Papers by Tessa Eka Darmayanti

PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
An orphanage is a foster home for individuals who do not have parents and need a place to live an... more An orphanage is a foster home for individuals who do not have parents and need a place to live and foster parents. The Arrahman Foundation, based in Magelang as a social institution, has carried out various social activities and managed orphanages in Central Java. Community service activities began with the hope of the Arrahman Foundation to increase the number of foster children at the Yogyakarta branch of the orphanage. The orphanage's interior planning needs to support this hope, which can accommodate more foster children by always considering functional and aesthetic aspects. Therefore, the interior redesign is carried out as a Community Service activity to renovate the existing orphanage space with a new one with a more attractive and accommodating design. This interior redesign activity also provides direction and advice regarding interior design to the foundation's management so that it can be applied to other room renovations. The executor of the service, which was c...

PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Jamblang Chinatown, Cirebon was once known as a trading city during the Dutch colonial period, as... more Jamblang Chinatown, Cirebon was once known as a trading city during the Dutch colonial period, as a place for buying and selling and stopping by traders from various regions through the river that flows nearby. The river is a means of transportation that brings ships from the interior of Cirebon to the Java Sea, and vice versa. However, the current situation is reversed because Jamblang is like a "dead city" that is almost forgotten. The government and the community have a dream to revive the Jamblang Chinatown area. Through this PKM activity, a team of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at Maranatha Christian University seeks to revive Jamblang Chinatown by making murals with the surrounding community, as well as providing education as well as performances for the surrounding community through PKM activities. The attraction of making murals containing the historical value of Jamblang. The approach taken is a participatory collaborative workshop ...

Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities
In recent years, Lasem tourism has grown, especially about historical buildings. However, the tou... more In recent years, Lasem tourism has grown, especially about historical buildings. However, the tourism sector has experienced a decline due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Various strategies are carried out by the local peoples and also foundations that care about Lasem, to restore the economic situation and continue to strive to maintain the culture in it. This study aims to determine the tourism promotion strategy in Lasem, which involves historic buildings. This study uses a qualitative approach and a phenomenological point of view to enrich the discussion. The results showed that by reading the tangible value of the building, its cultural meaning was obtained, which became a notable element in tourism marketing. It can be beneficial for local governments and owners of cultural heritage buildings to boost the economy in the tourism sector. At the same time emphasizes that cultural values are a significant part of tourism that can make a place survive because it has a distinctive charact...

Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities
In 2022, the pandemic Covid-19 has entered its second year and has severely hit the national and ... more In 2022, the pandemic Covid-19 has entered its second year and has severely hit the national and regional economic sectors. One of them is the sale of batik Tulis in Lasem. However, the situation triggers cultural awareness of the local community to raise stories about batik as a sales strategy. So that the buyers are not only buying because of the beauty of the pattern but also know the cultural meaning within it. This study aims to look at and analyse the intangible cultural narrative could be a good promotion in selling batik Tulis Lasem through digital platform in the pandemic era and the impact to the Lasem’s economic condition. This qualitative research uses phenomenology approach and collecting detailed data from various sources related to the object of this study. The results show that the strategy provides economic improvement during the pandemic and ignites other creative ideas in digital sales. The research proves that “limited” circumstances do not rule out the possibili...

Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Aesthetic elements are frequently viewed as embellishments that can affect perception, thereby en... more Aesthetic elements are frequently viewed as embellishments that can affect perception, thereby enriching the quality of a building or space. Aesthetic elements are also closely related to the course of history and culture, therefore this article aims to introduce history and culture through the presence of aesthetic elements in a Peranakan house in Jamblang, Cirebon. Based on this, data collection techniques are needed through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and literature exploration. This qualitative research is also supported by a phenomenological approach because the concept is related to culture, space, and perception. The findings of this study reveal that the introduction of history and culture can be done by "reading" the embodiment of aesthetic elements, so that become an educational space. This knowledge and learning process is one way to maintain culture and maintain local culture as a national identity.Keywords: elements, aesthetic, houses, jamblang, c...

