Book Chapters by Gudrun Klein
Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean - Edited By Peter Wade, James Scorer, Ignacio Aguiló, 2019
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].

DIFERENÇAS ÉTNICO-RACIAIS E FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE: UM DIÁLOGO NECESSÁRIO - Edited by Luiz Fernandes de Oliveira, Lilian do Carmo de Oliveira Cunha, Roma Gonçalves Lemos, 2016
"Acredito que a trajetória do leitor ao percorrer as páginas
deste livro será semelhante ao percu... more "Acredito que a trajetória do leitor ao percorrer as páginas
deste livro será semelhante ao percurso de seus autores na
construção deste trabalho coletivo: um caminho de descobertas,
questionamento de falsas certezas e de perceber que, por
mais que se caminhe, o ponto de chegada está ainda vislumbrado
à distância na linha do horizonte.
Esta foi a sensação que tive ao ler os trabalhos aqui apresentados,
em sua maioria resultantes de reflexões e debates
realizados nas aulas da disciplina “Formação Docente e Relações
Étnico-Raciais” ofertada pelo professor Luiz Fernandes
de Oliveira (um dos organizadores do livro, juntamente
com Lilian do Carmo de Oliveira Cunha e Roma Gonçalves Lemos), no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto
Sensu em Educação, Contextos Contemporâneos e Demandas
Populares da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
(PPGEDUC/UFRRJ). Trata-se de um caminho que vai
se desvendando aos leitores aos poucos, formado a partir de
um mosaico de experiência e reflexões teóricas sobre o saber
docente em suas variadas expressões".
Rosana Heringer. Doutora em Sociologia, professora e vice-diretora da Faculdade de Educação da
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
Conference Presentations by Gudrun Klein

Resumo A partir das Leis 10.639/03 e 11.645/08, que tornam obrigatório o ensino da história e cul... more Resumo A partir das Leis 10.639/03 e 11.645/08, que tornam obrigatório o ensino da história e cultura afro-brasileira, africana e indígena no Brasil, espaços nos quais o currículo eurocêntrico é questionado e desconstruído serão explorados. Mérito de movimentos sociais que lutaram pela implementação dessas leis, grande parte de sua realização é feita por professores. Este artigo examina as motivações de professores e alunos que cheguei a chamar multiplicadores de uma educação descolonizadora (MIGNOLO, 2009) rompendo com as tradições educativas eurocêntricas. A investigação das resistências que impedem a transformação do ensino – como as estruturas do sistema de educação brasileiro ou correntes religiosas cuja ideologia bate-se com as crenças tradicionalmente africanas e indígenas – visa a estimular a reflexão sobre práticas melhores e estratégias para superar tais resistências. Palavras-Chave: Brasil. Descolonização. Educação Intercultural. Pedagogia Antirracista. Grupo de Trabalho: GT 7-Diversidade Cultural e Episte(me)todologias decoloniais

In 2003, the law 10.639 was introduced in Brazil, reforming the school curriculum by turning Afri... more In 2003, the law 10.639 was introduced in Brazil, reforming the school curriculum by turning African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture into compulsory parts of the curriculum. The valorisation of Afro-Brazilian identity and culture and the diversity of the Brazilian people, facilitated by this curriculum, are regarded as essential steps against racism and towards an equal society (Hofbauer, 1995). The reformation of the curriculum can be regarded as an attempt by the state and the movimento negro to initiate and accelerate the revision of the ‘racial democracy’ myth and the reparation of injustices that are a result of the country’s colonial history, slavery and its ‘branqueamento’ politics of the 19th century. This paper addresses the following question: How does the introduction of this curriculum as part of a broad range of affirmative actions reflect changing understandings of racial identity, Brazilian citizenship and national identity? The inclusion of Afro-Brazilians as valuable contributors in the narrative of brasilidade is essential in order to fight social and racial inequality, deeply ingrained in Brazilian society. Through the theoretical framework that arises from the politics of recognition (Taylor, 1994, 2012) as an approach to identity politics, and Wade’s conceptualisation of mestiçagem and racial identity in Latin America (2005), I will respond to this question. The affirmation of a distinct Black identity, legalised in form of affirmative actions, contributes to the deconstruction of the myth of the ‘racial democracy’ and allows thus for individuals and groups to claim their specific meaningful place in the national society.
