Papers by Che Zarrina Binti Saari

Spiritual merupakan asas yang paling mendalam pada diri seseorang individu, yang dapat membantu s... more Spiritual merupakan asas yang paling mendalam pada diri seseorang individu, yang dapat membantu seseorang itu mencapai makna dalam kehidupan sekali gus dapat bertahan untuk berhadapan dengan sesuatu cabaran dalam kehidupan. Keresahan spiritual (spiritual distress) pula merupakan satu gangguan terhadap spiritual seseorang individu yang sedang bertarung dengan kesulitan dalam diri disebabkan oleh keperluan yang tidak dipenuhi. Keresahan spiritual boleh dibahagikan kepada dua subkonsep iaitu, “spirit” dan “distress. Kedua-dua perkataan tersebut mempunyai maksud yang berbeza dan kontradiktif. Manakala makna spiritual itu sendiri adalah berbeza pada setiap individu kerana sumber asas kekuatan setiap individu adalah berbeza. Artikel ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji persepsi pesakit terhadap makna spiritual yang seterusnya membawa kepada masalah keresahan spiritual yang dihadapi oleh mereka. Pengumpulan data untuk kajian ini menggunakan temubual secara terbuka bersama 15 orang pesakit paliatif sehingga mencapai data tepu. Hasil temubual ditranskrip dan dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan perisian NVivo versi 11. Maklumat daripada subjek kajian dikategorikan di bawah tema kesejahteraan dan keresahan spiritual. Kesimpulannya, keadaan spiritual yang dialami oleh pesakit paliatif adalah bergantung kepada kondisi dan cara faham pesakit terhadap definisi spiritual itu sendiri. Dapatan ini penting untuk memudahkan penyelesaian masalah keresahan spiritual melalui intervensi penerapan ilmu dan kemahiran terapi psikospiritual Islam. Kajian lanjut perlu dijalankan agar setiap tema keresahan spiritual yang dialami oleh pesakit dapat dibantu.

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
Mu’tazilites believed that al-Husn and al-Qubh could be determined and evaluated intellectually w... more Mu’tazilites believed that al-Husn and al-Qubh could be determined and evaluated intellectually without the need for shara‘. Despite of agreeing with such views of al-Husn and al-Qubh, al-Maturidiyyah still rejected the Muktazilah’s opinion on rewards and sins and asserted that both were determined by shara‘, rather than by rational study. There are those who believed that the rewards and sins of all acts depend on shara‘ and they also agreed that reason can judge it. Besides, there are those who claimed the rewards and sins of some acts are merely valued by reason. This research used analytical descriptive method based on inductive to study al-Zamakhshari and al-Nasafi’s views on al-Husn and al-Qubh and to make comparisons between the two views. The study concludes that al-Zamakhshari insisted that reason is able to know the law of Allah on something based on al-Husn and al-Qubh because it is inherent in its actions. Thus, al-Zamakhshari interpreted verses containing the meanings o...

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and th... more The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and the country. However, there is no denying that various parties such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private agencies and even individuals, each have played various roles in helping the government deal with this drug addiction problem. Academics, psychologists, counsellors and Islamic psychospiritual therapists are among those who contributed to this issue from theoretical and contextual aspects, including in the development of scale-based assessment instruments to drug addicts. Past studies explained that there is a close link between spiritual aridity and drug addiction. Recognizing the spiritual need to address drug addiction, this article discusses the Islamic Psychospiritual Scale (ZATIP) instrument for drug addicts to help researchers measure the addicts’ spiritual level and condition. This instrument is developed through a phase of validity and reliability emp...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Muraqabah and Mahabbah According to al-Sarraj: An Analysis According to The Perspective of Human Spiritual Development] Muraqabah dan Mahabbah Menurut al-Sarraj: Satu Analisis Menurut Perspektif Pembangunan Rohani Insan](
Abu Nasr al-Tusi al-Sarraj was a Tasawwuf’s Sufi which highly contributes in providing methods an... more Abu Nasr al-Tusi al-Sarraj was a Tasawwuf’s Sufi which highly contributes in providing methods and practices based on the guidance of Al-Quran and Sunnah as well as pearls of wisdom from respectable Sufis of Tasawwuf. He who lived around the fourth century of Hijra was recognized as one of the Tasawwuf’s Sufi who emphasized the concept of maqamat and ahwal as the main principle of Tasawwuf especially in soul building, thus developing the spirituality of human being towards a nobler and blessed by Allah. This research applies the methodology of qualitative approach. The data are derived from written documents such as books, journals, thesis and seminar proceeding. This article discusses the concept of muraqabah and mahabbah according to Abu Nasr al-Tusi al-Sarraj in his writing al-Luma’ fi Tarikh al-Tasawwuf of al-Islami. Finding of the research shows that the concept of muraqabah and mahabbah is among the concept that plays important role in developing the soul and spirituality of h...

