Papers by maryam marani barzani

The relationship between crop production and amount of evapotranspiration is very important to ag... more The relationship between crop production and amount of evapotranspiration is very important to agronomists, engineers, economists, and water resources planners. These relationships are often determined using classical least square regression (LSR). However, one needs high amount of samples to determine probability distribution function. Linear regression also requires so many measurements to obtain the valid estimates of crop production function coefficients. In addition, deriving ET-yield regression for each crop and each district is usually expensive, since lysimetric experiments should be repeated for several years for each crop. The object of this study is to introduce a fuzzy linear regression as an alternative approach to statistical regression analysis in determining coefficients of ET- yield relations for each crop and each district with minimum data. The application of possibilistic regression has been examined with a case study. Two data set for winter wheat in Loss Platea...
Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, 2018

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2021
Solar energy is as of energy that it is significant in human activities. Human activities can use... more Solar energy is as of energy that it is significant in human activities. Human activities can use in agricultures, factories, industrial and residential plan. In other hand, solar energy is as renewable energy can help to have safety environment. This study tries to say significant of identification of landforms and getting cheap and safe energy. In this study, classification of landform map was identified for Zayandeh Roud Basin (Z. R. B), Iran. The methodology presents elevation of landscapes that are useful to get additional information for geomorphological and landscape studies. Using a relative classification model, the object primitives were categorized as landform elements, made both on the objects' altitudinal position and the surface shape. The classification has three classes: Low land, midland, high land. Solar energy advantage has been considered by measuring sunlight data in 10 climate stations. Elevation parameter and sunlight value are two parameters that used for this study. The methodology introduced in this study can be used almost for any application, where relationships between topographic features and climate parameters are to be assessed.

Like any other country, Iran is jeopardized by many environmental hazard threats and such threats... more Like any other country, Iran is jeopardized by many environmental hazard threats and such threats can culminate in environmental disasters with tremendous repercussions such as loss of people’s lives, destruction of national assets, disruption of man-made building, dangers threatening mass population, etc. To stand against this, approaches in hazard management are after finding more pragmatic solution for these repercussions. Moreover, these hazards are associated with desertification, tectonic, cycles of aridity and surface processes associated with wind and water erosion. This paper provides information on the threats and vulnerability imposed on Zayandeh- Roud Basin (Z.R.B, hereafter) in Iran. For this aim, assessment was carried out by overlaying hazards map, human variable, and adaptation capacity map. Results are in the form of classification vulnerability map with 5 levels: Very Low, Low, Threshold Level, High Resilience and Very High Resilience. Based on vulnerability map, m...

Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2018
Mulch: Amulchisa layer of material applied to the surface of soil. Reasons for applying mulch inc... more Mulch: Amulchisa layer of material applied to the surface of soil. Reasons for applying mulch include conservation of soil moisture, improving fertility and health of the soil, reducing weed growth, and enhancing the visual appeal of the area. Amulchisusually,butnotexclusively,organic in nature. It may be permanent (e.g., plastic sheeting) or temporary (e.g., bark chips). It may be applied to bare soil or around existing plants. Mulches of manure or compost will be incorporated naturally into the soil by the activity of worms and other organisms. The process is used both in commercial crop production and in gardening and, when applied correctly, can dramatically improve soil productivity. As the population in tertiary education is continuing to grow, this has increased the demand for food, thus adding pressure to the food supply system. At the same time, food producers are experiencing great competition for land, water, and energy (Godfray et al. 2010). Overarching all of these issues is the threat of climate change andconcernsabouthowmitigationandadaptation measures may affect the food system. Agriculture as their mainfood source in higher education institutions relies on water for the survival of crops. However, it is severely affected by frequent droughts which leads to crop failure, hunger, poverty, and pests and disease outbreaks. Identifying ways to mitigate drought and stabilize yields by encouraging smallholder farmers to adopt best management practices is fundamental to realizing food security and improved livelihoods (Shen et al. 2012; Bhardwaj 2013).

International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 2017
This paper discusses spatial and temporal variability of climate parameters of Zayandeh Rood Basi... more This paper discusses spatial and temporal variability of climate parameters of Zayandeh Rood Basin (Z.R.B.) in Iran. Standard climate parameters are precipitation, temperature, evaporation and wind (during 1951-2005). Objective of this research was to evaluate coefficients of drought index in the study area by calculating coefficients of drought and classified hazard map by measuring aridity parameters in form of the Kriging map. This paper presents a classified aridity map. The classification method is based on such main parameters as precipitation, wind, evaporation and temperature. Each parameter includes a sub-indicator with statistical data and vector map. The sum of score parameters was estimated by using a weighted average. Construction of missing data was tested by regression and homogenous method. Result shows the very high classes of aridity in East and North of the basin and very low class in West, and NorthWest. The final map shows level of aridity index in the study area. In this study, Arc GIS 9.3 was used to analyse the vector.