Dissertations/Theses by Gudrun Klein

Apresentada de forma mais simples, esta tese é sobre a aplicação de uma política das relações étn... more Apresentada de forma mais simples, esta tese é sobre a aplicação de uma política das relações étnico-raciais nas escolas brasileiras-especificamente em duas escolas públicas de ensino médio no Rio de Janeiro. Mas como este assunto não é simples, e como a conscientização da discriminação racial e do pertencimento racial são questões extremamente complexas e sensíveis no Brasil, esta tese se ramifica em um conjunto de questões que podem ser formuladas como (a) qual é o lugar da conscientização racial em uma escola pública? (b) como se pode analisar, ou mesmo julgar, o direito ou o requisito das pessoas designadas em um grupo privilegiado-privilégio racial, socioeconômico ou em outros formatos-para aumentar a conscientização entre os membros de um grupo menos privilegiado sobre a opressão ou a exclusão a que eles e seus antepassados foram submetidos? (c) que estratégias podem ser observadas que garantam a discussão das relações étnico-raciais na escola em um ambiente político na qual a educação e os direitos das minorias estão sendo atacados por quem supostamente deveriam protegê-los? No Brasil, a década de 1990 e o início dos anos 2000 foram marcados por várias reformas de políticas públicas destinadas a enfrentar as persistentes e significativas disparidades raciais e sociais do país, ao mesmo tempo em que estavam intimamente ligadas à agenda do Partido dos Trabalhadores. Essas reformas contribuíram para transformar as questões da raça e do racismo em parte da agenda nacional. Em 2003, o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Partido dos Trabalhadores) introduziu a Lei 10.639/03, que tornou obrigatório o ensino da história e da cultura africana e afro-brasileira em todas as escolas públicas e privadas de ensino fundamental e médio por todo o país. Alguns anos depois, em 2008, a Lei 11.645/08 alterou a versão original, acrescentando história e cultura indígena ao texto. Representantes dos movimentos negros e indígenas lutaram pela implementação dessas leis por muitos anos. Eles entendem as leis como uma ferramenta para combater o racismo, cuja existência há muito é subestimada ou mesmo negada na sociedade brasileira, principalmente com o legado do mito da "democracia racial". Assim como servem como um instrumento para a reparação das injustiças causadas pela história colonial do país, notadamente com a

As part of affirmative actions targeting racial inequality, Brazil introduced educational
Laws 10... more As part of affirmative actions targeting racial inequality, Brazil introduced educational
Laws 10.639 in 2003 and 11.645 in 2008, which oblige every school in the country to teach
African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture. The black movement regards the
reform as an important step towards the deconstruction of the ‘racial democracy’-myth and
the reparation of injustices caused by the country’s colonial history, slavery and its
branqueamento (whitening) immigration policies. By exploring the scope and limitations of
different approaches to the implementation of Law 11.645/08, this thesis adds a new angle
to the discussion about the effectiveness of multicultural education and its relevance in the
creation of a person’s attitude towards racism and cultural difference.
For my fieldwork I spent a year in the city of Rio de Janeiro and its Northern
metropolitan area Baixada Fluminense, locating spaces in which institutions, groups and
individuals work on the implementation of the law: I carried out research in two socially
very distinct public high schools, two teacher education courses offered by public
institutions and with various social activists, students and education professionals. Exploring
the trajectories not only of individuals who are active in the implementation process but the
profiles of two very distinct school districts, offers an analysis of Brazilian race relations
through the lens of the socio-educational context. Different approaches to the law’s
implementation from various positions of economic, symbolic, cultural or political capital all
have a different effect on those involved in the implementation process and open up
different conceptual and strategic questions. Such insights contribute to our understanding
of how social policies, as well as ethnic-racial education, can be applied in a meaningful way
to various educational contexts and to the design of further affirmative action policies,
particularly those categorising and targeting certain ethnic-racial groups.