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
In Islamic history, Haramayn (Mecca and Medina) were once became a centre of education for Muslim... more In Islamic history, Haramayn (Mecca and Medina) were once became a centre of education for Muslim scholars from all over the world. They came here to study all branches of Islamic knowledge from many prominent scholars. In the 17th century, the Egyptian scholar, Zakariyya al-Ansari (d. 1520) had produced a significant work, Fath al-Rahman that became well-known in the circle of studies in Haramayn. The work consists the exposition of true and pure Tawhid as a foundation to learn Shari`ah and Haqiqah (Truth). The ideas that were cast in this work were very important which later became the subject of study among the scholars and their disciples as well as their successors. In the 18th century, the Fath al-Rahman was of wide-spread in Malay Archipelago. By applying the qualitative research method based on texts and documentations analysis, this research reveals the transmission of Zakariyya’s thought that were documented in Fath al-Rahman to Malay society occurred through the Malay sch...

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
Spirituality is one of the essential aspects of one’s life. It offers a broader perspective towar... more Spirituality is one of the essential aspects of one’s life. It offers a broader perspective towards a meaningful life while undergoing trials such as caring for children with cancers. Cancer caregivers commonly experience physical, emotional, social, and spiritual challenges. Spiritual issues such as lost hope and associating negative meanings with cancer prognosis may reduce the caregiver’s quality of life. However, this caregiving burden can be a great source of post-traumatic growth. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore spiritual change, a significant domain in post-traumatic growth among 24 caregivers of children with cancer at one of the teaching hospitals in Kuala Lumpur. Following in-depth interviews, the result of the thematic analysis demonstrated two themes; main religious and mindfulness practices, a significant caregiver’s spiritual development. The majority of caregivers reported increasing spiritual awareness levels, feeling closer to God, and focused o...
JIAE: Journal of Islamic and Arabic …, 2011
Pelayaran laman web pornografi boleh dikawal dengan menggunakan perisian penapis web, menguatkuas... more Pelayaran laman web pornografi boleh dikawal dengan menggunakan perisian penapis web, menguatkuasakan undang-undang dan kod etika atau kerohanian yang bertujuan untuk mengawal diri pelayar laman web. Melayari laman web pornografi adalah haram di sisi Islam. Artikel ini membincangkan kaedah kawalan pelayaran laman web pornografi yang dilakukan dalam bidang teknologi Internet, undang-undang yang dikuatkuasakan di negara lain dan amalan kerohanian menurut psikospiritual Islam. Kata Kunci: Pornografi, perisian penapis laman web, perlaksanaan undang-undang, kod etika dan kerohanian, psikospiritual Islam

al-fikrah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan, 2021
The main problem of career counseling in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic is management probl... more The main problem of career counseling in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic is management problems. The purpose of this study is to reveal data related to career management problems in schools during the covid 19 period. The research uses a qualitative approach, especially phenomenology. The research respondents consisted of Guidance and Counseling teachers, school principals, vice principals and students of SMA N Padang City. Research data obtained through interviews and observations. Researchers used data triangulation to test the validity of the data, especially source triangulation. The data is analyzed based on the theory of Miles and Huberman. The results of the study revealed that; 1) unrealistic planning of career counseling services and the absence of online counseling designs. 2) the organization of career counseling services that are not in accordance with the guidelines, 3) the implementation of career counseling services that are not in accordance with the student's traits and are incidental in nature, and 4) controlling and supervising the implementation of career counseling that has not been maximized by the principal. The conclusion of the research is that career management problems in schools are related to planning, organizing, implementing and controlling.