American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017
Hazard risk needs to consider vulnerability on human activities. Risk analysis of risk, human act... more Hazard risk needs to consider vulnerability on human activities. Risk analysis of risk, human activities at spatial and temporal scales with existing classification of hazards and map hazard map. In this study hazard risk in urban areas could be useful through considering are used to model human activities such as population, land use and strategic situation in Zayandeh Rood Basin (Z.R.B), Iran. These human, activities are classified and combined with composite classified earthquake, desertification and dryness hazards maps to drive new spatially explicit five classes of composite map of the hazards and human activities. The obtained results show that there are significantly more people potentially at risk in Center and North of the basin at high classes of risk map. The proposed maps of human activities to hazards are mainly aimed at benefiting visualization and communication of hazards risk and can be valuable in all phases of the disaster management process where knowledge of human activities is relevant for decision making.
We aimed coparision hydrologic model in a GIS as a means to determine the boundary of the basin a... more We aimed coparision hydrologic model in a GIS as a means to determine the boundary of the basin and to compare by means of a hand drawing the boundary of Zayandeh Rood Basin, Iran. In this paper, the Arc GIS 9.3 software was used and the data included SRTM and 1:25000 topographic maps with a contour interval of 25 meters. The differences between the determining boundaries basins were derived from the two methods used for the basin. The study revealed that determining the exact boundaries of the basin on the contour maps is limited by the map scale and contour interval. In this study, the results are an exact boundary of the basin by GIS method. Gathering and analyzing the basin data for studies in mature regions have historically required the tedious and time‐consuming manual process of the boundary of the basin shown on topographic maps.

A temporary watertight enclosure built for specialized construction below water level.
Introducti... more A temporary watertight enclosure built for specialized construction below water level.
Construction in water is a difficult and dangerous job that requires a dry working surface. Cofferdams are one type of temporary structures designed to keep water and/or soil from the execution of construction at a site, so that the permanent facility/structure can be constructed in water (Anderson 2001). A cofferdam should have waterproof walls more than
1mhigherthanthemaximumwaterleveltoensurethatwater does not enter the opposite side. Cofferdam design and construction involve the consideration of the structure, local soil and water conditions, often construction offshore, and the possibility of severe weather during construction. The hydrostatic force of thewaterand the dynamic force due to currents and waves must be considered in the design. Cofferdams can be classified by their material as earthen, rock-fill, sing-walled, double-walled, braced, and cellular cofferdams
• Earthen cofferdams are used at locations with a water depth less than 3 m and low current velocity. They are built using the locally available soil. The slope is usually 1:1 or 1:2. Rubble stones are pitched on the waterside to protect the embankment. • Rock-fill cofferdams are preferentially built at locations involvingrock.Thedamheightisupto3m,andtheslopes areat1:1.5to1:1.25.Rubblestonesarealsopitchedonthe waterside to protect the dam from wave action. • Single-walledcofferdamsarecommonlyusedforatbridge construction sites and can prevent water intrusion for depths more than 6 meters. They are constructed with wooden or timber sheets placed into the river bed along the perimeter of the area of construction. Steel or iron sheets are also driven into the river bed and placed inside the wooden or timber sheets at equal distances. • Double-walled cofferdams are typically used when the construction site area is large and water depth is high. Use of single-walled cofferdams becomes uneconomical due to increasing supports. The difference between single wall and double wall cofferdams is that two walls provide extra stability and can hold water as high as 1 2 m. • Bracedcofferdamsareusedwhendrivingpilesintothebed under the water body is difficult. Two piles are driven into thebedandarelaterallysupportedwiththehelpofwooden cribs installed in alternate courses to form pockets

