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Objective: Thoracic aortic injuries following blunt trauma mechanisms are associated with high mortality rates. For survivors transported to a hospital, Chest X-Rays (CXR) have traditionally been used as a "screening modality" to decide... more
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    • Nursing
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    • Nursing
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      Blood Coagulation FactorsBlood CoagulationTime FactorsHemorrhagic Shock
BACKGROUND: Thoracic needle decompression is lifesaving in tension pneumothorax. However, performance of subsequent tube thoracostomy is questioned. The needle may not enter the chest, or the diagnosis may be wrong. The aim of this study... more
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      Emergency Medical ServicesX ray Computed Tomography
Background: Primary closure after trauma celiotomies is not always accomplished. We reviewed our experience with delayed closure in trauma patients. Methods: Prospective data were collected on patients who had damage-control celiotomy and... more
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      Time FactorsAbdominal Wall Hernias
Background: Salmonella typhi infection continues to be a significant problem worldwide. Patients suffering from "typhoid" in endemic regions such as West Africa often present late in the course of the disease with symptoms of malnutrition... more
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      SurgeryMedicineAnti-Bacterial AgentsIntestinal Perforation
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      NursingDesignPredictive value of tests
The theoretical efficacy of hypertonic saline (HS) resuscitation for hemorrhagic shock purportedly stems from the osmolar extraction of intracellular fluid into the plasma. This hypothesis presumes a concomitant expansion of the... more
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    • Nursing
Anthrax lethal toxin is one of the fundamental components believed to be responsible for the virulence of Bacillus anthracis. In order to find novel compounds with anti-lethal toxin properties, we used a cell-based assay to screen a... more
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      MicrobiologyBacterial ToxinsTime FactorsCombination drug therapy
Viral protein R (Vpr), one of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory proteins, contributes to multiple cytopathic effects, G 2 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. The mechanisms of Vpr have been intensely studied because... more
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      Bioactive CompoundBiochemistry and cell biology
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    • Biochemistry and cell biology
Monoclonal antibodies were prepared against rabbit sperm antigens by fusing P3-X63-Ag8-653 mouse myeloma cells with lymphocytes from Ba!b/c mice immunized with Tergito! NP4O detergent-so!ubiized rabbit epididymal sperm.
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    • Biology Reproduction
The majority of research on reactive oxygen species (ROS) has focused on their cellular toxicities. Stem cells generally have been thought to maintain low levels of ROS as a protection against these processes. However, recent studies... more
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      Neural stem cellNeural Stem Cells
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    • Nursing
Piwi proteins are essential for germline development, stem cell self-renewal, epigenetic regulation, and transposon silencing . They bind to a complex class of small noncoding RNAs called Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) .
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Glioblastoma (GBM) is among the most lethal of all cancers. GBM consist of a heterogeneous population of tumor cells among which a tumor-initiating and treatment-resistant subpopulation, here termed GBM stem cells, have been identified as... more
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      Molecular Biology CancerMolecular Cancer Therapeutics
Oct4 is a key component of the molecular circuitry which regulates embryonic stem cell proliferation and differentiation. It is essential for maintenance of undifferentiated, pluripotent cell populations, and accomplishes these tasks by... more
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      Protein Quaternary StructureGene Expression Regulation
Background. The purpose of this study was to review our 15-year experience in the treatment of blunt splenic injury in adults. Our hypothesis was that the implementation of a change in practice, with stress on splenic preservation and... more
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    • Surgery
A medical imaging technique known as Indocyanine Green (ICG) fluorescence cholangiography can potentially improve safety and reduce cost in minimally invasive surgery, but is not widely used. Refinement of existing ICG imaging prototypes... more
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standing emotions and managing emotions. The four subscales of the WLEIS are self-perception of emotions, other-perceptions of emotions, understanding emotions, and regulation of emotions. Results: Of the 247 students approached, 152... more
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