Conference Presentations by Suparto Wijoyo

Various cases of environmental pollution and destruction in Indonesia nowadays require serious en... more Various cases of environmental pollution and destruction in Indonesia nowadays require serious enforcement of environmental law. Aspects of the penal law have not put forward and given a significant effect for the environment protection. Pollution and/or destruction of the environment as a result of forest fires is the most actual examples, which happens to occur each year. Though Indonesia has enacted the Law No. 32 Year 2009 that has provided the setting of rigorous sanctions.
Political environmental laws needs to develop the environmental crimes as a form of serious crime, it can even be qualified as a crime of terrorism based on anti-terror law. Environmental crime has enormous impact on public health, public safety, damage to objects vital in state facilities, and loss of economic, ecological and social cumulative. Such crimes can certainly be classified as a crime of terrorism.
Formulation of environmental offense, qualification of the professionalism of law enforcement officials in penal law environment and adequate legal infrastructure by the support of justice access, which is organized administratively, is the main solution that can be taken. Only through the enforcement of environmental law committed by law enforcement penal law officials, which has ecological visionary, environmental crime can get attention appropriately and have a deterrent effect on environmental criminals.
Against environmental crime, it is clearly necessary legal steps are handled professionally by the police officers, investigators, prosecutors and certified environment judges. Administration of justice, through law enforcement officials, building environmental law enforcement officials by strengthening the training and certification process. The environmental law enforcement will have practical implications to resolve cases of environmental crimes within the meaning of environmental penal law. Establishment of environmental law enforcement institutions in the spirit of integrity of the model penal law ORES (One Roof Enforcement System) should be encouraged for the sake of the establishment of the rule of law against the crime in an integrated environment. The integration is important in order to open the space access to justice for people who can be administrated well in the context of good environmental enforcement based on the principles of good environmental governance.
Keywords: Law Enforcement, Environmental Crimes, Good Environmental Governance
Papers by Suparto Wijoyo
International journal of evaluation and research in education, Aug 1, 2024
Social sciences, Jun 11, 2024
Refleksi hukum, Aug 9, 2023

Technium Social Sciences Journal, Jan 8, 2024
PT. PLN Persero had vertically integrated business processes from upstream to downstream, and wit... more PT. PLN Persero had vertically integrated business processes from upstream to downstream, and with the existence of several levels/levels of office, the appropriate competency model is the multiple competency model. Based on the choice of multiple competency models, in general, PT. PLN Persero competency needs are divided into main competencies, role competencies (soft competencies) and field competencies (hard competencies). Multitasking competence was a competency requirement for all position formations at PLN. derived from the vision, mission and corporate values. This study aimed to identify the development of environmental capital-based multitasking competence at PT. PLN Persero. This research was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach combined with a systematic literature review method. The results of the study concluded that the development of environmental capital-based multitasking competence at PT. PLN Persero identified 4 main competencies in PT. PLN Persero, namely achievement orientation, building trust, continuous learning, and customer focus. These four main competencies were identified based on the vision and mission of PT. PLN Persero and 4 corporate values. The preparation of this multitasking competence has taken into account the business scope of PT. PLN Persero based on environmental capital.

F1000Research, Apr 23, 2024
Background Leadership changes within public organizations are often associated with achieving the... more Background Leadership changes within public organizations are often associated with achieving the organization's vision. This exploratory study examines critical incidents and the anxiety experienced by the head of the department at the local government in the context of leadership change in the public organization. It explores anxiety, which has rarely been explored in connection with leadership change, especially with regard to public organizations and countries with a high-power distance culture. Thus, it comprehensively describes the sources, course, and consequences of anxiety due to leadership change. Methods Critical incident technique (CIT) was used to conduct analysis because of its suitability as a theoretical framework for the exploratory nature of this research. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews from 26 informants who served as heads of departments in cities. Results The findings revealed the causes, course, and consequence of the anxiety experienced in response to leadership change. Political choice, culture change, policy change, fear of loss, and unaccountable financing were identified as sources of anxiety. Anxiety manifested through negative, cognitive, and behavioral reactions. The consequences were divided into in-circle, out-circle, and ambivalence-Open Peer Review Approval Status AWAITING PEER REVIEW Any reports and responses or comments on the article can be found at the end of the article.

