Books by Suad Sakalli Gumus

Introduction: This study investigated the user requirements of individuals with visual impairment... more Introduction: This study investigated the user requirements of individuals with visual impairments regarding the information to be included in orientation and mobility (O&M) aids in order for optimally useful audio-tactile maps of campuses to be developed. In addition, this study aimed at investigating the importance (usefulness) that individuals with visual impairments attribute to environmental information of campuses. Methods: The researchers listed 213 pieces of environmental information concerning campuses and address them in survey by conducting a respective questionnaire. Participants were asked to evaluate the information, regarding the importance or usefulness of the information in regard to safety, location of services, and orientation and wayfinding during movement. Through convenience sampling 115 adults (aged from 18 to 64 years) with visual impairments from four countries (Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, and Germany) took part in the research. Results: Pieces of environmental information, sorted in descending order starting with the most useful ones,

Toplum ve Demokrasi, 10 (21) 69-89, 2016
Political parties aim to impact voters with propaganda to draw their votes to
themselves. Their ... more Political parties aim to impact voters with propaganda to draw their votes to
themselves. Their goal is to come to power and govern countries and societies. In this
study the data comes from a content analysis of to the election declarations of the four
political parties that were successful in the June 7th 2015 parliamentary elections and
that established a group in the parliament.This analysis was conducted two ways: one
as formal and another as content assessment. According to the results of the study, CHP
is the political party with highest number of reference to the disabled concept and the
highest number of assurances to disabled induviduals in its declaration. Yet, AKP is the
party that gave the least number of assurances to disabled individuals in its declaration
Siyasi partiler, propaganda yolu ile seçmen kitlelerini etkileyerek oy vermelerini sağlamaya çalışırlar. Bu sayede iktidare gelerek ülke ve toplumları yönetmek isterler. Bu çalışmada, 7 Haziran 2015 milletvekilliği genel seçimlerinde başarı göstererek mecliste grup kurma yetkisi kazanan dört siyasi partinin, propaganda sürecinde yayınladıkları seçim beyannamelerinde engelli ifadeleri odağında içerik analizi amaçlanmıştır. İçerik değerlendirmesi biçimsel ve ifadelerin değerlendirmesi şeklinde olmak üzere iki yolla yapılmıştır. Sonuçta, engelli kavramının en sık Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) tarafından kullanılmasının yanı sıra en fazla vaatte bulunan parti yine aynı parti olmuştur. Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), daha çok mevcut durumun betimlenmesi şeklinde hazırlamış olduğu beyannamede, engelli bireylerle ilişkili olarak en az vaat sunan parti olarak belirlenmiştir. Toplam 93 vaadin sunulduğu beyannamelerde vaatlerin yarısından fazlası " Sosyal-Ekonomik Politikalar " , " İstihdam " , " Sağlık " ve " Eğitim " gibi, seçmen kitlesi tarafından kolay görülebilen ve önem verilen, hizmet ve politikalar alanlarında ortaya çıkmıştır.

This case study documents the curriculum building and delivery of the content of
a graduate lev... more This case study documents the curriculum building and delivery of the content of
a graduate level course (K548, Families, School, and the Society) offered at Indiana
University and examines the impact on teachers of a curriculum specifically designed to
prepare them for effective family-professional partnerships.
Based on a preliminary study conducted in 2003, this course (K548) was
restructured. This dissertation study was conducted to evaluate the impact of this
restructuring on the effectiveness of the course. Data collected from field notes,
interviews, and course artifacts were analyzed using constant comparative methods to
analyze the impact the curriculum had on teacher learning and professional identity
development in terms of partnering with families.
This dissertation study documented that the course studied had a
reasonable structure because it was effective in achieving its overall goals of preparing
teachers to partner with families. Overall, it could be concluded that the comprehensive
course curriculum with Family Systems Theory component as a solid conceptual
framework, provided the much needed direction in teacher preparation and the solid
information base that could be used by others in the search for improvement of similar
programs. The study facilitated the emergence of a conceptual framework related to
knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for the preparation of teachers in partnering with
families. Finally, the study made recommendations for future practice and pointed out the
issues to be resolved in future research.
Papers by Suad Sakalli Gumus

