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Problem statement: The aim of this study is to generalize reliability equivalence technique to apply it to a system consists of m independent and non-identical lifetimes distributions, with mixed failure lifetimes f 1 (t),f 2 (t),…,f m... more
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Abstract. This paper discusses the reliability equivalences of a parallel-series system. It is assumed that the system components are independent and identical. Each has a constant failure rate. We assumed three different method to... more
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      Applied MathematicsMean Time To FailureReliability Function
This paper introduces three different types of the reliability equivalence factors of a parallel-series system consists of four independent and identical components. The lifetime of the system component is assumed to follow exponential... more
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      StatisticsMean Time To FailureReliability Function
Problem statement: In reliability theory and operations research, there are many methods and techniques to improve the performance of a system. The aim of this study is to generalize reliability equivalence technique to apply it to a... more
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      StatisticsPure Mathematics
The availability equivalence factors of a general repairable parallel-series system are discussed in this paper considering the availability function of the system. The system components are assumed to be repairable and independent but... more
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    • Applied Mathematics
In this article, the failure rates of the system's components are functions of time t. We study two cases (i) the life time distribution of a components has two stages with increasing failure rates, (ii) the failure rates of the... more
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This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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In this paper, we derive new matrix representation for Daehee numbers and polynomials, the λ-Daehee numbers and polynomials and the twisted Daehee numbers and polynomials. This helps us to obtain simple and short proofs of many previous... more
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This paper introduces studies on exponentaited generalized Weibull - Gompertz distribution EGWGD which generalizes a lot of distributions. Several properties of the EGWGD such as reversed (hazard) function, moments, maximum likelihood... more
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In this paper we propose a new lifetime model, called the odd generalized exponential gompertz distribution, We obtain some of its mathematical properties. Some structural properties of the new distribution are studied. The method of... more
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We derive new matrix representation for higher order Daehee numbers and polynomials, the higher order λ-Daehee numbers and polynomials and the twisted λ-Daehee numbers and polynomials of order k. This helps us to obtain simple and short... more
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    • Difference Equations
In this paper we propose a new lifetime model, called the odd generalized exponential linear failure rate distribution. Some statistical properties of the proposed distribution such as the moments, the quantiles, the median, and the mode... more
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In this paper, a system of five components is studied; one of these components is a bridge network component. Each of these components has a non-constant failure rate. The system components have linear failure rate lifetime distribution.... more
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    • Statistics
Recently, Sarhan (2009) introduced a new distribution named generalized quadratic hazard rate distribution. In this study, we define a bivariate Generalized Quadratic Hazard Rate Distribution (BGQHRD). The joint cumulative distribution... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsPure MathematicsStatistics and Mathematics
This paper gives a new generalization of higher order Daehee and Bernoulli numbers and polynomials. We define the multiparameter higher order Daehee numbers and polynomials of the first and second kind. Moreover, we derive some new... more
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    • Applied Mathematics
The performance of a repairable bridge network system is improved by using the availability equivalence factors. All components for the bridge system have constant failure and repair rates. The system is improved through the use of five... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
This article focuses on using E-Bayesian estimation for the Weibull distribution based on adaptive type-I progressive hybrid censored competing risks (AT-I PHCS). The case of Weibull distribution for the underlying lifetimes is considered... more
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      StatisticsWeibull distribution
In this article we introduce a new four-parameters model called the odd generalized exponential flexible Weibull extension (OGE-FWE) distribution which exhibits bathtub-shaped hazard rate. Some of it's statistical properties are obtained... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceStatistics
This paper introduces a new four parameters model called the Weibull Generalized Flexible Weibull extension (WGFWE) distribution which exhibits bathtub-shaped hazard rate. Some of it's statistical properties are obtained including... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsWeibull distribution
We derive new matrix representation for higher-order changhee numbers and polynomials. This helps us to obtain simple and short proofs of many previous results on higher-order changhee numbers and polynomials. Moreover, we obtain... more
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    • Mathematics