The University of Manchester
Social Anthropology
This edited collection proposes an ethnography of morality can resolve the habit of pittng universalist against cultural relativist oppositions. Whereas philosopher argues to erase contradiction for a universal theory of value,... more
- by Karen Sykes
This paper looks at the operation of distinction amongst FC United of Manchester fans. It begins with a discussion of Bennett et al’s recent analysis of social distinction in British cultural life. Here they suggest that recent... more
The work that NGOs now do has undergone significant change since they came to prominence as development actors in the 1980s. NGOs in Africa are shaped by a development donor civil society template that provides the resources and the... more
- by Maia Green
This article explores some aspects of the representation poverty in development studies from an anthropological perspective. Starting from the history of the category of poverty as the central target for development policy, the article... more
- by Maia Green
This article examines the relation between witchcraft suppression institutions in southern Tanzania and the entrenchment of witchcraft. While practices against witches are acclaimed as a public good by grateful residents such practices... more
- by Maia Green
Poverty and poverty reduction are currently the central concerns of development analysis, discourse and poverty. Despite recent theoretical advances poverty analysis continues to be dominated by income/consumption poverty so that poverty... more
- by Maia Green