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Manuskript tapes... [25 Nov 2011|11:34am]
Hello at all,

I'm searching for the 4 tapes of :

The Three Card Trick
Special Breed

A suggestion : why don't sell this tracks on iTunes ? Albums are present on this musical plateform but not the tapes. 
Thanks in advance. I would appreciate your help. These cassettes are very difficult to find.

Best regards

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Manuskript video shoot: behind the scenes [30 Apr 2006|07:21am]

Still photos taken during filming of the Protect and Survive video:

Part one (band playing in warehouse)

Part two (cold war fun and frolicks)

Tom x
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cover? [24 Apr 2006|03:46pm]

So which song was the 'obligatory cover' at Whitby? I *still* don't think I've covered from the Manuskript version of 'Gangsta's Paradise'. :-)
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Protect and Survive single review on [20 Apr 2006|03:25pm]

How I wish I was at Whitby this weekend ... but in case there are any Manuskript fans around that are also missing out, why not read my 10/10 review of Protect and Survive (single).

Here's an excerpt:

"When reviewing Duran Duran's debut album in 1981 for Smash Hits magazine, reviewer David Hepworth accused New Romantic bands of 'scanning maps of Germany for snappy song titles'. I'm reminded of this review by the inside sleeve of "Protect and Survive" which features a map of war-divided Berlin. Manuskript have already decided on titles for all the songs from their forthcoming album – to be known by the same name - but I offer this piece of advice in case they get stuck in the future. It has been four years since their last album proper, so there must be something holding them up."

Go here to read more:
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Manuskript : Now with added myspace. [13 Apr 2006|11:59am]

Good afternoon.

Just a quick bulletin to let you know that Manuskript are back and now residing over at the infamous myspace. You can find us at :

We have just uploaded version of four songs, from our forthcoming new album 'Protect and Survive' of which you can also see a preview of our debut music video.

All that and much more to come....

Our next show will be the headline slot on Friday 21st April at the Whitby Goth Weekend, where the album will be released!

Hope to see you all there.

All the best

M x

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Hibernation. [20 Jun 2005|03:16pm]

[ mood | Ready! ]

Is over. :)

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[01 Feb 2005|10:37am]

Manuskript Website Update 31.01.05
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Junktion gig [17 Dec 2004|05:33pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Hi Kids,

Just heading off to soundcheck at Junktion7 for tonight's gig.

At the Garage last Sunday I was struggling to put semi-known faces to semi-known LJ names. Come and say hello if you see me!



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Dark Xmas - 12/12/04 [16 Dec 2004|09:26am]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Click on the image for the full set.


Index page here.

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[06 Dec 2004|04:22pm]


I thought you all might like to see some pics taken from Manuskript's gig last weekend in New York City with the_brides.

All can be found HERE

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cryonica xmas party? [05 Dec 2004|12:59pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

who's coming???

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[24 Nov 2004|10:23pm]

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[EVENT] Manuskript, "Thanks Be To Goth" Party! (Chicago) [22 Nov 2004|08:05pm]

Wednesday, 24 November: No work/school the next day! "Thanks Be To Goth", A Dark Alternative Holiday Dance Party! With a live performance by England's MANUSKRIPT (crowd favourites from the Convergence 10 festival!) and DJs Rickbats & Scary Lady Sarah spinning goth, indie, industrial, new wave, darkwave, deathrock, etc! Also, chances to win the new cd by THEE MERRY WIDOWS, VNV Nation concert tickets, & holiday treats! At Bottom Lounge, 3206 N. Wilton, Chicago (1/2 block east of the Belmont red-line el stop.) 18 and over! 10pm - 2am $10.

For more info on the wonderful MANUSKRIPT, please visit:
DJ Rickbats online:

Thee Merry Widows are Northern California's original all female psychobilly band. For more info on Thee Merry Widows, please visit:

An American Gothic Productions event:

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In case anyone forgot... [19 Nov 2004|11:47am]

Do NOT miss this Thanksgiving weekend show, turkeys!

More info at:

(Are ya sick of me yet?)
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the champions! [07 Nov 2004|03:14pm]

amongst our heroes other pursuits, winning the whitby football match last sunday was a definite highlight with both mike and paul on the winning team. fantastic!

team piccie here

full report here
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Mark your calendars boys and girls! [04 Nov 2004|07:02pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Manuskript is coming to New York City!

