Theme review team weekly meeting notes The logs…

Theme review team weekly meeting notes

The logs are here:

Points from meeting:

  • @jcastenada updated on the readme.txt. This will be a new recommended item for all reviews.
  • @jami0821 and @melchoyce updated us on the design handbook. They are going to try and get Custom CSSCSS CSS is an acronym for cascading style sheets. This is what controls the design or look and feel of a site. thanks to @samuelsidler who will look into this for the handbook. This will help with examples.
  • @davidakennedy and @joedolson have been hard at work with the doing_it_accessibily_wrong theme. Videos are coming really soon. This is all really exciting as means we can train sooner.
  • The queue push was a great success, so much we’re going to have another one every month. The last Saturday of every month will be the push day. That makes the next one 30th May.