Journal of Usuluddin, 2017
Contemplative practices form the cornerstone of Islam and infiltrate every facet of life. These c... more Contemplative practices form the cornerstone of Islam and infiltrate every facet of life. These can be categorized into seven main types of practices, ranging from stillness through generative, ritual, activist, relational and creative to movement. Yet these practices are not very well known as compared to Buddhist meditation, Hindu yogic systems or Christian monastic practices. The 'tree of contemplative practices' was used within the Islamic context to map out seven main categories of practice derived from the divine scripture, as well as the words and practices of the Prophet and the Sages. There are five fundamental obligatory practices, as well as six voluntary ones, aimed at cultivating the mind-body and the soul. Stillness practices form a special category that includes self-introspection, reflection, recollection , absorption and meditation. These stillness and generative practices represent two sides of the spectrum manifested as silence of speech and of the heart, as well as the generative or collective practices seen here to forge a platform of solidarity. In Islam, contemplation pervades every aspect of life, which repeatedly evokes the divine and therefore can be termed 'Living Meditation'. The key to these practices is to transcend one's self or ego and progress to higher levels of consciousness, thereby gaining proximity to the Lord and gaining contentment, which is the quintessence of Islam. The emerging data from neuro-science and contemplative practices points to an intricate link between them, with positive effects on mind and body. This fact then augments the inward sciences (taṣawwuf) of Islam, which has its own theoretical framework and groups of practitioners. This calls for integrating the tools and methods linked to these inward Islamic practices within the formal and non-formal educational systems, which forms one of the most potent entry points. This will enable these practices to develop from a very young age with a sense of awareness and meaning (instead of blind following of the faith), and will feed into developing spiritual and material well-being as the child matures, enabling to produce a more well-rounded human being. This is one of the steps for reducing aggressiveness and radicalisation, while mental space is created for a more tolerant society.

Research dealing with various aspects of the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1987) is re... more Research dealing with various aspects of the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1987) is reviewed, and some unresolved issues are discussed in coping of COVID 19 disease in Malaysia. In broad terms, the theory is found to be well supported by empirical evidence. Intentions to perform behaviors of different kinds can be predicted with high accuracy from attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control; and these intentions, together with perceptions of behavioral control, account for considerable variance in actual behavior with religiosity aspect. Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control and religiosity are shown to be related to appropriate sets of salient behavioral, normative, and control beliefs about the behavior, but the exact nature of these relations is still uncertain. Expectancy. value formulations are found to be only partly successful in dealing with these relations. Optimal rescaling of expectancy and value mea...

Kedayan ethnic is one of the ethnic groups inhabiting Borneo island including Brunei, Sarawak and... more Kedayan ethnic is one of the ethnic groups inhabiting Borneo island including Brunei, Sarawak and Sabah. All of them are Muslims who are believed to have been exposed to the spread of Islam during the Sultanate of Brunei at the end of the 15th century. As such, they are seen as those who understand Islam better than other ethnic groups on Borneo Island. Their awareness of Islamic education is also good. This can be seen in the numerous religious schools founded to teach Islamic education in Sipitang where Kedayan form the majority population. At the same time, Kedayan people also being associated with the uniqueness of their customs and traditions which they inherited for several centuries. Therefore, this study will focus on the differences in the attitude and intention of this community in performing their customs and traditions due to different levels of religious education. This study used a questionnaire distributed to 414 respondents. The findings of this study revealed high c...

The paper was designed to examine the effect of reciting to the Quran in restoring the based on R... more The paper was designed to examine the effect of reciting to the Quran in restoring the based on Resilience and Mental Health among Quarantined Covid-19 Patients. Reciting the Al Quran is a phenomenon that is currently shrouding the people around the world, including Malaysia, during the Covid 29 pandemic. The alQuran has a unique power in changing an individuals inappropriate behaviour to appropriate behaviour. According to Azarpour, Moraditochaeeb, & Bozorgia, the al-Quran contains various elements needed by humankind, such as religious, social, economic, health, medical, scientific, political and other aspects, as a guide for achieving prosperity in this life and the afterlife, reciting the al-Quran daily showers a person with continuous serenity, which is a very effective therapy for a person facing pressures in life. The al-Quran also provides all the internal and external needs required by a person to face the various challenges in life. Reciting the al-Quran is not only advan...
Papers by Che Zarrina Binti Saari