Rounded up in all their horror at last for the love of crack, this is a post for all things related to Dan and Walter's terrifying mutant wereowl children.
To Make an Omelet, by anon.
The eggfic fill that started it all.
Bringing Up Owlbabies, by
slipstreamborne .
first thread *
second thread ]
Continued misadventures into vigilante parenthood.
Even though I'm to blame for a good chunk of this it is not beyond me to completely forget and/or lose things, so if there's a fic or post that's not linked here that you think should, comment and I'll edit it in. Already I know of a few threads I'll have to go hunting through the KM/my bookmarks for, including a Mother's Day fic and some crossovers with both other eggfics and general AUs and so this post is very much a continued work in progress.
-art-As the owlbbs are also often the subject of many doodles and full drawings over at the
Watchmen Pchat, those pics or any other related fanart are welcome in the comments here. Many apologies to the souls we have tormented with our silliness over at the
Watchmen Pchat Gallery proper. If this is all new to you, now you know what the fuck those freaky deformed bird-things that keep popping up in posts are. XD