Books by Kevin Schembri

Emerging Scholar Theological Book Award [European Society for Catholic Theology], 2017
ABSTRACT How do the Eastern Orthodox Churches understand the mystery of matrimony? On what groun... more ABSTRACT How do the Eastern Orthodox Churches understand the mystery of matrimony? On what grounds do these Churches concede ecclesiastical divorce and tolerate a new marriage? What is 'oikonomia' and how is it invoked in the Orthodox East? Is the Orthodox position compatible with the Catholic approach to the indissolubility of marriage? Over the last decades, these questions were the subject of numerous studies. This volume builds on this research and attempts to offer a comprehensive systematic answer to these questions. By doing so, it adds to the already rich tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Churches. It also presents the Western Churches with a valuable resource in their pursuit of ecumenical dialogue, their dealing with the ever-growing reality of mixed marriages, and their ministry to the divorced and remarried members of their faithful. Published as volume 23 in the series 'Kanonika', this study forms part of the various projects launched by the Pontifical Oriental Institute during its centenary celebrations.
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Dan il-ktieb qed jinbiegħ bil-kundizzjoni li ma jistax jerġa' jinbiegħ, jiġi stampat jew fotokopj... more Dan il-ktieb qed jinbiegħ bil-kundizzjoni li ma jistax jerġa' jinbiegħ, jiġi stampat jew fotokopjat b'xi mod mekkaniku, elettroniku, jew diġitali, mingħajr l-awtorità bil-miktub tas-sidien tal-copyright.
Articles & Chapters by Kevin Schembri
Zeitschrift für Kanonisches Recht, 2024
ABSTRACT In 2015, Pope Francis introduced significant reforms to the Catholic Church’s marriage n... more ABSTRACT In 2015, Pope Francis introduced significant reforms to the Catholic Church’s marriage nullity process through Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus (MIDI), aiming to simplify procedures, reduce costs, and improve accessibility while maintaining the Church’s commitment to the indissolubility of marriage. Key innovations included the elimination of the requirement for two conforming judgments and the introduction of a briefer process for clear-cut cases. In the Archdiocese of Malta, these reforms significantly reduced case resolution times, with approximately 6% of cases processed through the briefer process between 2016 and 2023. This article provides an overview of MIDI’s objectives and key reforms, focusing on their practical implementation within the Archdiocese of Malta during this period.

A. Sciberras & M. Mallia (eds), Selected Essays on Family Law, 2024
ABSTRACT This article examines the pivotal role of the libellus introductorios, or initiating pet... more ABSTRACT This article examines the pivotal role of the libellus introductorios, or initiating petition, in canonical marriage nullity proceedings, emphasizing that annulments in the Church commence solely upon its submission by a qualified petitioner to a competent ecclesiastical tribunal. Designed as a practical guide, the article aids spouses, procurators, legal representatives, and canonical advisors in preparing a sound petition. Key stages include verifying the right to challenge the marriage, identifying the competent ecclesiastical tribunal, exploring grounds for nullity, determining the appropriate process, assessing potential reconciliation, and preparing the written petition. The article also addresses considerations regarding the appointment of a procurator and/or legal representative. Proper petition preparation is crucial, as content and legal adherence significantly influence nullity proceedings, while a flawed petition risks rejection. Within the Maltese context, this becomes more crucial because canonical judgments gain civil recognition through the Court of Appeal upon procedural validation.

A. Abela et al. (eds), Couple Relationships in a Global Context [European Family Therapy Association Series], 2020
ABSTRACT This chapter offers an overview of the need for communities of support, and their role ... more ABSTRACT This chapter offers an overview of the need for communities of support, and their role and dynamics in couple relationships. Most couples feel strong and invincible at the outset of their journey together. Yet, new and challenging situations require them to learn how to keep their relationship alive and flourishing. Some of these challenges are external to the life of the couple and may be directly linked to rapid social, cultural and demographic changes. Others concern the issues and trials that arise from the life cycle of the couple itself, particularly at transition points in the relationship. Drawing on case studies, research and real-life situations encountered during family ministry, the author presents the strengths and positive impact of such communities, but also draws attention to their possible limitations that, at times, bring about more harm than good. The chapter also shows that in most cases, what moves a couple to open up to a community of support depends on the personalities, background and aptitudes of the couple itself.
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S. M. Attard & J. A. Berry (eds), Fidelis et Verax. Essays in honour of His Grace Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, 2022
ABSTRACT This article attempts to outline the evolution of canonical norms on sexual abuse in the... more ABSTRACT This article attempts to outline the evolution of canonical norms on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church from 1917, when the first Code of Canon Law was promulgated, to the present day (2022), with a particular focus on the developments of the last two decades.