Jurnal Desain
Seiring berjalannya waktu kemampuan panca indera dan fisik para lansia semakin lama akan semakin ... more Seiring berjalannya waktu kemampuan panca indera dan fisik para lansia semakin lama akan semakin melemah. Saat menginjak fase ini lansia akan cenderung mengurangi aktifitas mereka dan menghabiskan waktu untuk tidur atau bersantai sejenak di kamar tidur. Sebagai tempat yang cukup sering digunakan oleh para lansia selama menjalani hari, desain kamar tidur perlu diperhatikan lebih dalam. Desain kamar tidur sebaiknya memenuhi aspek keamanan. Riset ini dilakukan agar dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam menciptakan desain ruang kamar tidur yang sesuai dengan standar sirkulasi dan diterapkan dalam perancangan kamar tidur untuk kaum lanjut usia. Data diperoleh melalui metode penelitian kualitatif dengan cara mewawancarai Keluarga Pitoy dan observasi langsung terhadap kamar yang ditempati oleh Keluarga Pitoy yang berlokasi di Depok. Penelitian ini diharapkan memiliki dampak bagi para pembaca dan dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan sirkulasi dapat diterapkan pada kamar tidur lansia.

Jurnal Desain
Interior desain dirancang untuk memenuhi salah satu kebutuhan manusia. Setiap interior tidak bisa... more Interior desain dirancang untuk memenuhi salah satu kebutuhan manusia. Setiap interior tidak bisa terlepas dari elemen-elemen desain seperti bentuk, tekstur, warna dan cahaya. Manusia dan lingkungan saling berhubungan sehingga interaksi antar manusia dan lingkungan sangat penting dimana dapat mempengaruhi psikologi. Namun masih banyak ruang publik seperti tempat makan kafe menggunakan cahaya dan warna yang kurang tepat yang dapat mengganggu psikologi manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakter warna dan cara menentukan intensitas cahaya yang tepat pada ruang yang sesuai dengan keperluan aktivitas user ketika bersantai, bekerja dan membaca. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi literatur dan meneliti responden bagaimana rasanya dan efek yang diterima ketika berada di ruangan dengan setting cahaya dengan intensitas berbeda-beda dan penggunaan kombinasi warna yang berbeda. Dengan penelitian ini pembaca terutama desainer dapat memanfaatkan pengetahuan tentang karakter setiap warna dan intensitas cahaya untuk diimplementasikan pada proyek-proyek dimasa yang akan datang.

Jamblang adalah sebuah desa di tepi Sungai Jamblang di kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Cirebon yang me... more Jamblang adalah sebuah desa di tepi Sungai Jamblang di kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Cirebon yang memiliki sejarah permukiman komunitas Tionghoa yang cukup tua. Peninggalan ini menjadi salah satu potensi lokal yang ada di Desa Jamblang untuk dapat dikembangkan jadi kawasan wisata Pecinan Jamblang. Kawasan Pecinan Jamblang yang belum tertata dengan baik, masih banyak perlu menjadi target pengembangan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah melakukan mengumpulkan data untuk mengembangkan desa Jamblang menjadi kawasan wisata Pecinan. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam empat tahap, yaitu tahap screening, tahap pengumpulan data, tahap pengolahan data, serta yang terakhir tahap evaluasi dan tindak lanjut. Survei dan pemetaan wilayah dilakukan secara kolaboratif dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat setempat dalam pengambilan data dan pengumpulan aspirasinya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, survei, observasi, pengukuran langsung, foto udara dengan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, dan p...

COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in 2020 because of its high transmission rate. The Community Act... more COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in 2020 because of its high transmission rate. The Community ActivitiesRestrictions Enforcement, a policy that was made to inhibit the transmission of the virus then caused a slowdown in the economic sector. Indonesia’s Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic was carried out by implementing the New Normal policy, and new habits while maintaining health protocols. Social life is also re-opened, including cafes that have started to operate again as a place to socialize. Strict health protocols must be implemented in cafes to break the chain of COVID-19 transmission. The purpose of this study was to find out how the post-pandemic cafe interior design influences COVID-19 health protocol compliance. This research uses qualitative methods with literature studies and direct observation by visiting 3 cafes in the city of Medan that have implemented the new normal system. The cafes that will be visited are Pilastro Cafe which is located at Jalan H. Misba...
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat

