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Manchester, CT [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Manchester, CT

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(no subject) [Sep. 26th, 2013|09:21 am]
Manchester, CT

PIV 2013
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Giant Multi-Family Tag Sale (Manchester, CT) [Apr. 30th, 2012|09:36 am]
Manchester, CT

If this is not allowed, let me know and I'll take it down :) Thanks!
I plan to x-post to the Manchester community as well.

Join us as multiple families come together for a giant tag sale.
My family, friends and I decided that my yard is perfect considering the high traffic of my street so they are coming from all over the state to get of their spring cleaning must-go items.
Some items are estate related from the passing of a grandparent a few years ago.

Date: May 5 & 6
Location: 35 McKee Street, Manchester, CT 06040
Time: 8a - 4p
Items: Furniture, Arts & Crafts & supplies, Children's clothing and toys (boys and girls items from newborn to adult), Adult clothing (Men's & Women's in multiple sizes/styles and age groups), Power Tools, Car parts, hostas, photography equipment, books, old magazines, jewelry, dishes, china, knick knacks, and MUCH MUCH MORE
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just me [Nov. 17th, 2010|11:11 pm]
Manchester, CT
HEY!! thought you will like to know that Candi_Cruz its now live on dirtystage watch it now.. don miss it!

See a Renaissance Faire! Do some Good! :) - X Posted [Aug. 1st, 2008|12:57 pm]
Manchester, CT

With fuel and food prices on the rise more Connecticut families may find themselves in need. In an effort to offset food cost is hosting a charitable can drive on their opening weekend.

September 27: Donate a minimum of two canned goods on opening day of the Faire’s annual performance and get a special "Buy One General admission Get One Free" discount.

September 28: Donate a minimum of one canned good on opening Sunday and your child (ages 5-12) will be admitted FREE when accompanied by an adult.

The Faire’s goal is to collect 8,000 cans which will be donated to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches, a non-profit organization hosting 21 food kitchens in Connecticut. Your help is needed to make this can drive a success.

One person can make a difference so please spread the word any way you can. Email your friends or customers about it; post it on your blog; tell your local newspaper about the drive; come up with other ways to get the word out. Donations are being accepted outside the gates so you don’t have to attend the show to give. We’re thinking globally, but working locally.
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17 Days until CT Renaissance Faire opens!! [Sep. 12th, 2007|06:49 pm]
Manchester, CT

[Current Mood |excitedexcited]


Hebron, CT - Experience an enchanted 16th century Harvest Festival with an
Arthurian Legend theme every fall in Hebron, CT. Jousting, armored combat, and
over 40 hours of themed entertainment daily. Enjoy a king’s feast in exotic foods
and shop at over 100 old-world artisans. Free parking and Free Kids Games. For
more information visit or phone (860) 478-5954.
What: The Connecticut Renaissance Faire

When: September: 29, 30 & October: 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21
10am to 6pm

Where: Visit our new location on the Lion’s Fairgrounds on Route 85 in
Hebron, CT

Cost: Adults $15; Youth (5-12) $6; Under 5 FREE

For more information, directions, and discount coupons visit the faire’s website
at or phone 860.478.5954
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Nanny Wanted [Aug. 12th, 2007|02:26 pm]
Manchester, CT

If anyone out there is looking for a job or knows someone who is, click the cut :)

Read more...Collapse )
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BeautiControl [May. 17th, 2007|07:18 am]
Manchester, CT

[Current Mood |excitedexcited]

For anyone wanting to replace their skincare products you can thru me! I just started my own BeautiControl business and would love to help you out. I can do a Spa at your home for you and your friends or you can order on-line thru my WebSite. I know lots of people are in love with these products and if you didn't know how to get them I am here to help!

My Web Site is
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Coffee cans? [Apr. 28th, 2007|09:30 pm]
Manchester, CT

Strange request, but I need about 20 used coffee cans with lids. I can pick up any batches of three or more in Manchester. Can anyone help me out? They're for non-profit collection. Thanks!
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Community tag sales? [Apr. 22nd, 2007|03:48 pm]
Manchester, CT

[Current Location |06040]
[Current Mood |busy]

I will be leaving Manchester soon to transfer to a University, and was wondering if anyone knows of any community/public tag sales coming up. I live in an apartment, so hosting my own is problematic.
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Spring Spectacular [Apr. 18th, 2007|01:53 pm]
Manchester, CT


Click on the image for a full size image :)
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