Papers by Carla Pavanelli
Check List
Astyanax biotae Castro & Vari, 2004 was only known from the type locality, a first-order stream f... more Astyanax biotae Castro & Vari, 2004 was only known from the type locality, a first-order stream from the lower Paranapanema River, a left bank tributary from the upper Paraná river basin. We report A. biotae from the Ivinhema River, rio do Peixe and other tributaries of Paranapanema River, expanding its distribution to both margins of the Paraná River. Astyanax biotae is zooplanktivorous and regarding its conservation status, can be classified as Least Concern.

Neotropical Ichthyology
Pimelodidae harbors several species and is widely distributed throughout the Neotropical region. ... more Pimelodidae harbors several species and is widely distributed throughout the Neotropical region. Pimelodus is the genus with the largest number of species, however it is a polyphyletic group. Cytogenetic analyzes of the valid species still covers less than half of them. Herein, seven Pimelodus species from three Brazilian hydrographic systems were analyzed through basic (Giemsa, AgNORs and C banding) and molecular (5S and 18S rDNA-FISH) cytogenetic methods. All species had 2n=56 chromosomes with different karyotype formulas observed among the species. AgNORs were corresponding to 18S rDNA and localized on long arm of one chromosome pair in all species. Heterochromatin distribution follows the pattern commonly verified in the family and allows to identify each one of the studied species. 5S rDNA marker was interspecifically variable in number and position of cistrons. Pimelodus ortmanni had B chromosomes varying intra and inter-individually. We performed a discussion on our own and a...

Knowledge on the hydrological evolution of the Neotropical region was used along with the current... more Knowledge on the hydrological evolution of the Neotropical region was used along with the current distribution of the anablepid species to investigate the historical biogeography of this family. Areas of endemism were delimited by endemicity analysis resulting in seven individual areas of endemism and three consensus areas located in northwestern Argentina, southern Brazil, and northern South America. These areas were discussed in the context of anablepid species diversification, especially for the genus Anableps and the subgenera Jenynsia and Plesiojenynsia. The existence of areas of endemism for the family analyzed reveals an intimate association with historical events that occurred in the geological evolution of South America, which can be associated with the main diversification patterns and historical hypotheses in the context of Neotropical freshwater fishes biogeography.

Genetics and Molecular Biology
Parodontidae is a small group of fish and some species are particularly difficult to identify due... more Parodontidae is a small group of fish and some species are particularly difficult to identify due to the lack of sufficiently consistent morphological traits. Cytogenetically, the species possess 2n = 54 chromosomes and are either sex-homomorphic or sex-heteromorphic (regarding its chromosomes). We evaluated data on color, tooth morphology, cytogenetics, and mitochondrial markers (COI) in Apareiodon specimens from the Aripuanã River (Amazon basin) and the results were compared to other congeneric taxa. Morphological results show an overlap of body color and tooth morphology to other known Apareiodon. The cytogenetics data showed that the 2n = 54 chromosomes, 50 m/sm + 4 st and, a ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system in Apareiodon sp. are common to other species of the genus. However, the number and chromosomal localization of the 45S ribosomal and pPh2004 satellite DNA sites, in addition to W chromosome localization of the pPh2004 appear to be exclusive cytogenetic features in Apareiodon sp. Our phylogenetic tree revealed well-supported clades and confirmed, by barcode species delimitation analysis, a new Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit (MOTU) for Apareiodon sp. (Aripuanã River). As a whole, the above features support the occurrence of a new species of the Apareiodon, thus far unknown for the Parodontidae.