Visual Heritage: Jurnal Kreasi Seni dan Budaya
Wayang Beber, kesenian yang berasal dari daerah Jawa Timur ini merupakan salah satu kesenian trad... more Wayang Beber, kesenian yang berasal dari daerah Jawa Timur ini merupakan salah satu kesenian tradisional Indonesia yang sudah kurang diminati saat ini. Hal tersebut menyebabkan popularitas wayang beber menjadi sangat rendah di kalangan masyarakat modern. Salah satu cara untukmelestarikan kesenian wayang beber ialah dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai simbolis yang terkandung di dalam kesenian wayang beber terhadap sebuah perancangan interior. Hal tersebut tidak hanya dapat memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap perkembangan dunia desain interior, namun juga pada bidang seni dan budaya tradisional Indonesia. Wayang Beber memiliki unsurunsur yang berbeda dengan jenis wayang lainnya, dapat dilihat dari bentuk wayang beber itu sendiri hingga cara pementasaanya. Berbagai nilai tersebut dapat diterapkan pada elemen desain interior yaitu bentuk, pola dan warna. Penulisan artikel ini didukung metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksplorasi studi literatur dan teori Bahasa Rupa dari Primadi Tabrani. Usaha pelestarian wayang beber sebagai warisan bangsa Indonesia ini tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat menjadi bahan rujukan penelitian selanjutnya baik skala nasional maupun internasional.

Community Empowerment, Feb 28, 2022
Improving skills through workshops on making shibori patterned fabrics held at the Sukamiskin Wom... more Improving skills through workshops on making shibori patterned fabrics held at the Sukamiskin Women's Penitentiary in the Arcamanik, Bandung City is a community service activity. This activity aims to create a "creativity space" that helps prison inmates gain additional skills and confidence which can later be used as provisions when they return to their families and communities. The method of implementing the service begins by introducing several tools and several techniques for making motifs that can be created through various shibori techniques. Furthermore, providing various ideas to be able to develop their application into various forms of decorative and aesthetic ready-to-use products. The manufacture of these ready-to-use products will later be included in the activity program at the class II women's prison. From the results of the service activities, they were able to produce a creative space through the practice of making shibori motifs from plain white cloth into fabrics with various beautiful colorful motifs.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
The article was formed from the virtual tour during the pandemic of COVID-19. The activity is par... more The article was formed from the virtual tour during the pandemic of COVID-19. The activity is part of a collaboration lecture between two universities based in Bandung, Indonesia, and Guanxi, China. The pandemic truly pushed several offline activities into online activities, including tours to historical sites. A virtual tour to historical Pecinan in Jamblang Cirebon becomes a solution to survive the new normal era. This strategy is automatically connected, reconnect, exchange, and expand people's experience and cultural knowledge in different places and disparate time frames. The research aims to give a perspective of spatial experience through virtual activity. This qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach to fulfill the objective because the technique is closely linked to space, experience, and perception in any media. The finding of this research reveals that pandemics will never close the possibility of being able to experience and appreciate the existence of heritage and cultural values in Pecinan, Jamblang. So that one of the learning processes keeps alive, one of the national identities not be lessened, and cultural resilience will be maintained.

Vernacularity is a quality or a state of being vernacular. This condition relates closely to auth... more Vernacularity is a quality or a state of being vernacular. This condition relates closely to authentic or traditional buildings at particular places. In real situations, vernacular architecture comes into being through different socio-cultural dynamics and from any existing building that provides sustainable solutions and sustainable characteristics containing material and immaterial values. The Peranakan houses in Lasem can be included in this category. They can last for generations and facilitate a variety of daily activities across generations with their own values. The varied activities can help identify the unique spatial characters, and create particular experiences. This qualitative study is based on the writer’s experience and supported by spatial experience concept by Juhani Pallasmaa. This study sought to provide insights leading to an in-depth understanding of vernacularity through spatial experiences in Peranakan house-Kidang Mas in Lasem. The findings of the study unvei...
Peranakan houses are becoming more marginalised due to the changing times in Lasem and various id... more Peranakan houses are becoming more marginalised due to the changing times in Lasem and various identities crisis regarding the houses that appear among the local community. Even though the houses are the legacy of tangible artefacts and intangible attributes of society that are inherited from the past generations; they have to be maintained in the present and preserved for the benefit of future generations for indepth cultural understanding. This qualitative research used phenomenology and narrative approaches to seek the cultural heritage elements within the Peranakan Houses in the area of Chinatown, Lasem. The findings of the study indicate that the embodiment of cultural heritage elements within the houses has become an essential role in constructing and identifying building identity, which is a part of cultural preservation