Bu arastirma, Hatay, Antakya merkez ilcesinde bulunan ve engelli ogrencilere hizmet veren 13 devl... more Bu arastirma, Hatay, Antakya merkez ilcesinde bulunan ve engelli ogrencilere hizmet veren 13 devlet ilk ogretim okulunda gorev yapan rehber ogretmenlerle gerceklestirilmis bir durum calismasidir. Soz konusu okullarda herhangi bir cinsel egitim yapilip yapilmadigi, yapiliyorsa iceriginin ne oldugu arastirilmis, katilimci rehber ogretmenlerin boyle bir hizmetin ozel gereksinimli cocuklara saglanmasi gerekliligi ve bu sorumlulugun kime ait oldugu konusundaki dusunceleri ve ogretmenlerin demografik ozelliklerinin bu duruma olasi yansimalari arastirilmistir. Arastirma, okullarda standart ve kapsamli bir cinsel egitim uygulamasinin gerceklestirilmedigini, ogretmenlerin % 50’sine yakininin konuyla ilgili her hangi bir egitiminin olmadigini, bu katilimcilarin % 62’sinin her hangi bir cinsel egitim saglamadigini ortaya koymustur. Saglanan cinsel egitimlerin genellikle sunum seklinde kisitli zamanlarda ve sinirli bir icerikle (genellikle ergenlik ve cinsel gelisim hakkinda bilgilendirme sekli...

British Journal of Visual Impairment, 2020
The aim of this study is to investigate the user requirements of individuals with blindness regar... more The aim of this study is to investigate the user requirements of individuals with blindness regarding the information to be mapped on audio-tactile maps of city centers and neighborhoods/residential areas. Beyond that specific scope, this study aims at covering a wider research gap. That is, the investigation of the usefulness that individuals with blindness attribute to different spatial information (items) of differentiated environments: city centers and neighborhoods/residential areas. A total of 115 adults with blindness took part in the research. Participants came from four countries: Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, and Germany. The researchers listed 222 pieces of information concerning city centers and 226 pieces concerning neighborhoods/residential areas and address them in survey by conducting two respective questionnaires. Participants were asked to evaluate the information regarding the usefulness of the information with regard to safety, location of services, and orientation/way...

Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 2020
Introduction: This study investigated the user requirements of individuals with visual impairment... more Introduction: This study investigated the user requirements of individuals with visual impairments regarding the information to be included in orientation and mobility (O&M) aids in order for optimally useful audio-tactile maps of campuses to be developed. In addition, this study aimed at investigating the importance (usefulness) that individuals with visual impairments attribute to environmental information of campuses. Methods: The researchers listed 213 pieces of environmental information concerning campuses and address them in survey by conducting a respective questionnaire. Participants were asked to evaluate the information, regarding the importance or usefulness of the information in regard to safety, location of services, and orientation and wayfinding during movement. Through convenience sampling 115 adults (aged from 18 to 64 years) with visual impairments from four countries (Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, and Germany) took part in the research. Results: Pieces of environmental ...

Cogent Education, 2015
Thirty-two pre-service special education teachers carried out a 14-week informal practicum arrang... more Thirty-two pre-service special education teachers carried out a 14-week informal practicum arranged for the purposes of this research to accompany the three classes they were taking in their program of study and to provide them with the needed setting and opportunities for hands-on experiences and reflection as they construct an understanding of the content offered to them in the program. Data were collected via structured observation, interviews, weekly reflection logs, and group discussions. Qualitative methods were employed to capture the developmental processes of the pre-service teachers. The study utilized the Critical Realistic perspective and the Ecological Systems Theory as theoretical framework. The teachers seemed to have developed their own vision to overcome theory-practice gap and were more open to collaborative efforts by the end of the study. Findings are discussed and implications for special education teacher preparation are deliberated.

An Investigation of Special and Physical Education Pre-Service Teachers’ Vocational Self-Esteem A... more An Investigation of Special and Physical Education Pre-Service Teachers’ Vocational Self-Esteem Aysegul Şükran Öz * Suad Sakallı Gümüş ** Hüseyin Kırımoğlu *** Suggested Citation: Öz, A., S., Sakallı Gümüş, S., & Kırımoğlu, H. (2011). An investigation of special and physical education pre-service teachers’ vocational self-esteem. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 45, 107-126 Abstract Problem Statement: Having a profession that is respected by the society and earns a good income plays a key role for individuals to be happy and productive adults. The responsibility of teacher education, which is culturally regarded as a privileged profession in Turkey, is given to four-year teacher education programs. Positive attitudes towards teaching profession and self-esteem play an important role for teachers in successfully performing their profession. There are numerous factors that affect individuals’ vocational self-esteem. Some of them are gender, the graduates’ employment-chance of...