Zayandeh Rood Basin, Iran is a basin with many environmental hazard threats. In last years, analy... more Zayandeh Rood Basin, Iran is a basin with many environmental hazard threats. In last years, analysts have concentrated on building an extent of strategic responses to raise the ability of communities and businesses to control and meliorate from natural catastrophes. The experiment from each new tension adds further to the procedure of risk management. This article inspects how they belayed for, and recuperated from, the incident. Perhaps not astonishingly, it represents their exposures and absence of readiness for dealing with a risk of this dignity. Then again, it proves the resilience of real-world managers and their confidence on an aggregate experiment to operate their own improvement. In periods in which hazard management has been under drastic press to indicate effectiveness and cost-efficiency. These threats function in environmental disasters with terrible reaction such as damage of human properties, disruption to human livelihood activities and the bother imposed on economy. So, hazard management is essential for solution these repercussions. Moreover, multi-hazards are associated with desertification, earthquake, and aridity, similar any other nation, Iran is imperiled by many environmental risk menaces and such menaces can peak in environmental catastrophes with massive reactions such as loss of people's lives, destruction of national assets, an outage of a man-made building, dangers overhanging mass population, etc. In this case, the integrated approach uses the Arc GIS to create individual map layers that describe the spatial distribution of a parameter describing the intensity of the hazards. In this study, the intensity of the hazards threat is classified into 5 classes based on scale. In last years, increasing population and development of settlements and lifelines over perilous zones have mostly increased the effect of natural catastrophes both in industrialized and developing countries. The classes and range values include 'very high', 'high', 'moderate', 'low' and finally 'very low'. As the study area, the Zayandeh Rood Basin (Z.R.B) was selected into 10km grids. The parameters explain the hazard threats, their areal extents and densities, were determined for each grid. So, each layer map of a particular hazard and risk layer shows the spatial distribution of that particular hazard threat. In this research, each layer of the hazard threat and risk map was integrated using the Arc GIS integration analysis based on parameters. More importantly, the SWAT analysis shows the spatial distribution based on parameters of hazards and risk parameters in a grid cell, as well as showing the basin as the table whole that could result in efforts made to alleviate many hazards in the future. This approach in hazard management assessment would significantly contribute to any efforts associated to develop early warning systems incorporating hard and soft measures in a high-and very high-intensity hazard threat areas. This article evaluates some of the items relevant to the performance of diverse GIS conveniences with respect to terrain-related risks dominant in Isfahan, with specific reference to landslides
Applying the logic of chaos in understanding many details of natural phenomena is unexplainable. ... more Applying the logic of chaos in understanding many details of natural phenomena is unexplainable. At this paper, the climate changes of temperature and precipitation over the analysis of chaos in Shiraz geomorphic basin will be discussed. Climate changes of a long-term temperature and precipitation were used for 40 years. Then, geomorphic basin physiognomic characteristics were examined at the most superficial layer and the climatic elements were analyzed. The results of this study suggest that climate change of Shirazbasin geomorphic structure is a function of non-linear algebraic curves.

The effects of irrigation with treated wastewater on soil chemical and physical properties have b... more The effects of irrigation with treated wastewater on soil chemical and physical properties have been studied in many researches, but a few studies have done about waste water flow on the soil surface. In this study flow hydraulic of wastewater on soil surface was investigated and magnetic field effects on it was also studied. This research was done in the field with furrows (length of 42m, width of 60cm, depth of 25cm and slope of 0.1%) in Isfahan University of Technology and were used three water quality treatments consists of fresh water (FW), wastewater (WW) and magnetized wastewater (MW). Magnetic field was created by three magnets with constant magnetic field intensity of 10mili-Tesla for each one. Basic differences between three water treatments were in biological parameters (Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total-coli form) and total suspended solids (TSS). The Collected data were included of advance and recession time, inflow and outflow rates with four replications and five irrigation events for each treatment (overall 60 practices), in a randomized complete block design. The inflow rate for furrows was determined 0.8 lit/sec. The results showed magnetic field have not a considerable effect on the physical and chemical characteristics of the wastewater, though it changes oxygen demand and especially total coli forms. Also no significant difference was observed between the effects of water quality treatments on water infiltration characteristics, consist of basic infiltration rate (f o)and mean infiltration rate in two 30 minutes' time intervals (0-30 and 30-60 minutes),but in mean infiltration rate in 0-30 interval, mean relative changes for the WW and MW were about twice of the FW. Mean infiltration rate of the FW has also less reduction than WW and MW in these intervals. However, scrutinizing of parameters variations in charts showed that WW and MW treatments relation to FW ones created more changes in downtrend of " f o " during irrigation season and magnetic field effect was inconsiderable. The " f o " in WW and MW was more than FW mostly. It was found that magnetic field causes increasing of the " f o " in MW related to WW. Similar results also were found in two time intervals of infiltration process. Also excluding depletion time phase, evaluated time parameters, including advance time to furrow end, time to reach the " f o " and recession duration had not difference significantly influenced by water quality treatments, but values of advance time and time to reach the " f o " for WW and MW than FW were higher mostly. According to regressions equation between water quality parameters and flow hydraulic parameters, were found a negative correlation between " f o " , mean infiltration rate for 0-30min and 30-60min ranges and advance time with TSS and irrigation number; and a positive correlation between these parameters with COD ; also a negative correlation between time to reach the " f o " and depletion time with COD ; and a positive correlation between these parameters with TSS and irrigation number. In parameter of recession duration, positive correlations are with irrigation number and COD ; and negative correlation is with TSS .

