We're a weekly icontest community that features a different Anime/Manga/Video Game character each week. Idea for this icontest set up comes from disneychrtricon
If you want to suggest a character for that week go HERE! If you want to apply to be a banner-maker or affiliate with the comm go HERE!
Schedule: Submission posts will run from Friday to Friday (so one week.) Voting for last week's challenge will be posted on the same day as a new theme, and results posted the following Monday; granted that there are no extensions or tie-breakers.
General SUPER SRS Rules: 1. Follow the general rules for icon submitting/voting that are in their respective posts. Ask questions and a mod will be happy to clarify for you. 2. Do NOT use other people's icons without their permission. Posting an icon here does not make its use fair game. Just go to their journal and ask, I will gladly tell you an icon's maker after results are posted. 3. Do NOT steal other people's icons and pass them off as their own. 4. Do not spam the community (i.e. posting tons of plugs your comm / trolling.) If you want to affiliate with us go to the above link, and if you promise to plug this comm in return, I will gladly plug yours. 5. Do NOT cheat. 6. All icons have to meet standard LJ restrictions, and no animated icons are allowed.
I will not hesitate to kick people out of the comm for repeat violating any of the rules (on purpose.) Violating rule #3 will be permanent kick-out of the community, no warnings, no exceptions.
Submitting Rules: 1. Submit your icons with an image and a URL link to the icon. There's an example in every submission post. 2. Do not submit icons that you didn't make. That includes using other people's icons as bases, or passing off others' icons as your own. 3. Icons must be made specially for this contest and cannot be advertised anywhere before results are posted. This is because I don't want anyone to vote for an icon based on who made it. Makers must be annonymous. 4. Do not use any fanart or doujinshi. Sometimes it's hard to tell and mistakes will be made, but just use your best judgment.
Voting Rules: 1. No cheating. No tactical voting. No voting for an icon based on who you think made it. 2. Do not vote for your own icon. Do not tell your friends to vote for your icon. Do not make a clone account and vote for yourself. SRLSY NOT COOL. 3. Vote for icons in the order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Special Category. The special category is listed in each voting post and differs every week. Please distinctly mark your special category somehow (i.e. SC: 04, Best Crop: 04) 4. Ties will be broken in favor of the icon-maker who voted! So make sure you vote!