So, put down those mashed potatoes and do NOT miss this show!!!

More info can be found at:

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the first of a million..... [04 Nov 2004|02:03pm]

started on the whitby pix, but there's tonnes to go thru, plus there's still the huge pile from the july tour... *faints*

so just a starter one....

KAPOW!!!Collapse )
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manuskript whitby pictures! [04 Nov 2004|12:25pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Thanks to Simon for the link - these are fabulous!

whitby november 2004

check out the rest of his piccies @ !

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...and.. [02 Oct 2004|12:46am]

[ mood | tired ]

.. yes i know there's a stack of tourpix i've not put up... i WILL get round to it! ;o)

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best wishes for sunday (?) [03 Oct 2004|12:45am]

happy birthday tim!!!

some piccies!Collapse )

.....sorry i can't be there, a "lovely" week in carlisle beckons me northwards...
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Gig - NEON ZOO (ft Mike Manuskript) - London 28th Sept. [20 Sep 2004|02:54pm]

Neon Promotions present :-

NEON ZOO (dark, twisted guitar fuelled electronic grooves)
featuring Mike from MANUSKRIPT

support from :-
Death by Visitation of God (menacing Industro-Goths)

Trauma Pet (electronic.femme.fatal)

HOPE and ANCHOR, (Upper Street, Islington, London N1)
Admission £5/£4.50 Doors 7.30 Bands from 8.15
Neon Zoo on stage 10pm

Download flyer from

NEON ZOO - debut album 'HEAVEN-SIN' available Nov 2004 on Forked Tongue Records
Distributed by Resurrection Records, Cat. FORK 10
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New download available [02 Aug 2004|08:26am]

Hiya folks,

Just to let you know, we've added a small movie to the downloads section of the website. It was cobbled together from a load of shenanigans filmed on my wee digital camera last week at the gigs oop North. It's shakey, poorly lit and of low resolution (but then again, so were the subjects!) I think it captures the atmos pretty well (unless it is viewed in a quiet, air-conditioned, smoke free room with working toilets, in which case you can count yourself lucky!)

Great daze!

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before i forget..... the birds were singing... [26 Jul 2004|11:32pm]

[ mood | devious ]

here's a gig at the dev!!!

neon zoo

from slashgothhere's the interesting bit...Collapse )

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colchester gig (you wanna review, i give you review) [21 Jul 2004|06:45pm]

[ mood | groggy ]

All good!
review over

nahh, just kidding.
the gig was blinding despite a poor showing at insanitorium for the 2nd band night in a row (summer not the time for Goths apparently). From the moment they walked on stage (to the theme of battlestar galactica no less) to the end of the 2nd encore Mike, Tim et all worked the crowd like pros, total energy and that stupidly high charisma count that makes their live stuff so compelling. buggers even got ME on the dancefloor.

Every time i see them play i realise they are better than before, more together as a group and meshing in the indefinable way that marks a great band. Sickening isn't it. Far too much talent there.

I still can't get over how few people there were, i know its a bad time of year but a band like this should be a sellout.

Of course if there had been more people we would all have died of heatstroke.

...the end. (narf)

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so? [20 Jul 2004|10:30pm]

[ mood | curious ]

why no reviews posted yet?

mine would be pants, i invite other attending parties to produce some class review material of the gigs so i can then all my own brand of crap humoured blurry pic reviews later.

youd think there hadnt just been too gigs at this rate/1

and who'll be out thursday, friday or saturday???? (its really going to be quite a load of fun!)

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Malediction this saturday! [18 Jul 2004|01:06pm]

Despite rumours to the contrary, Malediction is going ahead as planned on saturday 24th July at Bradford Rio. The line-up is:

Skeletal Family
616 Abortions
Screaming Banshee Aircrew
Devilish Presley

With DJ Cavey Nick (Dead and Buried) between bands

For more info, see
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Attrition/Voices of Masada/Excession Tickets [16 Jul 2004|03:43pm]

(sorry for cross posting! and repeating nearly verbatim from last week heh)

I will be out and about this weekend and will have on my person advance tickets to Attrition, Voices of Masada and Excession Friday, 23 July at The Verge, for only £6 (i.e. No booking fee). This isn't just a gig, it's a party with me and Martin Oldgoth playing music til 2 a.m. And it's the "extra Friday" so there's nothing else going on, you have no excuse! ;P

I will be at Synthetic Culture (Egg Club) tonight, Slimelight tomorrow night, Dark Salvation 2 in Nottingham on Sunday, and Skinny Puppy on Monday with tickets.