Education 3-13, 2013
This descriptive-correlational study explores and describes the relationships between the acquisi... more This descriptive-correlational study explores and describes the relationships between the acquisition of values and critical thinking skills addressed in social studies curriculum, and the performance of 6th grade students. The study was conducted with 159 6th grade students who were accessed using convenient sampling (snowball sampling) in five elementary schools in Hatay, Turkey. Two batteries, Cronbach α: 0.93 to test critical thinking skills acquisition and Cronbach α: 0.85 to test acquisition of values, were developed by the researchers and utilised. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation and variance analysis. Results indicate that there is a high correlation (r = 070) between the acquisition of values and students' critical thinking skills. The variance analysis reveals a meaningful variance (p = 0.000) in students' reported grades (performance) and critical thinking skills scores. The post hoc tests indicate that students who performed better (got grades 4 or 5 based on a grading scale of 5) were more effective in acquiring critical thinking skills and that students who have better performance (better grades) were more effective in acquiring the addressed values.

E-Journal of Teaching & Learning in Diverse Settings, 2004
The purposes of the study were to (a) examine the extent to which inservice teachers access resea... more The purposes of the study were to (a) examine the extent to which inservice teachers access research regarding academic and behavioral strategies they may use in their classrooms with students with learning disabilities (LD) and behavior disorders (BD) and (b) obtain suggestions from teachers as to the medium that researchers may use to most effectively deliver their findings to practitioners. This study was based on a statewide survey of 540 special education teachers of students with LD and BD. The surveys captured teachers’ opinions as to the most effective delivery system for imparting new research findings that may have an immediate impact on classroom instruction and teachers’ professional growth and development. Data collected were analyzed using both qualitative (text analysis) and quantitative statistics (frequencies and correlations). Major findings revealed that there was a positive correlation between the frequency of reading special education journals, attending workshops, and using instructional strategies in their original form (without any modifications). In addition, there was a positive correlation between frequency of reading special educational journals, membership in CEC, attending workshops, and the understanding of statistics reported in articles. Lastly, a negative correlation was found between the use of instructional strategies in their original form and the years spent in teaching students with LD. The study’s limitations, implications, and recommendations for future research are discussed.

SAGE Open, 2013
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a promising approach of differentiating instruction to mee... more Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a promising approach of differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students. While differentiation is not unique to special educators, it is an expectation of the profession that special educators know ways to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. Furthermore, as more practicing educators seek out online education opportunities offered by teacher education programs, it is beneficial that instructors understand how these participants interpret what they learn and translate it into practice. This article focuses on a case study of the experiences of five special educators who participated in a hybrid graduate course using UDL concepts. The case study design utilized interviews, observation, and course products. Inductive data analysis uncovered three emerging themes that corresponded to the participants’ perception and practice of UDL.

The purposes of the study were to (a) examine the extent to which inservice teachers access resea... more The purposes of the study were to (a) examine the extent to which inservice teachers access research regarding academic and behavioral strategies they may use in their classrooms with students with learning disabilities (LD) and behavior disorders (BD) and (b) obtain suggestions from teachers as to the medium that researchers may use to most effectively deliver their findings to practitioners. This study was based on a statewide survey of 540 special education teachers of students with LD and BD. The surveys captured teachers’ opinions as to the most effective delivery system for imparting new research findings that may have an immediate impact on classroom instruction and teachers’ professional growth and development. Data collected were analyzed using both qualitative (text analysis) and quantitative statistics (frequencies and correlations). Major findings revealed that there was a positive correlation between the frequency of reading special education journals, attending worksho...
This study inquired into the effects of teacher behaviors on the academic and social performance ... more This study inquired into the effects of teacher behaviors on the academic and social performance of incarcerated juvenile adolescent girls prior to their incarceration. Data were collected from 12 adolescent girls who participated in at least two (no more than three) individual interviews. Qualitative data analysis identified five overarching themes which revealed that some teachers are negatively influencing the academic and social adolescent girls who are at risk for school failure and juvenile delinquency. Implications and contributions of the study’s findings are discussed.

This descriptive-correlational study explores and describes the relationships between the acquisi... more This descriptive-correlational study explores and describes the relationships between the acquisition of values and critical thinking skills addressed in social studies curriculum, and the performance of 6th grade students. The study was conducted with 159 6th grade students who were accessed using convenient sampling (snowball sampling) in five elementary schools in Hatay, Turkey. Two batteries, Cronbach a: 0.93 to test critical thinking skills acquisition and Cronbach a: 0.85 to test acquisition of values, were developed by the researchers and utilised. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation and variance analysis. Results indicate that there is a high correlation (r ¼ 070) between the acquisition of values and students’ critical thinking skills. The variance analysis reveals a meaningful variance (p ¼ 0.000) in students’ reported grades (performance) and critical thinking skills scores. The post hoc tests indicate that students who performed better (got grade...
As the first phase of a longitudinal study, this research explores the level of loneliness and ho... more As the first phase of a longitudinal study, this research explores the level of loneliness and hopelessness of 48 adolescents living in an orphanage and their counterparts (42) living in typical settings based on their involvement in sports and gender. T-test was conducted to identify differences among determined groups. Even though no meaningful differences were found among groups, variability in scores was notable in standard deviation (SD) scores when it comes to the degree of hopelessness based on gender and the degree of loneliness based on their involvement in sports and where they live.

