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Музыканты ЖЖ

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Продаю акустическую гитару! [Sep. 19th, 2016|11:13 pm]
Музыканты ЖЖ

Продаю фирменную акустическую гитару Ibanez с трёхполосным тембро-блоком плюс эффект Notchfrag. В тембро-блок встроены тюнер и фэйзер. Есть 2 входа: джек и XLR. 5 лет успешной игры! Утеплённый чехол в подарок! )

Пишем сюда: [email protected]
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Продаю профессиональную электро-акустическую гитару! [Jun. 9th, 2016|06:52 pm]
Музыканты ЖЖ

ВНИМАНИЕ! ...Хочу продать профессиональную акустическую гитару Ibanez в отличном состоянии с тембро-блоком, в который встроены тюнер и фэйзер, с утеплённым чехлом!!! Есть два входа: джек и XLR, 5 лет звучания! ) Писать на [email protected] или 8 916 242 53 83

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Perry Ferya Band - Mantra (ca524) [Mar. 1st, 2014|11:22 am]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: Perry Ferya Band
Title: Mantra
Date: 2014-02-25
Keywords: psychedelic; improvisation; krautrock; space rock; free jazz
(320 kbps)

Perry Ferya Band is a marginal project of Skala Collective’s musicians, oriented to a spontaneous psychedelic improvisation with elements of free jazz.

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Trio Radzetckiy-Tokar-Narushevich - Jam Out Of The Barrel (ca523) [Dec. 24th, 2013|02:03 pm]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: Trio Radzetckiy-Tokar-Narushevich
Title: Jam Out Of The Barrel
Date: 2013-12-24
Keywords: intuitive improvisation; free improvisation; jazz
(320 kbps)

kiev 10 11 2013
art-pab bochka

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Knyaz Mishkin, Yury Yaremchuk - Krach-Dach (ca522) [Nov. 19th, 2013|01:01 pm]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: Knyaz Mishkin, Yury Yaremchuk
Title: Krach-Dach
Date: 2013-11-19
Keywords: intuitive improvisation; free improvisation; jazz
(320 kbps)

L. Narushevich - guitar
Yu. Yaremchuk (2) - saxophone
A. Denisov - didgeridoo
V. Kravchenko - percussion
A. Delianko - percussion and tibetan bowls
E. Shimkus - contrabass

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Knyaz Mishkin - Songs from Polesia (ca521) [Nov. 4th, 2013|11:09 am]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: Knyaz Mishkin
Title: Songs from Polesia
Date: 2013-11-04
Keywords: intuitive improvisation; free improvisation
(320 kbps)
minsk museum agzur 17 okt 2013
knyaz mishkin:
l narushevich - guitar
i kotvickaya - vok
e scheklina - violin
e shimkus - bas
o ribalka - perc
a denisov - didjeridoo perc

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Simone Schirru / Federico Eterno - Around three minutes long short-movie songs (ca520) [Sep. 5th, 2013|09:01 am]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: Simone Schirru / Federico Eterno
Title: Around three minutes long short-movie songs
Date: 2013-09-03
Keywords: free improv; free jazz
(320 kbps)

The Album as the title says was born from the necessity to create a soundtrack that formed the context, the inspirational atmosphere, for the elaboration of an animated short movie that would stray outside the traditional boundaries of narrative. It was too stimulating an enterprise to pull off with any standard rendering of a written composition. This is why we chose to build the work using alternative compositional techniques tied to the extemporaneous creation of forms and elements – a method hewing more closely to contemporary styles of composition...

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Ancient Lasers - You In The Future (ca519) [Jul. 3rd, 2013|03:06 pm]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: Ancient Lasers
Title: You In The Future
Date: 2013-07-03
Keywords: electro-pop; electronica; alternative
(320 kbps)

All Songs and Lyrics Written by Daniel Finfer.
Additional songwriting by Daniel Anderson.(of Idiot Pilot)

Lead vocals, guitars, synthesizers, programming, and Piano: Daniel Finfer
Vocals, guitars, bass, programming, synthesizers and keyboards: Daniel Anderson
Violin: Brennen Smith
Live Drums: Christopher Newton

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ca518 - This Co. - More [Jun. 1st, 2013|05:57 pm]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: This Co.
Title: More
Date: 2013-06-01
Keywords: electronica; dark disco; new wave rave
(320 kbps)

This Co. presents "More", their second album. After years of silent work, This Co. comes back at the end of April with More, their second independent album. As the title suggests, this is a more dense, elaborated and mature album than the previous one.
This is definitely More This Co. Loaded with that dark atmosphere introduced on their debut, More dives deeper on those layers of punk, new wave and electronics that define the sound of This Co., but without giving up their intention to make you dance. The album was independently produced with the collaboration of the musician and producer Juan Cristobal Saavedra (a.k.a. Equipo) on the electronics.

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ca517 - Sakee Sed - Ceci N Est Pas Un EP [May. 12th, 2013|01:22 pm]
Музыканты ЖЖ


Artist: Sakee Sed
Title: Ceci N Est Pas Un EP
Date: 2013-05-12
Keywords: psycho; crooner; rock
(320 kbps)

A year after their previous musical effort, "A Piedi Nubi", Sakee Sed are back with a band new Ep bizarrely titled "Ceci N'Est Pas Un EP". Mostly defined by the sound of three instruments: piano, guitar and drums, it contains 6 tracks recorded straight to tape at TunnelWood Studio, between January and March 2013, except for the track "Boccaleone" which was recorded in September 2012.

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