PloS one, 2018
Several hypotheses are used to explain species richness patterns. Some of them (e.g. species-area... more Several hypotheses are used to explain species richness patterns. Some of them (e.g. species-area, species-energy, environment-energy, water-energy, terrestrial primary productivity, environmental spatial heterogeneity, and climatic heterogeneity) are known to explain species richness patterns of terrestrial organisms, especially when they are combined. For aquatic organisms, however, it is unclear if these hypotheses can be useful to explain for these purposes. Therefore, we used a selection model approach to assess the predictive capacity of such hypotheses, and to determine which of them (combined or not) would be the most appropriate to explain the fish species distribution in small Brazilian streams. We perform the Akaike's information criteria for models selections and the eigenvector analysis to control the special autocorrelation. The spatial structure was equal to 0.453, Moran's I, and require 11 spatial filters. All models were significant and had adjustments rangi...

PloS one, 2018
A molecular phylogeny of Planaltina, including the three previously described species and an unde... more A molecular phylogeny of Planaltina, including the three previously described species and an undescribed species, is presented. The monophyly of the genus, included in Diapomini, is strongly supported. Its sister group, the remaining Diapomini, includes only species without modified caudal-fin squamation in the present analysis (species of Diapoma with caudal organs were not sampled). Creagrutus is sister to Planaltina plus remaining Diapomini instead of Planaltina being sister to Creagrutus plus Diapomini, as a previous analysis had suggested. Species of Planaltina form two clades: P. britskii plus the new species, with low support (< 50%); and P. myersi plus P. glandipedis, with higher support. Planaltina is rediagnosed from all Characidae based on the morphology of the caudal organ, the absence of a humeral spot and the presence of a complete lateral line. Comments on the caudal-fin squamation of Diapoma and Lepidocharax burnsi, on the type-series of L. burnsi and on the geogr...

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Jan 25, 2018
The genera Hemigrammus and Moenkhausia have been traditionally diagnosed mainly by the former hav... more The genera Hemigrammus and Moenkhausia have been traditionally diagnosed mainly by the former having lateral line completely pored whereas the latter having a lateral line with a few pored scales. Those features have been used to diagnose species of both genera in the upper Paraná River floodplain. Specimens with the diagnostic features of Moenkhausia bonita, collected in the upper Paraná River floodplain, exhibited different developmental levels of the lateral line, making it difficult to distinguish them from specimens of Hemigrammus sp. We analyzed the gene encoding cytochrome C oxidase I (COI) and intron 1 of the nuclear gene S7 to investigate the genetic similarities between the called Hemigrammus marginatus and M. bonita and to confirm their identities. Molecular sequences of other Moenkhausia species were analyzed for genus delimitation tests. The results reveal genetic similarities of M. bonita specimens with different developmental levels of the lateral line, and also disti...

Zebrafish, Aug 10, 2018
Astyanax is a species-rich polyphyletic genus distributed between the southern United States and ... more Astyanax is a species-rich polyphyletic genus distributed between the southern United States and central Argentina. The genus contains groups of cryptic species, which are difficult to distinguish, and are sometimes identified wrongly. Basic and molecular cytogenetic analyses were run on Astyanax abramis and three junior synonyms of Astyanax lacustris: Astyanax altiparanae, from the upper Paraná River basin, Astyanax asuncionensis, from the lower Paraná basin, and Astyanax jacuhiensis, from the upper Uruguay River. These species all belong to the Astyanax bimaculatus group. All species presented 2n = 50 chromosomes and single nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). In A. altiparanae, the karyotype was 6m + 28sm+4st+12a and the NORs were present in pair 20, while A. jacuhiensis was 8m + 28sm+6st+8a, with NORs in pair 22, and A. asuncionensis was 8m + 24sm+6st+12a, with NORs in pair 20. A. abramis was 4m + 30sm+8st+8a with NORs in pair 22. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed sing...
A new Batrochoglanis species, B. melanurus, is described from the córrego Cancela, affluent of r... more A new Batrochoglanis species, B. melanurus, is described from the córrego Cancela, affluent of rio Cuiabá, rio Paraguai basin, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The coloration pattern of the caudal fin, completely dark-brown, distinguishes this species from its congeners. Some additional morphometrical characters, such as head depth, pectoral-girdle width, adipose-fin base length and pelvic-fin length also separate this species from the others, except B. villosus (Eigenmann).
A new species of Apareiodon is described from the Rio Piquiri, upper Rio Paraná basin, State of P... more A new species of Apareiodon is described from the Rio Piquiri, upper Rio Paraná basin, State of Paraná, Brazil. This species occurs syntopically with one congener, A. piracicabae, with whom it shares the coloration pattern without dark vertical bands and/ or blotches below lateral-line region but differs in the premaxillary teeth form, which is more pointed, and maxillary teeth number (one instead of two). However its morphological features, mainly teeth, are similar to A. ibitiensis, another congener that inhabits the upper Rio Paraná basin. Comparative diagnoses between the new species and the similar congeners based on aspects of coloration and morphology are provided.
Biota Neotropica, Dec 1, 2006
Langeani, F., Castro, R.M.C., Oyakawa, O.T., Shibatta, O.A., Pavanelli, C.S. & Casatti, L. Ichthy... more Langeani, F., Castro, R.M.C., Oyakawa, O.T., Shibatta, O.A., Pavanelli, C.S. & Casatti, L. Ichthyofauna diversity of the upper rio Paraná: present composition and future perspectives. Biota Neotrop. Sep/Dez 2007 vol. 7, no. 3 ISSN 1676-0603.