Understanding the family perspective on partnering with teachers is critical for restructuring pr... more Understanding the family perspective on partnering with teachers is critical for restructuring practices in preparing teachers to partner with families. In this study, the context of a course which was designed to prepare special education teachers for family-professional partnerships is used to examine how families of students with special needs view their role in school-family relationships, what they think about teachers partnering with families, and how teacher preparation programs might respond to the challenges that arise from the family perspective. Data were collected through surveys, interviews and focus group discussions and were analyzed using mixed-methods. Families reported that direct experience with families was essential to prepare teachers to work with them. They also made it clear that there was a mismatch between families' understanding of family-professional partnership and that of professionals. These findings have important implications for the design and content of teacher preparation programs.
Books by Suad Sakalli Gumus
themselves. Their goal is to come to power and govern countries and societies. In this
study the data comes from a content analysis of to the election declarations of the four
political parties that were successful in the June 7th 2015 parliamentary elections and
that established a group in the parliament.This analysis was conducted two ways: one
as formal and another as content assessment. According to the results of the study, CHP
is the political party with highest number of reference to the disabled concept and the
highest number of assurances to disabled induviduals in its declaration. Yet, AKP is the
party that gave the least number of assurances to disabled individuals in its declaration
Siyasi partiler, propaganda yolu ile seçmen kitlelerini etkileyerek oy vermelerini sağlamaya çalışırlar. Bu sayede iktidare gelerek ülke ve toplumları yönetmek isterler. Bu çalışmada, 7 Haziran 2015 milletvekilliği genel seçimlerinde başarı göstererek mecliste grup kurma yetkisi kazanan dört siyasi partinin, propaganda sürecinde yayınladıkları seçim beyannamelerinde engelli ifadeleri odağında içerik analizi amaçlanmıştır. İçerik değerlendirmesi biçimsel ve ifadelerin değerlendirmesi şeklinde olmak üzere iki yolla yapılmıştır. Sonuçta, engelli kavramının en sık Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) tarafından kullanılmasının yanı sıra en fazla vaatte bulunan parti yine aynı parti olmuştur. Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), daha çok mevcut durumun betimlenmesi şeklinde hazırlamış olduğu beyannamede, engelli bireylerle ilişkili olarak en az vaat sunan parti olarak belirlenmiştir. Toplam 93 vaadin sunulduğu beyannamelerde vaatlerin yarısından fazlası " Sosyal-Ekonomik Politikalar " , " İstihdam " , " Sağlık " ve " Eğitim " gibi, seçmen kitlesi tarafından kolay görülebilen ve önem verilen, hizmet ve politikalar alanlarında ortaya çıkmıştır.
a graduate level course (K548, Families, School, and the Society) offered at Indiana
University and examines the impact on teachers of a curriculum specifically designed to
prepare them for effective family-professional partnerships.
Based on a preliminary study conducted in 2003, this course (K548) was
restructured. This dissertation study was conducted to evaluate the impact of this
restructuring on the effectiveness of the course. Data collected from field notes,
interviews, and course artifacts were analyzed using constant comparative methods to
analyze the impact the curriculum had on teacher learning and professional identity
development in terms of partnering with families.
This dissertation study documented that the course studied had a
reasonable structure because it was effective in achieving its overall goals of preparing
teachers to partner with families. Overall, it could be concluded that the comprehensive
course curriculum with Family Systems Theory component as a solid conceptual
framework, provided the much needed direction in teacher preparation and the solid
information base that could be used by others in the search for improvement of similar
programs. The study facilitated the emergence of a conceptual framework related to
knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for the preparation of teachers in partnering with
families. Finally, the study made recommendations for future practice and pointed out the
issues to be resolved in future research.
Papers by Suad Sakalli Gumus
themselves. Their goal is to come to power and govern countries and societies. In this
study the data comes from a content analysis of to the election declarations of the four
political parties that were successful in the June 7th 2015 parliamentary elections and
that established a group in the parliament.This analysis was conducted two ways: one
as formal and another as content assessment. According to the results of the study, CHP
is the political party with highest number of reference to the disabled concept and the
highest number of assurances to disabled induviduals in its declaration. Yet, AKP is the
party that gave the least number of assurances to disabled individuals in its declaration
