? ?
14 November 2009 @ 03:21 am
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mood: lonelylonely
01 September 2009 @ 03:40 pm
After a long journey towards finding a coherent style for my bedroom, I realised that perhaps I will never be able to fully recreate the 'pirate/nautical' theme...maybe because of my beige walls and romantic pink curtains as well as numerous girly knick-knacks. In any case, I have decided to banish the dust-covered ship models and the incongruous pictures on the wall ('Pirates' posters have been previously consigned to the darkness of my commode draws).

Now, I am seeking ideas of how I can decorate my room in the style of "Marie-Antoinette" (the movie).
I would love to hear some suggestions!

25 April 2009 @ 05:55 pm

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mood: impressedimpressed
05 March 2009 @ 05:39 pm

Looks like a little piece of cake!Collapse )

location: In the sun
mood: surprisedsurprised
music: 'In the sun' - Joseph Arthur
23 February 2009 @ 02:46 pm

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location: In my room
mood: relaxedrelaxed
music: "I Knew I Loved You" - Savage Garden