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    • Pavement
Flexible pavement structures are very complex systems usually consist of multi-layers with each layer having different properties (elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio). In order to simplify these complex systems for stress and strain... more
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International Roughness Index (IRI) is an important parameter that indicates the ride quality and pavement condition. In this study, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed to predict the IRI for Jointed Plain Concrete... more
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This research work focused on the investigation of the properties of asphalt binder modified with different percentages of nanoclay (NC), and nanosilica. The nanosilica was manufactured from two different sources: silica fume (NSF) and... more
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      NanomaterialsPavement management systemsPavement and tire interactionRoad Pavement Engineering and Design
This paper presents a comprehensive laboratory study for optimization and quantification of the beneficial effects of stabilization of subgrade soils in flexible pavement systems. Two types of Kuwaiti soils, inorganic silt and clayey sand... more
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    • Soil Stabilization
Currently, many countries are facing a dangerous challenge due to the shortage in the virgin materials used in highway construction. This problem increases with time as a result of constructing new roads as well as maintaining the... more
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    • RAP, asphalt recycling, reclaimed asphalt pavement
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of old asphalt pavements produces a significant amount of asphalt pavements. Pavement recycling is an effective practical way to conserve the diminishing supply of construction materials and to help... more
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    • RAP, asphalt recycling, reclaimed asphalt pavement
The dynamic modulus (|E*|) is one of the primary hot-mix asphalt (HMA) material properties required in the Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). It is strongly correlated to pavement performance over a diverse range of... more
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      Dynamic modulus asphaltMEPDG
—In Egypt, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is the major input parameter used to characterize the strength of the unbound materials and subgrade soils for pavement structural design. Despite its simplicity, the CBR test is tedious and... more
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      Modeling and SimulationCBRPavement Materials and Design
The Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) is an advanced analysis/design tool for flexible and rigid pavements. Various agencies throughout the U.S. have attempted to implement MEPDG and found that local calibration of the... more
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This paper presents the development of a comprehensive materials and traffic database to support the implementation of MEPDG in Idaho. A database covering all hierarchical input levels required by MEPDG for hot-mix-asphalt (HMA) and... more
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      CalibrationDSRDatabaseDynamic modulus asphalt
Pavements are subject to environmental conditions, which affect the performance of both flexible and rigid pavements. The current flexible pavement design system in Egypt relies primarily on the 1993 American Association of State Highway... more
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 Abstract-Recently, media, researchers, and others have brought increased attention to young drivers' risk, hoping to find ways to reduce it. This paper investigated the risk factors of young drivers, who are considered a vulnerable road... more
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h i g h l i g h t s NCHRP1-37A yielded better E Ã values compared to NCHRP 1-40D model at all binder characterization input levels. NCHRP1-37A E Ã model with Level 3 binder characterization produced the most accurate and the least biased... more
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      Civil EngineeringBuildingBuilding and Construction MaterialsHIGHWAY ROADS AND BRIDGES
This paper focuses on developing two models for subgrade soil characterization for use in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). First, a multiple regression model can be used to predict R-value as a function of the soil... more
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      Pavement MaterialsPavement Engineering
 Abstract—Recently, media, researchers, and others have brought increased attention to young drivers' risk, hoping to find ways to reduce it. This paper investigated the risk factors of young drivers, who are considered a vulnerable road... more
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      Road Traffic CrashesYoung Drivers
—Traffic congestion extends the travel time leading to increased cost for most people especially business men and stakeholders. More fuel is consumed, which reduces the air quality, decreases the people's health and increases the... more
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    • Traffic
The electrocoagulation (EC) process has been upgraded using powdered activated carbon (PAC). The conventional EC process has been supported by different concentration of PAC for wastewater treatment that has high concentrations of... more
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      ChemistryActivated CarbonElectrocoagulation
The removal of lead Pb+2, copper Cu+2 and cadmium Cd+2 from aqueous solutions by alluvial soil (AL) as adsorbent has been investigated in a series of laboratory scale experiments under various operational conditions (solution pH,... more
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