Hasanuddin Law Review, Feb 18, 2023
The high rate of deforestation and many forest disputes in Indonesia show that forest management ... more The high rate of deforestation and many forest disputes in Indonesia show that forest management in Indonesia is not based on the principles of good forest governance. It also shows that there is still a lack of attention to the aspect of sustainable forest development which focuses on a balanced sustainability condition between the three forest functions (production, ecology, and socio-economic functions). Geospatial Information is expected to be the solution to help provide an accurate data and information which mapping forest development in accordance with the conditions of each forest area, so that the three functions can operate coherently. Furthermore, with the presence of integrated geospatial data, it can be used as a tool in policy formulation, decision making, and/or dispute resolution in the forestry sector. This paper applies empirical juridical research consisting participatory methods through discussions and interviews with related parties. In practice, the legal materials are firstly collected by using inventory and documentation. Then, it’s completed by interviews and Focus Group Discussion data. Moreover, it also applies statutory, conceptual, and case approaches. This paper highlights the use of geospatial information data in the forestry legislation making in Indonesia. Hence, this paper will present new information about the model of forestry dispute resolution based on geospatial information.
Yuridika, May 7, 2012
The functional meaning of environmental license in order to manage environment can be seen on the... more The functional meaning of environmental license in order to manage environment can be seen on the precision or exactness of fulfillment of conditions of environmental license which administratively is relevant for environmental protection. The conditions, that must be met to hold environmental license, have important meaning to evaluate environmental management conducted by corporation. Conditions of environmental license as inserted in document of license are direction that must be followed by the holder of license. Government institutions which have competence to give license should formulate all aspects of operation of industrial activity in the form environmental license.