Initially, Banten was blessed with the abundance of blackpepper plants that became the attraction... more Initially, Banten was blessed with the abundance of blackpepper plants that became the attraction for foreign Nations, particularly the Europeans. Banten, is located strategically in the west of Java island. Banten is known to have numerous interesting stages of cultural development; Hinduism cultural before 1525, then became the important part of the dissemination of Islam in West Java and the Islamic Sultanate of Banten was established in 1527 in Banten Lama. In 1832, the centre of Banten government was moved to Serang from Banten Lama by the Dutch, since their power have been raised in Banten. The Banten Great Mosque complex is an icon with great historical significance, an important evidence of the Banten Sultanate's presence in Banten Lama. In 1945 the Indonesian government decided to 'reactivate' the Mosque by providing more colours in the changes and development surrounding the complex, especially the architecture, interior design, and social circumstances which a...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This article is grown from a dialogue between Mr. Rudi’s childhood story as the sixth generation ... more This article is grown from a dialogue between Mr. Rudi’s childhood story as the sixth generation of Kidang Mas and the phenomenological perspective of Juhani Pallasmaa. Phenomenology by Pallasmaa is a powerful research strategy that is well suited for exploring the image within the Peranakan house of Kidang Mas. The strategy is expected to build a better understanding of the value of the Peranakan house. Pallasmaa’s perspective also proposes the “hands” to grasp the experiences through verbal sources turning into a concrete image. Verbal sources obtained from flowing and in-depth interviews supported by sensory activation, which engendered various fascinating and memorable childhood stories and activated all human senses. While the concrete images are conveyed through pictures based on the three most favorite childhood memory activities. The drawings were done using a pencil on paper. It is expected to elevate the sense of attachment of homeowners, local people, and visitors to the ...

MODUL, 2020
The gate is an important component of Peranakan houses in Lasem. They are included in the cultura... more The gate is an important component of Peranakan houses in Lasem. They are included in the cultural heritage of Indonesia, and most of them are more than a hundred years old, but still stand firm and lined up neatly adorning the Pecinan area. The purpose of this paper is to provide a different perspective on the existence of the Peranakan houses’ gates that interpreted through the author’s experiences during the fieldwork. The gate embodiment gives a different atmosphere and experience which is not found elsewhere because they are unique and irreplaceable. Unfortunately, preserving these gates become a serious challenge in the modern era. The finding comes from the phenomenon which found after the field research and analyzed using the phenomenology approach of Merleau Ponty, Juhani Pallasmaa, and Steven Holl. Phenomenology allows people to express their existence through architecture and let its value appear to people as they experience it. The result showed that experiences would gi...

