Dheeraj Varma
Address: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Related Authors
Azah Mohamed
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Himadry Shekhar Das
University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Mehmet Uzunoglu
Yildiz Technical University
Mohamed Badawy
The University of Akron
Papers by Dheeraj Varma
UC is simulated using MATLAB Simulink. The Battery UC configuration used in the paper enables the use of a
less power rated converter thus decreasing the cost of the system and at the same time increasing the life time of
the Battery bank as frequent charging and discharging is avoided. The control algorithm focuses on increasing
the efficiency of the system by using single pedal driving scheme in which the regenerative braking is activated
when the pedal is not operated thus giving a better control on the vehicle and less wastage of energy during
braking. The flow chart of the control scheme used is also included in the paper.
to serve as a major source of energy, being the only
source having the potential to fulfill the ever increasing
energy needs. Most of the large scale solar farms
employ flat plate photovoltaic concept, so the
installation footprint and shadow effect causes a huge
drop in the electrical efficiency of the system. This
paper aims at developing a methodology to reduce the
area requirements in solar power generation. It
proposes the development of a triangular prism shaped
solar photovoltaic unit, which would reduce the
required area for installation of the panels as opposed
to the conventional method. The paper consists of the
study of a lab level experimental setup of the proposed
model, and comparison of its performance with
conventional flat plate solar cells. The use of reflecting
mirrors within the setup helps improve the efficiency of
the setup, than the panels placed in the same area by
conventional method. It also includes scope of future
UC is simulated using MATLAB Simulink. The Battery UC configuration used in the paper enables the use of a
less power rated converter thus decreasing the cost of the system and at the same time increasing the life time of
the Battery bank as frequent charging and discharging is avoided. The control algorithm focuses on increasing
the efficiency of the system by using single pedal driving scheme in which the regenerative braking is activated
when the pedal is not operated thus giving a better control on the vehicle and less wastage of energy during
braking. The flow chart of the control scheme used is also included in the paper.
to serve as a major source of energy, being the only
source having the potential to fulfill the ever increasing
energy needs. Most of the large scale solar farms
employ flat plate photovoltaic concept, so the
installation footprint and shadow effect causes a huge
drop in the electrical efficiency of the system. This
paper aims at developing a methodology to reduce the
area requirements in solar power generation. It
proposes the development of a triangular prism shaped
solar photovoltaic unit, which would reduce the
required area for installation of the panels as opposed
to the conventional method. The paper consists of the
study of a lab level experimental setup of the proposed
model, and comparison of its performance with
conventional flat plate solar cells. The use of reflecting
mirrors within the setup helps improve the efficiency of
the setup, than the panels placed in the same area by
conventional method. It also includes scope of future