(Full info)
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i've been living so long..... [15 Jul 2004|11:30pm]

[ mood | crazy ]

.. with these pictures of you....

that i dont even know if they're real...Collapse )
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how odd.... [11 Jul 2004|07:45pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

my post wishing mike a happy birthday seems to have vanished....

so, i'll post it again, this time in greek.

well, in large, bold writing, at least...


may your pies be filled with juicy vegetables!!! and your pint glasses always be at least half full!

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Dark Salvation [06 Jul 2004|10:43pm]

Hey there!
Anyone from London going to Dark Salvation and have room in their car? The last coach leaves at 8:30 - not terribly useful! I can offer petrol money and I don't take up much room :)

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i am scared! [10 Jun 2004|07:14pm]

[ mood | scared ]

minusbat has just admitted that due to his hatred of the gym's rowing machine he is going to inspire himself to work out harder by listening to (and i quote) "a mixture of nelly furtado and manuskript"

i don't know whether to laugh or cry.

do i really share a bed with this freak?

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my few rescued c10 piccies... [07 Jun 2004|04:38pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

i've put up my very small quota of C10 piccies.

Did have some more of manuskript and the brides and stuff but they all got chewed up and all my passion play ones were blurry!!!

i think i need a better camera.

but anyway... makes the gallery easier to view ;p

thanks esp to minusbat for recovering some of the "great lost pictures" from the CF cards, esp the one of mike's scabby knee!

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[07 Jun 2004|01:24pm]

Make It A Manuskript Night. clicking here!

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one salvaged picture.... at a time... [01 Jun 2004|12:11am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

after minusbat spent several hours tweaking with the big scary box in the study, previously unreadable jpegs have been somewhat randomly salvaged from the warped CF card...

here's a bit of one picture...

a bit blurry but.....

actually on saturday we found whole mines of pics from previous gigs that have never seen the light of day... *muhahahahaha*

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the other gigs from the website.... [25 May 2004|04:39pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

July 17, 2004
Colchester Soundhouse Insanitorium

July 18, 2004 Nottingham Rock City
Dark Salvation II
[All Day]
Manuskript + Brother Orchid + The Last Cry + Arkam Asylum + Zeitgeist Zero
info and tix:

July 22, 2004
Sheffield Casbah

July 23rd - aforementioned Fibbers York gig..

July 24, 2004
Bradford Rios - Malediction Festival
Manuskript + Skeletal family
+ 616 Abortions + Screaming Banshee Aircrew + Devilish Presley

loooks like a busy month..... *faint*

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gig!! york! *bounce* [25 May 2004|03:59pm]

[ mood | excited ]

StrangeAngel present ....

Fibbers Barfly, The Stonebow, York.

With DJ's GlennPsychosis and Jared (Darklands/616 Abortions) playing goth
and alternative.

Doors open: 7.30pm

Advance tickets are £5 and will be available shortly online at, 24 hour ticket hotline, over the bar at the venue, direct
from us by e-mailing [email protected] and from Hellraiser Records, 7
Colliergate, York. On the door: £6

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welcome children! [16 May 2004|11:34pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]


its been.. um... two days and people are filtering their way onto here.

hopefully i'll actually get some proper links and stuff sorted when i get back home,

meanwhile i shall be holidaying on in SF.

feel free to talk amongst yourself.

todays topic - whats your favourite manuskript song, and why???

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heh. [15 May 2004|12:26pm]

so i think it was sunday and we saw this hottie walking around the metro.. and were like helllooo where did HE come from?? where has he been for the last 3 days?!?

then i saw THIS.

g*dfriggendammmit!! he was from manuskript! my plan all along was to head down early that night just to see them, they were 1 of the 2 bands i really wanted to see. our cocktail hour lasted alittle too late and we missed them :( i was so pissed... grrrr.
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i'm not shy so i'll post first! [15 May 2004|12:43pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]

of all the bands at CX, manuskript put on the best show. and i prefered their music to most of the other bands. i'll be sure to check them out again if they ever come near, or i happen to be in england near where they coincidentally do a show.

that will be sometime after hell freezes over. my getting to go to england, that is.

they were a bunch of nice guys, too.

and, they rocked me, amadeus!

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