Using Git and Github

The source code for the mobile apps is stored in git repositories and GithubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. is used to keep track of new development and bugs:

If you’re unfamiliar with git or Github check out these docs:

Reporting Issues

We track all of the mobile apps’ issues using GitHub Issues.  In each of the projects on GitHub there is a section for reporting issues, with a template for creating a new issue.

Using Git and GitHub Issues to Understand Code

If you have questions about a particular chunk of code, often you can gain insight by reviewing its commit history.  The commit history will show you how a file has changed over time and explain the rationale for the various changes.  You can view a file’s commit history by clicking the History button on GitHub.

Sometimes it’s helpful to talk to the author of a particular chunk of code to understand something that is not immediately clear, or is not mentioned in comments or a commit message.  You can see the author of a particular chunk of code by clicking the Blame button on Github.

Contributing Code

If you have code you’d like to contribute to one of the mobile projects, you can submit it via a pull request on GitHub.

If you’re working on an issue reported in GitHub issues, please make sure to assign yourself to the issue or at least comment that you’re going to attempt to fix it.

Github provides a nice guide explaining how to create and submit a pull request.

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