Groundwater quality is gradually deteriorating due to agricultural activities and its evaluation ... more Groundwater quality is gradually deteriorating due to agricultural activities and its evaluation is there for eneeded before use. The aim of this study was to evaluate groundwater quality for use in the foundry industry using water quality data, including PH, EC, TDS, Cl and HCO3, from 26 wells located in Jolgeh and Bon-Rud districts, Iran. Zoning and classification of the area were done, based on groundwater quality, using a GIS software and the existing standards for water use. Results showed that groundwater in the East, North and Southwest of the area was of acceptable quality for use in the foundry industry, but water quality deteriorated from the East to the West of the area. It was found that for foundry industry about 4 percent of area ground water could be used without any limitation, 2 percent with low limitation, 7 percent with moderate limitations, and the rest with high limitation or even unusable. Agricultural activities in the region are having a negative impact on the quality of groundwater.
Keywords: Water quality, zoning, foundry industry, PH, EC, TDS, Cl, HCO3, Jolgehand Bon-Rud

The effects of irrigation with treated wastewater on soil chemical and physical properties have b... more The effects of irrigation with treated wastewater on soil chemical and physical properties have been studied in many researches, but a few studies have done about waste water flow on the soil surface. In this study flow hydraulic of wastewater on soil surface was investigated and magnetic field effects on it was also studied. This research was done in the field with furrows (length of 42m, width of 60cm, depth of 25cm and slope of 0.1%) in Isfahan University of Technology and were used three water quality treatments consists of fresh water (FW), wastewater (WW) and magnetized wastewater (MW). Magnetic field was created by three magnets with constant magnetic field intensity of 10mili-Tesla for each one. Basic differences between three water treatments were in biological parameters (Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total-coli form) and total suspended solids (TSS). The Collected data were included of advance and recession time, inflow and outflow rates with four replications and five irrigation events for each treatment (overall 60 practices), in a randomized complete block design. The inflow rate for furrows was determined 0.8 lit/sec. The results showed magnetic field have not a considerable effect on the physical and chemical characteristics of the wastewater, though it changes oxygen demand and especially total coli forms. Also no significant difference was observed between the effects of water quality treatments on water infiltration characteristics, consist of basic infiltration rate (f o)and mean infiltration rate in two 30 minutes' time intervals (0-30 and 30-60 minutes),but in mean infiltration rate in 0-30 interval, mean relative changes for the WW and MW were about twice of the FW. Mean infiltration rate of the FW has also less reduction than WW and MW in these intervals. However, scrutinizing of parameters variations in charts showed that WW and MW treatments relation to FW ones created more changes in downtrend of " f o " during irrigation season and magnetic field effect was inconsiderable. The " f o " in WW and MW was more than FW mostly. It was found that magnetic field causes increasing of the " f o " in MW related to WW. Similar results also were found in two time intervals of infiltration process. Also excluding depletion time phase, evaluated time parameters, including advance time to furrow end, time to reach the " f o " and recession duration had not difference significantly influenced by water quality treatments, but values of advance time and time to reach the " f o " for WW and MW than FW were higher mostly. According to regressions equation between water quality parameters and flow hydraulic parameters, were found a negative correlation between " f o " , mean infiltration rate for 0-30min and 30-60min ranges and advance time with TSS and irrigation number; and a positive correlation between these parameters with COD ; also a negative correlation between time to reach the " f o " and depletion time with COD ; and a positive correlation between these parameters with TSS and irrigation number. In parameter of recession duration, positive correlations are with irrigation number and COD ; and negative correlation is with TSS .
Applying the logic of chaos in understanding many details of natural phenomena is unexplainable. ... more Applying the logic of chaos in understanding many details of natural phenomena is unexplainable. At this paper, the climate changes of temperature and precipitation over the analysis of chaos in Shiraz geomorphic basin will be discussed. Climate changes of a long-term temperature and precipitation were used for 40 years. Then, geomorphic basin physiognomic characteristics were examined at the most superficial layer and the climatic elements were analyzed. The results of this study suggest that climate change of Shirazbasin geomorphic structure is a function of non-linear algebraic curves.