Mitochondrial DNA. Part A. DNA mapping, sequencing, and analysis, Sep 9, 2016
Mylossoma is a Serrasalmidae genus with only two current valid species in the cis-Andean region b... more Mylossoma is a Serrasalmidae genus with only two current valid species in the cis-Andean region but with several available names, today considered as junior synonymous. Morphological information combined with single-locus DNA sequences of cytochrome c oxidase I gene analysed by Barcode Index Number and General Mixed Yule Coalescent model were used in the present study to help the recognition of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) in cis-Andean Mylossoma and discuss species boundaries within the genus. Five OTUs were recognized based on both morphological and molecular approaches. The analysis using the Barcode Index Number resulted in five OTUs, with M. duriventre being split in one unity in the Amazon, one in the Orinoco, one in Paraná-Paraguay and one in Tocantins-Araguaia which is coherent with our morphological results.

Acta Scientiarum Biological Sciences, Feb 10, 2002
made a revision of some Astyanax (Osteichthyes, Characidae) species and the species called tambiú... more made a revision of some Astyanax (Osteichthyes, Characidae) species and the species called tambiú from the upper Paraná River basin, formerly identified as Astyanax bimaculatus, was considered new. later described it as Astyanax altiparanae (Pisces, Characiformes). However, they did not analyze specimens from the Iguaçu River basin at that time. The Iguaçu River, affluent to the Paraná River, has a high degree of endemism in its ichthyofauna because of the geographic isolation caused by the falls near its mouth. Thus, there were still many doubts regarding the specific status of the population from the Iguaçu River basin, also called A. bimaculatus before Garutti's studies. To verify if the population from the Iguaçu River belongs to the A. altiparanae species, we compared specimens from both basins and concluded that they belong to the same species, widening their geographic distribution.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2008

Acta Scientiarum Biological Sciences, Mar 5, 2001
Two allopatrid populations of armoured catfishes, both referred to as Hypostomus margaritifer (Re... more Two allopatrid populations of armoured catfishes, both referred to as Hypostomus margaritifer (Regan, 1907) (Osteichthyes, Loricariidae), were collected in the Corumbá reservoir (State of Goiás) and in the Itaipu reservoir (State of Paraná), Brazil. Differences in colour pattern, arrangement of abdominal platelets and maximum length of specimens were observed between these populations. Their taxonomic status was investigated through two different approaches: morphological and allozyme analysis. Morphometrics showed no expressive differences between these two populations and the holotype of H. margaritifer. A unique difference in allelic frequencies was observed in the sAat-A locus; nevertheless conspecificity of the two populations was confirmed by a high identity value (0.988). A complementary description of H. margaritifer is given as well as a discussion of the most important studies.
Papers by Carla Pavanelli