Magister Thesis, 2012
Two centuries after the abolition of slavery in Brazil the massive social discrepancy between
Af... more Two centuries after the abolition of slavery in Brazil the massive social discrepancy between
Afro-Brazilians, indigenous people and descendants of European immigrants is still highly visible in the Brazilian society. In the
1930s, Gilberto Freyre added to the creation of a myth about racial democracy (democracia racial) which until today is
widespread within the Brazilian society. It denies the existence of racial discrimination based on the assumption that all people in Brazil mingle and live with each other harmoniously, free of prejudices. This thesis discusses various aspects and
manifestations of racial discrimination, as well as the emergence of racial quota in Brazil and its
significance for the students of the Universidade Federal da Bahia. Concepts and theories
which are used by the advocates of racial quotas are illustrated.
These were put in place in order to contradict the myth of a racial democracy and to provide equal
opportunities for all Brazilians. By interacting with students and activists, specific questions
about the validity of race, identity and transformational educational tools system towards
greater fairness are discussed.
Periodicals by Gudrun Klein
Book Chapters by Gudrun Klein
deste livro será semelhante ao percurso de seus autores na
construção deste trabalho coletivo: um caminho de descobertas,
questionamento de falsas certezas e de perceber que, por
mais que se caminhe, o ponto de chegada está ainda vislumbrado
à distância na linha do horizonte.
Esta foi a sensação que tive ao ler os trabalhos aqui apresentados,
em sua maioria resultantes de reflexões e debates
realizados nas aulas da disciplina “Formação Docente e Relações
Étnico-Raciais” ofertada pelo professor Luiz Fernandes
de Oliveira (um dos organizadores do livro, juntamente
com Lilian do Carmo de Oliveira Cunha e Roma Gonçalves Lemos), no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto
Sensu em Educação, Contextos Contemporâneos e Demandas
Populares da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
(PPGEDUC/UFRRJ). Trata-se de um caminho que vai
se desvendando aos leitores aos poucos, formado a partir de
um mosaico de experiência e reflexões teóricas sobre o saber
docente em suas variadas expressões".
Rosana Heringer. Doutora em Sociologia, professora e vice-diretora da Faculdade de Educação da
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
Conference Presentations by Gudrun Klein
Dissertations/Theses by Gudrun Klein
Laws 10.639 in 2003 and 11.645 in 2008, which oblige every school in the country to teach
African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture. The black movement regards the
reform as an important step towards the deconstruction of the ‘racial democracy’-myth and
the reparation of injustices caused by the country’s colonial history, slavery and its
branqueamento (whitening) immigration policies. By exploring the scope and limitations of
different approaches to the implementation of Law 11.645/08, this thesis adds a new angle
to the discussion about the effectiveness of multicultural education and its relevance in the
creation of a person’s attitude towards racism and cultural difference.
For my fieldwork I spent a year in the city of Rio de Janeiro and its Northern
metropolitan area Baixada Fluminense, locating spaces in which institutions, groups and
individuals work on the implementation of the law: I carried out research in two socially
very distinct public high schools, two teacher education courses offered by public
institutions and with various social activists, students and education professionals. Exploring
the trajectories not only of individuals who are active in the implementation process but the
profiles of two very distinct school districts, offers an analysis of Brazilian race relations
through the lens of the socio-educational context. Different approaches to the law’s
implementation from various positions of economic, symbolic, cultural or political capital all
have a different effect on those involved in the implementation process and open up
different conceptual and strategic questions. Such insights contribute to our understanding
of how social policies, as well as ethnic-racial education, can be applied in a meaningful way
to various educational contexts and to the design of further affirmative action policies,
particularly those categorising and targeting certain ethnic-racial groups.