In order to optimize the usage of water in agriculture, it is necessary to increase the efficienc... more In order to optimize the usage of water in agriculture, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of irrigation systems, especially those of surface irrigation. One of the steps to be made to achieve this goal is the optimal design of surface irrigation. It this article the design variables of furrow irrigation, that includes length of furrow, inflow rate and irrigation time (time of cutoff), were calculated to minimize the irrigation costs, the objective function, and to obtain a maximum application efficiency. The objective function encompasses water, labor, head ditch and furrow digging (ditch constructions) costs. Labor cost is irrigation time's function and the latter is dependent on water advance period in the furrows. Therefore, it is necessary for the objective function to apply explicit and accurate equation in order to calculate time of advance. Because in none of the accurate methods for furrow irrigation design, such as zero-inertia modeling, the advance time is explicitly calculated, therefore in this research the equation obtained by Valiantzas, which he extracted from the results of zero-inertia modeling, was used. In the objective function in addition to the design variables the specifications of soil, furrow and net irrigation requirement also exist. Therefore, it is possible to calculate design variables and afterwards the irrigation efficiency for different soil types and plant types. In this article this task was performed with different soil types and in accordance with different requirements for irrigation and the results are presented in the tables.

The flow duration curve (FDC) of a riveris one of the important parameters for the hydrological i... more The flow duration curve (FDC) of a riveris one of the important parameters for the hydrological investigation of hydroelectric plants. Computation of the hydroelectric plant capacity and power production requires the determination of relative and cumulative frequenciesof different river discharges. Ab-Terki is one of the sub-basins of Bazoft River, located in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, Iran, next to Koohrang basin. It is located between eastern longitudes of 49ᵒ54' to 50ᵒ 5' and northern latitudes of 32ᵒ 19' to 32ᵒ 24'. Morphological conditions, sloping limestone structures, and characteristics of karstic cracks in the basin have led to the formation of large springs in the eastern and western foothills of Zardkooh Mountain. In order to determine the FDCs of Ab-Terki River,3-year daily discharge and 24-year mean monthly discharge of Gooshe-pol station were used. Then, the probabilities of discharges were analyzed using Hyfa and Rank Plot numerical codes and finally, the discharge of Ab-Terki River corresponding to 95% probability was determined.