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, Nov 18, 2021
Human activities have an adverse effect on the environment by polluting the water we drink, the a... more Human activities have an adverse effect on the environment by polluting the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the soil in which plants grow. Although the industrial revolution was a great success in terms of technology, society, and the provision of multiple services, it also introduced the production of huge quantities of pollutants emitted into the air that are harmful to human health (Manisalidis, 2020). The Brantas River, which is a national strategic river area and is the basis for information on water quality, is currently experiencing pollution. The Water Quality Index (WQI) of the Brantas River in 2020 is 48.77, or under the Water Quality Standards (Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001), and parameters Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 6.75 mg/liter, phosphate 0.302 mg/l, fecal coliform 2,373.88 mg/l, detergent 32.98 mg/l, and total coliform 25.424.48 mg/l, meaning the river is in a polluted condition or the water quality is low. In developing countries Manucci (2017) states that the problem is more serious due to overpopulation and uncontrolled urbanization along with the development of industrialization. There is a gap between practices in water quality management and governance practices in developing countries. In some countries, lawsuits in the restoration of river quality can be used as an instrument to solve problems of pollution and low quality of river water by requiring specific actions to be taken to protect the environment.
Prenadamedia Group eBooks, 2016
buku ini diterbitkan dengan memperhatikan kehendak publik dan niatan untuk memberikan kontribusi ... more buku ini diterbitkan dengan memperhatikan kehendak publik dan niatan untuk memberikan kontribusi keilmuan yang dikonstruksi dari praksis kinerja pembangunan Ekonomi Jawa Timu
Kencana Prenada Media Group eBooks, 2015
Birokrasi memainkan peran penting untuk menghadirkan arti sebuah negara bagi warga pemilik kedaul... more Birokrasi memainkan peran penting untuk menghadirkan arti sebuah negara bagi warga pemilik kedaulatan yang telah ditransformasikan melalui mekanisme demokrasi general election (pemilu). Pemimpin pemerintahan yang mendapatkan amanat dari rakyat yang berdaulat tersebut memiliki kewajiban konstitusional untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar (basic needs) dalam mengartikulasikan makna adanya tata kelola pemerintahan (good governance); yakni sebagai pelayan rakyat (public servant) yang kreatif-inovatif. Untuk itulah, administrative reform yang dilakukan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur sesungguhnya didasari the great spirit agar birokrasi (aparatur sipil negara) berjiwa always the best dalam melayani rakyat, sehingga tercipta kondisi di mana rakyat merasakan sepenuh hati kehadiran negara berikut organ pemerintahannya
Sinar Grafika eBooks, 2017
Permasalah lingkungan yang tidak lagi mengenal batas teritorial melahirkan disiplin ilmu baru seb... more Permasalah lingkungan yang tidak lagi mengenal batas teritorial melahirkan disiplin ilmu baru sebagai salah satu sarana untuk menyelesaikannya, yaitu hukum lingkungan internsaional. Buku ini memuat dapan bab yang diawali pendahuluan, hukum lingkungan internasional, sumber hukum lingkungan internsiaonal, prinsip-prinsip hukum lingkungan internasional dan aksi perlindungan lingkungan, penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan internasional, dan diakhri tentang kasus-kasus sengketa lingkungan internasional. Buku ini ditujukan untuk akademisi dan mahasiswa hukum, birokat, pejabat pemerintahan di bidang pengelolaan lingkungan, organisai lingkungan, advokat, hakim, dan siapa saja yang berminat pada isu-isu lingkungan.
Airlangga development journal, Aug 1, 2016
Konstitusi RI mengamanatkan adanya hak atas lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat. Namun dalam pra... more Konstitusi RI mengamanatkan adanya hak atas lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat. Namun dalam praktiknya, dengan masih banyaknya kasus lingkungan yang terjadi dewasa ini, tentunya dapat menjadi kritik bagi Pemerintah sebagai organ yang bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap pemenuhan hak tersebut. Berbagai masalah lingkungan yang terjadi, baik kerusakan maupun pencemaran tidak berbanding lurus dengan mekanisme penegakan hukum yang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah. Lahirnya UU No. 32/2009 (UU PPLH) rupanya juga belum mampu menjawab segala problematika penegakan hukum lingkungan di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya dalam tulisan ini akan diuraikan mengenai mekanisme penegakan hukum lingkungan yang berlaku di Indonesia, dan dilakukan perbandingan pula dengan beberapa negara, diantaranya Amerika Serikat, Belanda, Jepang dan Singapura.
Airlangga University Press eBooks, 2012
Hukum lingkungan telah dikonsepkan ada dalam lingkup pembangunan berkelanjutan yang bersendikan r... more Hukum lingkungan telah dikonsepkan ada dalam lingkup pembangunan berkelanjutan yang bersendikan rangkaian keseimbangan antara kepentingan ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan secara integral. Perubahan ekologis sangat berpengaruh pada terjadinya Perubahan Perilaku di kehidupan umat manusia. Apalagi rusaknya ekologis sangat cepat membantu terjadinya kerusakan pada kehidupan umat manusia. Buku ini meliputi 8 pokok permasalahan. Bab 1 sampai 3 membahas masalah lingkungan dan pengelolaannya. Bab 4 sampai 7 membahas budaya masyarakat terhadap lingkungan. Dan bab 8 mengenai bencana banjir dan lumpur

Jurnal Masyarakat Merdeka, Dec 29, 2022
Mitra dalam program ini adalah kelompok ibu-ibu Kader KB yang tergabung dalam UPPKS (Usaha Pening... more Mitra dalam program ini adalah kelompok ibu-ibu Kader KB yang tergabung dalam UPPKS (Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera). UPPKS sebagai lembaga kader KB di Desa mempunyai peran penting dalam mengsukseskan program KB; karena mempunyai peran ganda yaitu selain sebagai organisasi kader KB yang mempunyai peran sosial untuk mengsukseskan program KB juga sebagai unit usaha yang mempunyai peran untuk memberdayakan masyarakat miskin agar hidup sejahtera Keterbatasan pengetahuan dan skill anggota UPPKS perlu dilakukan pemberdayaan agar lebih meningkat dalam menjalankan perannya. Dalam program ini adalah merintis Desa Wisata Kampung KB. Dengan adanya program ini diharapkan akan dapat meningkatkan Mitra dalam mengelola Wisata Kampung KB sehingga dapat menjadi media Edukasi bagi masyarakat khsusnya di kalangan remaja dan pemuda sebagai generasi penerus bangsa dengan ICON Taman Edukasi Budi Daya Lebah Madu Klanceng.