Siyasi partiler, propaganda yolu ile seçmen kitlelerini etkileyerek oy vermelerini sağlamaya çalışırlar. Bu sayede iktidare gelerek ülke ve toplumları yönetmek isterler. Bu çalışmada, 7 Haziran 2015 milletvekilliği genel seçimlerinde başarı göstererek mecliste grup kurma yetkisi kazanan dört siyasi partinin, propaganda sürecinde yayınladıkları seçim beyannamelerinde engelli ifadeleri odağında içerik analizi amaçlanmıştır. İçerik değerlendirmesi biçimsel ve ifadelerin değerlendirmesi şeklinde olmak üzere iki yolla yapılmıştır. Sonuçta, engelli kavramının en sık Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) tarafından kullanılmasının yanı sıra en fazla vaatte bulunan parti yine aynı parti olmuştur. Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), daha çok mevcut durumun betimlenmesi şeklinde hazırlamış olduğu beyannamede, engelli bireylerle ilişkili olarak en az vaat sunan parti olarak belirlenmiştir. Toplam 93 vaadin sunulduğu beyannamelerde vaatlerin yarısından fazlası " Sosyal-Ekonomik Politikalar " , " İstihdam " , " Sağlık " ve " Eğitim " gibi, seçmen kitlesi tarafından kolay görülebilen ve önem verilen, hizmet ve politikalar alanlarında ortaya çıkmıştır.
a graduate level course (K548, Families, School, and the Society) offered at Indiana
University and examines the impact on teachers of a curriculum specifically designed to
prepare them for effective family-professional partnerships.
Based on a preliminary study conducted in 2003, this course (K548) was
restructured. This dissertation study was conducted to evaluate the impact of this
restructuring on the effectiveness of the course. Data collected from field notes,
interviews, and course artifacts were analyzed using constant comparative methods to
analyze the impact the curriculum had on teacher learning and professional identity
development in terms of partnering with families.
This dissertation study documented that the course studied had a
reasonable structure because it was effective in achieving its overall goals of preparing
teachers to partner with families. Overall, it could be concluded that the comprehensive
course curriculum with Family Systems Theory component as a solid conceptual
framework, provided the much needed direction in teacher preparation and the solid
information base that could be used by others in the search for improvement of similar
programs. The study facilitated the emergence of a conceptual framework related to
knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for the preparation of teachers in partnering with
families. Finally, the study made recommendations for future practice and pointed out the
issues to be resolved in future research.
Suad Sakalli Gumus, PhD., Special Education Faculty, Saint Mary of the Woods College, USA
Sezgin Suna, MS., Music Instructor, Mustafa Kemal University Atakya State Conservatory, TR
This ethnographic case study of a musical savant with high functioning Autism aimed to analyze the experiences of the individual and his family in terms of development, education, and social functioning with the hope to shed light on implications related to raising and educating individuals with special needs.
Music education has high prospects for students with special needs as it offers engaging and different modes of expression, links the universal language of notes with speech, as it is compelling and captivating for all living beings, and it is a multi-sensory experience (Adamek &Darrow, 2010; Bilgehan, 2014). However, research-based practices in this field are scarce and the situation warrants more systematic qualitative and quantitative research. Though the scholarly research on the Savant Syndrome is very informative and important, to place that research in context, it is necessary to look at specific cases of individuals with the syndrome (Dennis, 20010). The goal of this study is to contribute to the field by documenting and sharing the scrutinized experiences of a savant, his family, and some of his educators.
Interviews were conducted with the individual, his parents, and the two music educators who are working with the individual. Semi-structured interview questions were prepared by a special educator and interviews were conducted by one of the music educators who work closely with the family. Each interview lasted around 1-1,5 hours and was recorded for transcription. After transcription, the second round of member check interviews was conducted to clarify information and to further elaborate on the information. Data were read and re-read simultaneously by both educators/researchers to be coded. Throughout the process of data coding, both educators consulted with each other to ensure the reliability of the procedure. After the coding process was exhausted, the two investigators held a meeting to discuss the themes until they reached a hundred percent agreement in order to meet the requirements for inter-rater reliability. The agreed-upon themes were collapsed into broader categories based on commonalities and findings of the study were presented under these four overarching themes: The developmental dilemma and family life, What is the right Education, Common misconceptions, and Lessons Learned.
This presentation will share the findings of this study under the aforementioned themes and provide the much-needed platform for discussion of implications with practitioners and parents for future practices.