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, 2020
Sebuah perubahan dapat mempengaruhi sirkulasi di dalam sebuah bangunan. Perubahan tersebut dipeng... more Sebuah perubahan dapat mempengaruhi sirkulasi di dalam sebuah bangunan. Perubahan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh sumber eksternal ataupun internal yang berhubungan dengan perspektif tradisi, budaya maupun sosial disekitarnya. Perubahan tersebut secara tidak langsung menghadirkan fitur baru yang mampu mengakomodasi kebutuhan penghuni dan hal tersebut terjadi pada salah satu rumah Peranakan di Lasem. Perubahan tersebut dapat dilihat sebagai bentuk pelestarian dengan tetap menghargai tradisi dan budaya keluarga maupun sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami komponen mana yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perubahan sirkulasi ruang di dalam kompleks rumah Peranakan-Kidang Mas yang meliputi bangunan utama, courtyard, dapur dan workshop. Untuk menjawab tujuan tersebut, metode yang digunakan adalah survey, wawancara dan observasi. Diskusi penelitian naratif ini didukung dengan pendekatan konsep ruang dan temuan penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa perubahan sirkulasi memungkinkan untuk memberikan mak...
Papers by Tessa Eka Darmayanti
countries, especially those that are connected historically and geographically.
Banten Great Mosque Complex is known as a remnant from the Banten Sultanate. It is situated in Banten Lama, an area in Banten, at the west end of Java. The Banten Great Mosque Complex exists from the unity of both local and foreign cultures. This research is done to investigate the cultural unity that exist in the architecture and interior design in three important zones in the Banten Great Mosque Complex. It is an assembly of buildings called the tiyamah, the great mosques and the cemetery. The local community relationship with the visitors around the complex are known to be closed knit with the existence of these three important zones and the architectural elements on the building had also influenced the culture that surrounds it. This research has used the qualitative method with a multi level research. It starts with the pilot study, observation, collecting of oral and written data complete with in-depth interview. This research also uses cultural research approach as a support in revealing the Java, Chinese and Dutch cultures that bring influence in the existence of religions like Islam, Hinduism dan Buddhism. The research findings had shown that there are changes in the religious activity in the traditional activity that should have been done in the mosque, but were done at the cemetery. The old religious philosophy before Islam, like from Hinduism and Buddhism that had influence the Banten Great Mosque Complex has changed into the Islamic philosophy. The findings is the orientation of the Banten Great Mosque Complex and the great mosques building that is suitable with the philosophy of the four direction of the wind, that is close the Java’s cultural philosophy, Hinduism and Islam. Another significant findings is discover the meaning of the curves number on the foot of the pillar which is also known as umpak that is close to Buddhism and Islam philosophies. ____________________________________________________________________________
Kompleks Masjid Agung Banten dikenali sebagai peninggalan daripada Kesultanan Banten. Ia terletak di Banten Lama, kawasan Banten, hujung barat Pulau Jawa. Kompleks Masjid Agung Banten wujud daripada perpaduan budaya tempatan dan asing. Penyelidikan ini bertujuan meneroka perpaduan budaya terhadap kewujudan seni bina sehingga reka bentuk dalaman di tiga zon penting di kompleks Masjid Agung Banten. Ia adalah bangunan perhimpunan yang dikenali sebagai tiyamah, masjid agung dan kawasan perkuburan. Hubungan aktiviti masyarakat tempatan dan pelawat di persekitaran kompleks diketahui saling berkait rapat dengan kewujudan tiga zon penting tersebut dan elemen-elemen seni bina pada bangunan tersebut juga mempengaruhi budaya persekitaran. Penyelidikan ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan tahap penyelidikan berperingkat. Ia bermula dengan penyelidikan rintis, pemerhatian, pengumpulan maklumat lisan dan tulisan serta temuramah mendalam. Penyelidikan ini juga menggunakan pendekatan penyelidikan budaya sebagai sokongan dalam mendedahkan budaya Jawa, Cina dan Belanda yang membawa pengaruh kepada kewujudan agama Islam, Hindu dan Buddha. Hasil dapatan penyelidikan ini mendapati bahawa telah terjadi pertukaran aktiviti agama dalam aktiviti tradisi yang sepatutnya berlaku di bangunan masjid, namun ia berlaku di kawasan perkuburan. Falsafah agama-agama terdahulu sebelum Islam, seperti Hindu dan Buddha yang mempengaruhi kompleks Masjid Agung Banten telah berganti dengan falsafah Islam. Dapatan tersebut adalah orientasi kompleks Masjid Agung Banten dan bangunan masjid agung mempunyai kesesuaian dengan falsafah empat arah mata angin yang hampir dengan falsafah budaya Jawa, agama Hindu dan Islam. Dapatan penting lain adalah menemukan makna daripada perincian jumlah keluk kaki tiang atau dikenali sebagai umpak yang mempunyai pendekatan falsafah agama Buddha dan Islam.