Community Team Event Supporters, Program Supporters, and Program Managers are people from all over the world who guide event organizers and work to maintain the overall health of the WordPress community. They make sure that new and returning organizers are not overworking themselves and are following the Codes of Conduct and Five Good Faith rules.

Their primary goal is to support community members in making positive contributions to the open-source project.

To find out more about contributing to the Community Team in this way, take a look at the Community Supporters and Managers (Deputy) Handbook.

Here are the current Event Supporters, Program Supporters, and Program Managers working on the Community Team.

NameRoleRegionNon-English languages spokenApproved to MentorEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. WordCamps
Anne KatzeffProgram SupporterProgram Supporter Community Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook.North America
Arthur KasiryeProgram SupporterAfricaLugandaX
Francesco Di CandiaProgram SupporterEuropeItalianX
Felipe SantosProgram SupporterSouth
Brazilian Portuguese
Fernando LopezProgram SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Ganga KafleProgram SupporterAsiaNepali/HindiX
Huanyi (Eric) ChuangProgram SupporterAsiaMandarin ChineseX
JC PalmesProgram SupporterAsiaFilipino / HiligaynonX
Leo GopalProgram SupporterAfricaAfrikaans
Lidia Arroyo VargasProgram SupporterLatin AmericaSpanishX
Luis Miguel ClimentProgram SupporterEuropeSpanish
Mariano PerezProgram SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Mario WolfProgram SupporterEuropeGerman / Italian / Spanish / French / learning ThaiX
Mike AuteriProgram SupporterNorth America
Milan IvanovicProgram SupporterEuropeSerbian / Bosnian / Croatian / Montenegrin / MacedonianX
(Nok) Pantip TreerattanapitakProgram SupporterAsiaThaiX
Oneal RoseroProgram SupporterAsiaFilipino (Tagalog)
Pooja DerashriProgram SupporterAsiaHindi
Ricky BlackerProgram SupporterOceaniaX
Ryan MarksProgram SupporterNorth America
Sandy EdwardsProgram SupporterNorth AmericaX
Stefano CassoneProgram SupporterEuropeItalian
Steve MosbyProgram SupporterEuropeX
Taco VerdonschotProgram SupporterEuropeX
Yogesh LondheProgram SupporterAsiaMarathi / Hindi / Kannada / Russian / Persian / Mandarin Chinese / TajikX
Ahmed Kabir ChaionEvent SupporterEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues.AsiaBengali
Aleksandar SavkovicEvent SupporterEuropeSerbian / Macedonian / Montenegro / Croatian / BosnianX
Alex CuadraEvent SupporterLatin AmericaSpanishX
Ana CirujanoEvent SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Ángel ZinselEvent SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Cristopher Garrido MartellEvent SupporterLatin AmericaSpanishX
Dennis PloetnerEvent SupporterEuropeItalian / GermanX
Francisco OpazoEvent SupporterEuropeSpanish
Kharis SulistiyonoEvent SupporterAsiaIndonesianX
Jos VelascoEvent SupporterLatin AmericaSpanishX
José Ramón PadrónEvent SupporterEuropeSpanish / GalicianX
Lidia MarbánEvent SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Lua SalazarEvent SupporterLatin AmericaSpanishX
Mainul Kabir AionEvent SupporterAsiaBengali / Hindi
Marco PereirinhaEvent SupporterEuropeX
Matthew ClancyEvent SupporterNorth AmericaX
Michelle FrechetteEvent SupporterNorth AmericaX
Moses Cursor SsebunyaEvent SupporterAfricaLuganda / SwahiliX
Muhammad TajudeenEvent SupporterAfricaYoruba / Hausa / Fulani / a little bit of Arabic and French
Nilo VélezEvent SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Pablo MoratinosEvent SupporterEuropeSpanish / BasqueX
Patricia Brun TorreEvent SupporterEuropeFrenchX
Roberto MirallesEvent SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Rodrigo DoniniEvent SupporterSouth AmericaPortugueseX
Sammy ArburolaEvent SupporterLatin AmericaSpanishX
Shusei TodaEvent SupporterAsiaJapaneseX
Sjoerd BlomEvent SupporterEuropeDutch / English / FrenchX
Thabo TswanaEvent SupporterAfricaX
Thomas BruehlEvent SupporterEuropeGermanX
Víctor SáenzEvent SupporterEuropeSpanishX
Wil BrownEvent SupporterOceaniaX
Aditya KaneProgram ManagerProgram Manager Program Managers (formerly Super Deputies) are Program Supporters who can perform extra tasks on like creating new sites and publishing WordCamps to the schedule.AsiaMarathi / HindiX
Devin MaeztriProgram ManagerAsiaIndonesian / JapaneseX
Hari ShankerProgram ManagerAsiaMalayalam / HindiX
Harmony RomoProgram ManagerNorth AmericaX
Isotta PeiraProgram ManagerEuropeItalian / Spanish / FrenchX
Juan HernandoProgram ManagerEuropeSpanishX
Junko NukagaProgram ManagerAsiaJapaneseX
Kevin CristianoProgram ManagerNorth AmericaX
Rocío ValdiviaProgram ManagerEuropeSpanishX
Timi WahalahtiProgram ManagerEuropeFinnishX

Here is the list of current deputies combined with their training statuses.