agricultural Biotechnology
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      GeologyCombining Ability
In plant breeding, correlations between the statistics of stability and adaptability of popcorn cultivars are not yet well understood. Therefore, the objectives of the present experiment was to investigate the correlations between r 2 di... more
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      TechnologyPlant BreedingStabilityBiological Sciences
The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of cotton blue disease resistance by cotton plants. Populations derived from the CD 401 and Delta Opal resistant varieties were evaluated, through a greenhouse test with... more
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    • Pesquisa
Análise dialélica e uso de marcadores microssatélites na avaliação de cultivares de trigo Diallel analysis and use of microsatellite markers for the evaluation of wheat cultivars Recebido para publicação 16.12.10 Aprovado em 13.06.11... more
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alessanDro De lucca e Braccini 3 RESUMO -O melhoramento genético de trigo tem gerado número expressivo de cultivares que diferem quanto ao potencial de germinação de sementes ainda presas à espiga. Para avaliar essas diferenças, foi... more
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Tolerância à germinação na espiga em cultivares de trigo colhido na maturação fisiológica Sprouting tolerance on spikes in wheat cultivars harvested in the physiological ripening RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as... more
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      Agricultural BiotechnologyCrop
Combining ability of tropical maize lines lines combined high seed quality and high grain yield. For growth during the normal planting season, the combinations CD 3121-1 x P 30F80, Speed x CD 3121-2, Dow 8330 x AG 8080 and Dekalb 350 x CD... more
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    • Genetics
Os agricultores brasileiros semearam 2.495 milhões de hectares de milho na safrinha de 2002, área que corresponde a 31% do total da safra. Esse trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar em CRUZamentos dialélicos, as capacidades de combinação e... more
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    • Ciência
Oito populações de milho-pipoca (CMS-42, CMS-43, Zélia, RS-20, Catedral, Zaeli, UEM-J1 e UEM-M2) foram avaliadas com o objetivo de obter estimativas de depressão por endogamia, componentes genéticos de média e comparar essas estimativas... more
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    • Geology
Popcorn breeding programs in Brazil have emerged but despite some advances there is still a lack of material performance studies specially regard to seed quality, in different agricultural seasons. This research was carried out to... more
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      TechnologyBiological SciencesSeasonalityAgronomic Traits
The objective of this work was to compare criteria for selection of sunflower genotypes based on general mean obtained in different locations and its decomposition in favorable and unfavorable environments, as well as other methods of... more
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Dez populações de milho-pipoca (PR 038, PR 079, RR 046, SC 016, PR 017, BRS Angela, SC 002, PR 009, PR 023 e SE 013) foram avaliadas com os objetivos de obter estimativas de depressão por endogamia e componentes genéticos de média. O... more
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      GeneticsBiologySeasonalityZea mays
A duplicação cromossômica dos híbridos entre Hordeum chilense e Triticum turgidum conv. durum originou o tritórdeo hexaplóide (X Tritordeum Ascherson et Graebner), um novo cereal cujas características estão sendo avaliadas. Com o objetivo... more
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Os cultivares de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Ângela I.5100, Floradade, IPA-05, IPA-06, Jumbo e Santa Clara, e os 15 possíveis híbridos F1s foram avaliados quanto à produção de frutos comerciáveis (PFC), espessura média da... more
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Oito populações de milho-pipoca (CMS-42, CMS-43, Zélia, RS-20, Catedral, Zaeli, UEM-J1 e UEM-M2) foram avaliadas com o objetivo de obter estimativas de depressão por endogamia, componentes genéticos de média e comparar essas estimativas... more
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