Afro-Brazilians, indigenous people and descendants of European immigrants is still highly visible in the Brazilian society. In the
1930s, Gilberto Freyre added to the creation of a myth about racial democracy (democracia racial) which until today is
widespread within the Brazilian society. It denies the existence of racial discrimination based on the assumption that all people in Brazil mingle and live with each other harmoniously, free of prejudices. This thesis discusses various aspects and
manifestations of racial discrimination, as well as the emergence of racial quota in Brazil and its
significance for the students of the Universidade Federal da Bahia. Concepts and theories
which are used by the advocates of racial quotas are illustrated.
These were put in place in order to contradict the myth of a racial democracy and to provide equal
opportunities for all Brazilians. By interacting with students and activists, specific questions
about the validity of race, identity and transformational educational tools system towards
greater fairness are discussed.
Periodicals by Gudrun Klein
Erschienen in MATICES - Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal 2015, Heft 81, 1
deste livro será semelhante ao percurso de seus autores na
construção deste trabalho coletivo: um caminho de descobertas,
questionamento de falsas certezas e de perceber que, por
mais que se caminhe, o ponto de chegada está ainda vislumbrado
à distância na linha do horizonte.
Esta foi a sensação que tive ao ler os trabalhos aqui apresentados,
em sua maioria resultantes de reflexões e debates
realizados nas aulas da disciplina “Formação Docente e Relações
Étnico-Raciais” ofertada pelo professor Luiz Fernandes
de Oliveira (um dos organizadores do livro, juntamente
com Lilian do Carmo de Oliveira Cunha e Roma Gonçalves Lemos), no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto
Sensu em Educação, Contextos Contemporâneos e Demandas
Populares da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
(PPGEDUC/UFRRJ). Trata-se de um caminho que vai
se desvendando aos leitores aos poucos, formado a partir de
um mosaico de experiência e reflexões teóricas sobre o saber
docente em suas variadas expressões".
Rosana Heringer. Doutora em Sociologia, professora e vice-diretora da Faculdade de Educação da
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
Laws 10.639 in 2003 and 11.645 in 2008, which oblige every school in the country to teach
African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture. The black movement regards the
reform as an important step towards the deconstruction of the ‘racial democracy’-myth and
the reparation of injustices caused by the country’s colonial history, slavery and its
branqueamento (whitening) immigration policies. By exploring the scope and limitations of
different approaches to the implementation of Law 11.645/08, this thesis adds a new angle
to the discussion about the effectiveness of multicultural education and its relevance in the
creation of a person’s attitude towards racism and cultural difference.
For my fieldwork I spent a year in the city of Rio de Janeiro and its Northern
metropolitan area Baixada Fluminense, locating spaces in which institutions, groups and
individuals work on the implementation of the law: I carried out research in two socially
very distinct public high schools, two teacher education courses offered by public
institutions and with various social activists, students and education professionals. Exploring
the trajectories not only of individuals who are active in the implementation process but the
profiles of two very distinct school districts, offers an analysis of Brazilian race relations
through the lens of the socio-educational context. Different approaches to the law’s
implementation from various positions of economic, symbolic, cultural or political capital all
have a different effect on those involved in the implementation process and open up
different conceptual and strategic questions. Such insights contribute to our understanding
of how social policies, as well as ethnic-racial education, can be applied in a meaningful way
to various educational contexts and to the design of further affirmative action policies,
particularly those categorising and targeting certain ethnic-racial groups.
Afro-Brazilians, indigenous people and descendants of European immigrants is still highly visible in the Brazilian society. In the
1930s, Gilberto Freyre added to the creation of a myth about racial democracy (democracia racial) which until today is
widespread within the Brazilian society. It denies the existence of racial discrimination based on the assumption that all people in Brazil mingle and live with each other harmoniously, free of prejudices. This thesis discusses various aspects and
manifestations of racial discrimination, as well as the emergence of racial quota in Brazil and its
significance for the students of the Universidade Federal da Bahia. Concepts and theories
which are used by the advocates of racial quotas are illustrated.
These were put in place in order to contradict the myth of a racial democracy and to provide equal
opportunities for all Brazilians. By interacting with students and activists, specific questions
about the validity of race, identity and transformational educational tools system towards
greater fairness are discussed.
Erschienen in MATICES - Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal 2015, Heft 81, 1