Jalan Lain Menuju Mandiri dan Sejahtera ("JALIN MATRA") Program is a poverty alleviation program ... more Jalan Lain Menuju Mandiri dan Sejahtera ("JALIN MATRA") Program is a poverty alleviation program that has been implemented by the Government of East Java Province and contains micro data of East Java Province obtained through census by name and address of households with the lowest welfare status. In 2016, the program was still not well implemented since there were conflicts in its legislation requiring the currently implemented mechanism to be adjusted. It was started from providing cash assistance to impoverished households, into providing the goods assistance by the village government. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of "Jalin Matra" Program as a poverty alleviation effort at East Java Province in 2016 to be used as a consideration for the program sustainability. The method used in this study is sociolegal research in which the review of legislation as the legal basis of the "Jalin Matra" Program is further confirmed by a field research through interviews with targeted household beneficiaries. The result is in accordance with what the aid providers expected that is the head of household beneficiaries are satisfied with the "Jalin Matra" Program and a positive impact on the household economy can be provided by the program. It is concluded that "Jalin Matra" Program has been effective to alleviate poverty in East Java Province and it can be one of the reference programs for poverty alleviation in other area, with a proper adjustment related to the special condition and characteristic of each region
Conference Presentations by Suparto Wijoyo
Political environmental laws needs to develop the environmental crimes as a form of serious crime, it can even be qualified as a crime of terrorism based on anti-terror law. Environmental crime has enormous impact on public health, public safety, damage to objects vital in state facilities, and loss of economic, ecological and social cumulative. Such crimes can certainly be classified as a crime of terrorism.
Formulation of environmental offense, qualification of the professionalism of law enforcement officials in penal law environment and adequate legal infrastructure by the support of justice access, which is organized administratively, is the main solution that can be taken. Only through the enforcement of environmental law committed by law enforcement penal law officials, which has ecological visionary, environmental crime can get attention appropriately and have a deterrent effect on environmental criminals.
Against environmental crime, it is clearly necessary legal steps are handled professionally by the police officers, investigators, prosecutors and certified environment judges. Administration of justice, through law enforcement officials, building environmental law enforcement officials by strengthening the training and certification process. The environmental law enforcement will have practical implications to resolve cases of environmental crimes within the meaning of environmental penal law. Establishment of environmental law enforcement institutions in the spirit of integrity of the model penal law ORES (One Roof Enforcement System) should be encouraged for the sake of the establishment of the rule of law against the crime in an integrated environment. The integration is important in order to open the space access to justice for people who can be administrated well in the context of good environmental enforcement based on the principles of good environmental governance.
Keywords: Law Enforcement, Environmental Crimes, Good Environmental Governance
Papers by Suparto Wijoyo
Political environmental laws needs to develop the environmental crimes as a form of serious crime, it can even be qualified as a crime of terrorism based on anti-terror law. Environmental crime has enormous impact on public health, public safety, damage to objects vital in state facilities, and loss of economic, ecological and social cumulative. Such crimes can certainly be classified as a crime of terrorism.
Formulation of environmental offense, qualification of the professionalism of law enforcement officials in penal law environment and adequate legal infrastructure by the support of justice access, which is organized administratively, is the main solution that can be taken. Only through the enforcement of environmental law committed by law enforcement penal law officials, which has ecological visionary, environmental crime can get attention appropriately and have a deterrent effect on environmental criminals.
Against environmental crime, it is clearly necessary legal steps are handled professionally by the police officers, investigators, prosecutors and certified environment judges. Administration of justice, through law enforcement officials, building environmental law enforcement officials by strengthening the training and certification process. The environmental law enforcement will have practical implications to resolve cases of environmental crimes within the meaning of environmental penal law. Establishment of environmental law enforcement institutions in the spirit of integrity of the model penal law ORES (One Roof Enforcement System) should be encouraged for the sake of the establishment of the rule of law against the crime in an integrated environment. The integration is important in order to open the space access to justice for people who can be administrated well in the context of good environmental enforcement based on the principles of good environmental governance.
Keywords: Law Enforcement, Environmental Crimes, Good Environmental Governance