Faculty of Theology - University of Malta, 2021
ABSTRACT The scope of this study -- conducted by the academic members of staff of the Department ... more ABSTRACT The scope of this study -- conducted by the academic members of staff of the Department of Pastoral Theology, Liturgy and Canon Law in the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta -- was twofold: (a) to gather information about how people interpreted the Covid19 pandemic and the partial lockdown in Malta and (b) to reflect constructively on a global crisis which was difficult to understand and very hard to live. The questions in this survey were meant to gauge the personal experiences of the participants, how Covid19 impacted their sense of existential meaning, their faith, their sense of community and how they coped with the crisis. The study was held between 30 November and 21 December 2020. During this period, 1102 responses were recorded.
Melita Theologica, 2015
ABSTRACT This study investigates the question 'The Orthodox Tradition on Divorced and Remarried ... more ABSTRACT This study investigates the question 'The Orthodox Tradition on Divorced and Remarried Faithful: What can the Catholic Church Learn?' in three steps: first, it outlines the progress of Catholic interest in the Orthodox approach to divorce and remarriage over the last few decades; second, it presents the main features of this approach against the broader context of the Orthodox world; and third, it points out five aspects of the Orthodox tradition that may instigate the Catholic Church in her ongoing reflection on the pastoral challenges of marriage and family life.
C. Azzopardi Lane et al. (eds), Mapping the Rainbow: Researching the Diverse Colours of the LGBTIQ Community, vol. II, 2021
Questions de Vida Cristiana, 2021
Imprès a I.G. Santa Eulàlia Qüestions de Vida Cristiana és una revista històrica fundada l'any 19... more Imprès a I.G. Santa Eulàlia Qüestions de Vida Cristiana és una revista històrica fundada l'any 1958 a Montserrat. La capçalera és propietat de l'Abadia de Montserrat. EDITORIAL p. 7-MONOGRÀFIC: CRISI, PANDÈMIA I GÈNERE p. 11 Carme Sanmartí Roset: Epidèmies, pandèmies i gènere en els darrers cinc segles. De la pesta del 1665 a Londres a la covid del 2019 p. 13 Anna Pagès: Les dones, la intimitat del temps, la pandèmia p. 26
Melita Theologica, 2017
ABSTRACT This study investigates the role of canonical norms in the mission of the Catholic Chur... more ABSTRACT This study investigates the role of canonical norms in the mission of the Catholic Church to promote, protect and ensure respect for the dignity and rights of migrants. This analysis is carried out in three steps: first, it offers a brief introduction to Catholic canon law; second, it outlines the canonical norms that deal with the dignity and rights of migrants at large; and third, it presents the rights of Christian migrants, particularly those individual rights that arise from the sacrament of baptism.
Atti tal-Aġġornament tal-Kleru (Malta), 2016
ABSTRACT This paper, presented in Maltese during a course of ongoing formation for clergy member... more ABSTRACT This paper, presented in Maltese during a course of ongoing formation for clergy members of the Archdiocese of Malta, offers some introductory and general observations about 'Amoris Laetitia', with particular reference to chapter VIII of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis. It is divided in seven brief sections: 1) title and subtitle; 2) length and mode of reading; 3) structure; 4) pastoral vision; 5) historical context of chapter VIII; 6) pastoral itinerary proposed in VIII; and 7) principal motivations behind the writing of AL.
Knisja2000, 2022
ABSTRACT This article outlines the evolution of the institution of the Synod of Bishops from its ... more ABSTRACT This article outlines the evolution of the institution of the Synod of Bishops from its inception until the present.
Knisja2000, 2023
ABSTRACT This article explores the ideas, writings, and lasting impact of Gustavo Gutiérrez, the ... more ABSTRACT This article explores the ideas, writings, and lasting impact of Gustavo Gutiérrez, the Peruvian Dominican theologian widely regarded as the father of liberation theology.
Knisja2000, 2021
ABSTRACT This article offers a chronological overview of the canonical norms issued by the Cathol... more ABSTRACT This article offers a chronological overview of the canonical norms issued by the Catholic Church between 1917 and 2021 on the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons.

