Papers by Magdi El-Saadawi
MEJ. Mansoura Engineering Journal, 2020
Urban growth is steadily increasing in the developing world, as indicated by the United Nations W... more Urban growth is steadily increasing in the developing world, as indicated by the United Nations World Population Report 2007. This expansion leads to the deterioration of the urban environment due to its powerlessness
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Dār Al-ʿulūm, Mar 16, 2021
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Dār Al-ʿulūm, Nov 27, 2020

Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Dār Al-ʿulūm, May 22, 2023
Extreme weather can have a substantial influence on a power system's operational resilience since... more Extreme weather can have a substantial influence on a power system's operational resilience since they are highimpact, low-probability (HILP) events. Therefore, power systems must be resilient to HILP incidents in addition to being reliable against widely spread and credible threats. Despite the rarity of such events, the severity of their potential impact necessitates the development of appropriate resilience assessment tools to capture their implications and enhance the resilience of energy infrastructure systems. In this paper, a probabilistic strategy is proposed to assess and evaluate the operational resilience of power distribution networks against the impacts of HILP events depending on value-at-risk and conditionally value-at-risk quantitative risk-based assessments. With several scenarios built on sequentially Monte Carlo simulations, the consequence of a windstorm on a distribution network can be assessed using a probability-based resilience assessment methodology. The presented method is examined on an IEEE 37-bus system. Different case studies based on detailed data are presented and analyzed to demonstrate the proposed method's usefulness.
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Dār Al-ʿulūm, Dec 30, 2020
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Dār Al-ʿulūm, Nov 28, 2020

Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems
Voltage imbalance (VI) is caused by the difference in connected single-phase load or generation i... more Voltage imbalance (VI) is caused by the difference in connected single-phase load or generation in a low voltage distribution network (DN).VI increase in a smart distribution grid is due to the current practice of increasing single-phase distributed generators such as photovoltaic (PV) systems. This paper proposes a decentralized control method to mitigate VI using distributed batteries included in smart grid interfaced residential PV systems. To mitigate VI using the batteries in this way, five challenges must be overcome, i.e., equalizing all battery stress currents within the DN, mitigating VI in abnormal conditions such as signal loss among bus controllers, being immune from the distorted feedback measurements, minimizing the steady-state error at different loads, and overcoming the insufficient number or capacity of the distributed batteries at the same bus. Three fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are proposed at each bus to overcome these five tasks based on a decentralized contro...
MEJ. Mansoura Engineering Journal
MEJ. Mansoura Engineering Journal
MEJ. Mansoura Engineering Journal

2021 4th International Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies (ISAECT), 2021
The zonal DC Voltage shipboard microgrid has many issues in terms of the protection side. A novel... more The zonal DC Voltage shipboard microgrid has many issues in terms of the protection side. A novel adaptive pilot, DC distance protection scheme, is proposed in this paper for DC zonal shipboard microgrid to make the system more reliable, selective, and rapidly detect the fault. The proposed scheme is based on three stages. Firstly, it detects whether there is a fault in the system by applying the Fourier transform (FT) method to analyze the voltage and current measurements. Secondly, the fault location is detected by determining which line has the fault and selecting the proper zone for each relay. Thirdly, communication signals are sent between the two pilot relays for accurate fault localization before sending the tripping signals to the associated circuit breakers (CB) and isolating the fault. The 0.3 kV DC zonal shipboard microgrid is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The results prove that the proposed scheme is accurate and efficient in detecting and localizing the fault by providing backup protection depending on the different zones of distance relay.
MEJ. Mansoura Engineering Journal, 2020

2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2017
Microgrids can operate in two modes, grid-connected and islanded modes. The flexible operation of... more Microgrids can operate in two modes, grid-connected and islanded modes. The flexible operation of the microgrid in islanded mode depends on the reliable and perfect control system, therefore, the emphasis and difficult of the microgrid research is the system control problems. It so important to apply an efficient control method to adjust the system voltage and frequency under the islanded operation of microgrid. Droop control is one of the simpler method to control the voltage and frequency under this case. It can be used to adjust the system voltage and frequency to their acceptable limits. Unfortunately, this method is not so accurate in maintaining the system voltage and frequency close to their nominal values. This paper presents a proposed modified V/f droop control method for Microgrids in Islanded mode. The method applies H∞ with the droop controller to adjust the system voltage and frequency to their nominal values. The proposed method is verified by applying it to a test system simulated in Matlab/Simulink environment. The comparison between the conventional and the proposed method prove that the proposed method is more efficient in controlling microgrid under islanded mode of operation.
2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2018
This paper investigates the effect of over voltage mitigation techniques on line power loss of th... more This paper investigates the effect of over voltage mitigation techniques on line power loss of three-phase four-wire distribution network with rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system. Based on PVs ratings, loads and unbalance conditions, the network is modeled using backward-forward sweep method under MATLAB software environment. Active Power Curtailment (APC), Reactive Power Control (RPC), Active Power Dependent on reactive power (APD), On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) and Static Transfer Switch (STS) are applied to the test network model. The simulation results are used to evaluate the line power loss in each technique.
2008 12th International Middle-East Power System Conference, 2008
Harmonics is one of the major disturbances that affect the power quality of electric utilities. M... more Harmonics is one of the major disturbances that affect the power quality of electric utilities. Many techniques were used to analyze the harmonics in power systems. These techniques generally have difficulties in determining the collective impact of distributed harmonic sources. This paper introduces a proposed methodology for analyzing harmonics in distribution systems with distributed harmonic sources. The method takes into account the effect of diversity and attenuation. The method is illustrated through a numerical application applied on a real distributor.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Mansoura University, 2020
In a liquid desiccant air conditioning system the regenerator is one of the essential components.... more In a liquid desiccant air conditioning system the regenerator is one of the essential components. The effectiveness of the regenerator directly influences the system performance.

Smart Cities
Shipboard microgrids (SBMGs) are becoming increasingly popular in the power industry due to their... more Shipboard microgrids (SBMGs) are becoming increasingly popular in the power industry due to their potential for reducing fossil-fuel usage and increasing power production. However, operating SBMGs poses significant challenges due to operational and environmental constraints. To address these challenges, intelligent control, management, and protection strategies are necessary to ensure safe operation under complex and uncertain conditions. This paper provides a comprehensive review of SBMGs, including their classifications, control, management, and protection, as well as the most recent research statistics in these areas. The state-of-the-art SBMG types, propulsion systems, and power system architectures are discussed, along with a comparison of recent research contributions and issues related to control, uncertainties, management, and protection in SBMGs. In addition, a bibliometric analysis is performed to examine recent trends in SBMG research. This paper concludes with a discussi...
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Papers by Magdi El-Saadawi