Selective Ticket Assignment and Ticket Hogging

Based on recent comments, I would like to clarify a couple points about ticket assignment.

Selective Ticket Assignment

First, when you assign a ticket to yourself, assign the first ticket in the queue. That means assign from tickets in Priority #1 queue, before assigning tickets from Priority queues 2, 3, or 4. Also, and more importantly: assign the first-available ticket in the queue. Do not cherry-pick tickets based on ease of review, reporter (i.e. Developer), etc.

Selectively assigning tickets is unfair to developers who are required to wait their turn in the review queue, and is a means of gaming the incentive program. Several reviewers have alleged that this practice takes place. We have not monitored it, but we will do so – something that will take even more time, and result in further delays in getting Themes approved and live. Anyone found to be selectively assigning tickets will risk being disqualified for the incentive program.

Ticket Hogging

Until now, we have not set limits on the number of open/assigned tickets a reviewer can have at any one time. Several reviewers have complained that often there are no tickets available, while some reviewers have several open/assigned tickets. So, going forward: reviewers may not have more than 5 open/assigned tickets at any one time.

In order to ensure that reviewers don’t get stuck with developer-abandoned tickets, admins will close tickets older than one week with no activity or developer response. For this reason, it is even more important not to “bump” tickets by posting comments requesting status updates.

Also, while this will be much more difficult to monitor: reviewers should only assign themselves one ticket at a time. Assign a ticket, conduct a full review, post comments, and only then assign another ticket.

Also, this clarification isn’t intended to introduce delays in developers getting their Themes reviewed. Any ticket that appears in the Priority #3 queue (tickets older than 2 weeks) are fair game to anyone. (But if the priority queue system is followed properly – see above – there should never be any tickets in the Priority #3 queue.)

Please discuss in the comments below.

#review-incentive, #review-process, #review-queue

How To Ensure Your Ticket Passes Final Approval Audit

Over the past couple of months, the number of approved tickets that have been reopened due to issues found during final-approval audit has declined, but many still get reopened. As a team, we want to ensure that tickets get approved (so that new Themes get added to the directory, and into the hands of end users), and we want reviewers to be able to take advantage of the incentive program.

So I want to step through the things I check when performing a final review audit. We’re looking for some high-level and/or high-impact things that would cause problems for end users:

Overall File Structure

  • Does the Theme look like it is derived from a common Theme (Underscores, Twenty Ten-Fourteen, etc.)? Are there included functional files that I’ll need to check. Are there asset folders (fonts, scripts, etc.) that I’ll need to check?



  • If the Theme has bundled resources/assets, are they listed in the readme with copyright/license attribution, or will I need to check file headers?
  • Is license for all bundled resources GPL or GPL-compatible?


  • Are Theme options properly escaped on output?
  • Is favicon, if used, disabled by default?
  • Does the TITLE tag include anything other than the call to wp_title()?
  • Does wp_nav_menu() reference theme_location, and not menu?
  • Are any stylesheet or script links output instead of being properly enqueued


  • Does the Theme only use one credit link? Is that credit link exactly ThemeURI or AuthorURI, with no SEO-seeding of link text, title attribute, etc.?
  • Are any footer scripts output instead of being enqueued properly?


  • Does template markup look generally appropriate?

Front/Home Page Templates

  • Does the Theme have front-page.php? If so, is it used properly? Does it account for both a static page and the blog posts index as site front page?
  • Does the Theme have home.php? If so, is it used properly as the default blog posts index template?
  • Does the Theme have any custom page templates intended to be used as either front-page.php or home.php?


  • Does the Theme properly output wp_list_comments() for the comments list?
  • Does the Theme properly output comment_form() for the comment reply form, rather than hard-coding the form?


  • Does the page template properly call comments_template()?


  • Are all functions and other things in the public namespace properly prefixed?
  • Is all functional output properly wrapped in callbacks and hooked into appropriate actions?
  • Is any of the functionality PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party territory?
  • Does any of the functionality replicate coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. functionality?
  • Does the Theme use Theme options? Are they handled properly (single DB entry, proper settings page, sanitized on input, etc.)?
  • Do any of the Theme options replicate core options?

This list comprises 99% of what I look for in an audit, and accounts for the vast majority of issues encountered that require reopening tickets. So, if you verify these things before resolving the ticket as “approved”, the chances that your ticket will get reopened will go down considerably.

(Note: @emiluzelac may have other things to add to the list, for things he checks during an audit.)

#guidelines, #review-incentive, #review-process

How can we improve the Theme Review process?

How can we improve the Theme Review process? Please share your thoughts.