A. Gouder & K. Schembri (eds), Annetto Depasquale: Wirt Għażiż tal-Knisja f'Malta, 2021
Monsinjur Annetto Depasquale ta sehem kbir f 'ħafna ħidmiet importanti li eventwalment ma ġabux i... more Monsinjur Annetto Depasquale ta sehem kbir f 'ħafna ħidmiet importanti li eventwalment ma ġabux il-firma tiegħu. Diversi kienu l-proġetti ta' konsultazzjoni u ta' tfassil ta' skemi u proċeduri li fihom kien involut minn wara l-kwinti, f 'servizz leali lejn il-Knisja f 'pajjiżna. Bħala għalliem tad-Dritt Kanoniku, u bħala Kanċillier, Vigarju Ġenerali u Isqof Awżiljarju fl-Arċidjoċesi ta' Malta, Mons. Depasquale kien imfittex għal pariri u għajnuna minn firxa wiesgħa ta' lajċi, saċerdoti u reliġjużi. In-nunzji kienu jikkonsultawh b'mod regolari u pparteċipa fid-diskussjonijiet kollha li wasslu għall-iffirmar tal-ħames ftehim bejn is-Santa Sede u r-Repubblika ta' Malta. 1 Kien jipprepara ħafna materjal għall-istudju u l-konsiderazzjoni tal-Isqfijiet u kien involut fit-tħejjija ta' diversi statuti ta' għaqdiet, kunsilli u segretarjati fi ħdan id-djoċesi. Baqa' jagħti dan is-servizz anke wara l-2003, meta ntlaqat minn marda kerha li kkondizzjonatlu saħħtu sal-aħħar ta' ħajtu. 2 Dan l-artiklu se jagħti ħarsa lejn ħidma partikolari li Mons. Depasquale kellu sehem ewlieni fiha bejn l-1983 u l-1988: ilpreparazzjoni ta' Liġi (jew Dritt) Partikolari għall-Knisja f 'Malta u Għawdex. Għalkemm din il-ħidma kienet uffiċjali, nistgħu ngħidu li saret ukoll "minn wara l-kwinti" għax meta tlestiet il-Liġi Partikolari ġabet il-firma tal-Konferenza Episkopali Maltija (KEM).
Knisja2000, 2020
ABSTRACT This article takes a deep look into the heart and soul of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and ... more ABSTRACT This article takes a deep look into the heart and soul of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and sheds light on her mystical communion with God. It discusses the Saint's impressive private vow of 1942, her momentous inspiration or 'call within a call' of 1946, and her long and painful experience of interior darkness.
Rivista ta' Spiritwalità, 2014
Others by Kevin Schembri
Melita Theologica, 2023
ABSTRACT The Oration was delivered on 6 December 2022 at the University of Malta, on the occasion... more ABSTRACT The Oration was delivered on 6 December 2022 at the University of Malta, on the occasion of the conferment of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) by the said University on His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, in the presence of His Excellency the President of Malta, His Grace the Archbishop of Malta, the Honourable Minister of Education, the University Rector, the University Academic Body and other distinguished guests.

A. Gouder & K. Schembri (eds), Annetto Depasquale: Wirt Għażiż tal-Knisja f'Malta, 2021
Annetto Depasquale, iben is-Sur Edgardo (Eddie) Vincenzo Depasquale u s-Sinjura Marija Grazzja (T... more Annetto Depasquale, iben is-Sur Edgardo (Eddie) Vincenzo Depasquale u s-Sinjura Marija Grazzja (Teddie) imwielda Coleiro, twieled nhar lejlet l-Imnarja fit-2:45 ta' filgħodu fid-dar tal-ġenituri tiegħu f 'Ħal Qormi. Kien l-ewwel fost disa' aħwa: Maria, Joe, Anton, George, Giovanni, Carmel, Paul u Ġemma. Ommu u missieru żżewġu nhar is-26 ta' Settembru 1937 filkappella ddedikata lill-Madonna ta' Lourdes, il-Furjana, quddiem il-Kappillan il-Kanonku Gio-Batta Porsella. Is-Sur Eddie kien skrivan fil-Victualling Yard fid-Dockyard u kien imsieħeb fis-Soċjetà ta' San Vinċenz għall-karità lill-foqra, fl-Azzjoni Kattolika u fil-każin tal-banda ta' Ħal Qormi. Qabel iżżewġet, is-Sinjura Teddie kienet għalliema, imbagħad iddedikat ħajjitha kollha għall-familja. * Is-sors ewlieni ta' dan il-profil bijografiku hu l-Arkivju Privat tal-Isqof Annetto Depasquale (mhux ikkatalogat) li jinsab fl-Arkivju tal-Arċisqof ta' Malta (Archivum Archiepiscopalis Melitensis: A.A.M.), magħruf ukoll bħala l-Arkivju Djoċesan, ġewwa l-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana. Sorsi importanti oħra huma djarju tas-Seminarju bejn l-1955 u l-1962 (mhux ippublikat) miktub mis-seminarista Emanuel Agius, kif ukoll il-kitbiet, l-intervisti u r-rapporti msemmija fl-aħħar parti ta' dan il-profil, b'mod speċjali l-intervisti ma' Mons. Depasquale nnifsu u l-artiklu ta' Dun Ġwakkin Schembri.
Books by Kevin Schembri
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