This paper presents a classified desertification hazard map of Zayandeh Rood Basin (Z.R.B) in Ira... more This paper presents a classified desertification hazard map of Zayandeh Rood Basin (Z.R.B) in Iran. There are potential climatic factors, the geographical location and human activities for developing desertification. The present study is based on the preview models and main factors of desertification in the study area. The classification method is based on such main parameters as the characteristic of soil, management and climate. Each parameter includes a sub-indicator with a weighing of between one and two based on the MEDALUS model. DEM, LANDSAT images (ETM+), statistical data and vector map are used as the dataset for classifying the desertification map. The sum of score parameters was estimated by using a weighted average. In this study, Arc GIS 9.3 was used to analyze the vector and raster layer maps as well as a recognition survey of the study area using satellite images. In Z.R.B, the most important factors of desertification hazard are the geographical location of the area, salinization area, elevation, slope, and human activities. Thanks to the classification hazard map, the highest class is located on salinization, low vegetation, high wind erosion, low slope and elevation. Low-class area of the hazard map belongs to the largest part of the basin. An important factor of desertification in the area can be the geographical location of the basin located near the desert area. Using the raster data and GIS software are beneficial for the classification hazard map, especially for large areas.
Thesis Chapters by maryam marani barzani
Construction in water is a difficult and dangerous job that requires a dry working surface. Coffe... more Construction in water is a difficult and dangerous job that requires a dry working surface. Cofferdams are one type of temporary structures designed to keep water and/or soil from the execution of construction at a site, so that the permanent facility/structure can be constructed in water (Anderson 2001). A cofferdam should have waterproof walls more than 1 m higher than the maximum water level to ensure that water does not enter the opposite side. Cofferdam design and construction involve the consideration of the structure, local soil and water conditions, often construction offshore, and the possibility of severe weather during construction. The hydrostatic force of the water and the dynamic force due to currents and waves must be considered in the design. Cofferdams can be classified by their material as earthen, rock-fill, sing-walled,...
Papers by maryam marani barzani
Construction in water is a difficult and dangerous job that requires a dry working surface. Cofferdams are one type of temporary structures designed to keep water and/or soil from the execution of construction at a site, so that the permanent facility/structure can be constructed in water (Anderson 2001). A cofferdam should have waterproof walls more than
1mhigherthanthemaximumwaterleveltoensurethatwater does not enter the opposite side. Cofferdam design and construction involve the consideration of the structure, local soil and water conditions, often construction offshore, and the possibility of severe weather during construction. The hydrostatic force of thewaterand the dynamic force due to currents and waves must be considered in the design. Cofferdams can be classified by their material as earthen, rock-fill, sing-walled, double-walled, braced, and cellular cofferdams
• Earthen cofferdams are used at locations with a water depth less than 3 m and low current velocity. They are built using the locally available soil. The slope is usually 1:1 or 1:2. Rubble stones are pitched on the waterside to protect the embankment. • Rock-fill cofferdams are preferentially built at locations involvingrock.Thedamheightisupto3m,andtheslopes areat1:1.5to1:1.25.Rubblestonesarealsopitchedonthe waterside to protect the dam from wave action. • Single-walledcofferdamsarecommonlyusedforatbridge construction sites and can prevent water intrusion for depths more than 6 meters. They are constructed with wooden or timber sheets placed into the river bed along the perimeter of the area of construction. Steel or iron sheets are also driven into the river bed and placed inside the wooden or timber sheets at equal distances. • Double-walled cofferdams are typically used when the construction site area is large and water depth is high. Use of single-walled cofferdams becomes uneconomical due to increasing supports. The difference between single wall and double wall cofferdams is that two walls provide extra stability and can hold water as high as 1 2 m. • Bracedcofferdamsareusedwhendrivingpilesintothebed under the water body is difficult. Two piles are driven into thebedandarelaterallysupportedwiththehelpofwooden cribs installed in alternate courses to form pockets
Keywords: Water quality, zoning, foundry industry, PH, EC, TDS, Cl, HCO3, Jolgehand Bon-Rud
Thesis Chapters by maryam marani barzani
Construction in water is a difficult and dangerous job that requires a dry working surface. Cofferdams are one type of temporary structures designed to keep water and/or soil from the execution of construction at a site, so that the permanent facility/structure can be constructed in water (Anderson 2001). A cofferdam should have waterproof walls more than
1mhigherthanthemaximumwaterleveltoensurethatwater does not enter the opposite side. Cofferdam design and construction involve the consideration of the structure, local soil and water conditions, often construction offshore, and the possibility of severe weather during construction. The hydrostatic force of thewaterand the dynamic force due to currents and waves must be considered in the design. Cofferdams can be classified by their material as earthen, rock-fill, sing-walled, double-walled, braced, and cellular cofferdams
• Earthen cofferdams are used at locations with a water depth less than 3 m and low current velocity. They are built using the locally available soil. The slope is usually 1:1 or 1:2. Rubble stones are pitched on the waterside to protect the embankment. • Rock-fill cofferdams are preferentially built at locations involvingrock.Thedamheightisupto3m,andtheslopes areat1:1.5to1:1.25.Rubblestonesarealsopitchedonthe waterside to protect the dam from wave action. • Single-walledcofferdamsarecommonlyusedforatbridge construction sites and can prevent water intrusion for depths more than 6 meters. They are constructed with wooden or timber sheets placed into the river bed along the perimeter of the area of construction. Steel or iron sheets are also driven into the river bed and placed inside the wooden or timber sheets at equal distances. • Double-walled cofferdams are typically used when the construction site area is large and water depth is high. Use of single-walled cofferdams becomes uneconomical due to increasing supports. The difference between single wall and double wall cofferdams is that two walls provide extra stability and can hold water as high as 1 2 m. • Bracedcofferdamsareusedwhendrivingpilesintothebed under the water body is difficult. Two piles are driven into thebedandarelaterallysupportedwiththehelpofwooden cribs installed in alternate courses to form pockets
Keywords: Water quality, zoning, foundry industry, PH, EC, TDS, Cl, HCO3, Jolgehand Bon-Rud