Maiar Realm — LiveJournal
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Updated Member List

Posted by sheiannasherra on 08.18.2007 at
Current Mood: geekygeeky
Tags: ,
I thought I'd post the updated member list for the Communities, just in case anyone was wondering how many are in each Race!
Member ListCollapse )

Edited: October 18 to add new member


Points for Dwarves

Posted by sheiannasherra on 07.24.2007 at
Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative
Tags: , ,
This is the new place to post points earned by the Dwarves! Please post totals only, not breakdowns of who earned the points. Please include a link to the post where the points are from. For example, Sorting Points: include a link to the sorting_realm post where new members are announced, or for Caption Contest include a link to the humor_realm or tolkiens_realm post where winners are announced.
Thank you!

Edit: Totals from previous Ring Wars will be deleted after the end of that war.


Points for Men

Posted by sheiannasherra on 07.24.2007 at
Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative
Tags: , ,
This is the new place to post points earned by the Men! Please post totals only, not breakdowns of who earned the points. Please include a link to the post where the points are from. For example, Sorting Points: include a link to the sorting_realm post where new members are announced, or for Caption Contest include a link to the humor_realm or tolkiens_realm post where winners are announced.
Thank you!

Edit: Totals from previous Ring Wars will be deleted after the end of that war.


Points for Elves

Posted by sheiannasherra on 07.24.2007 at
Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative
Tags: , ,
This is the new place to post points earned by the Elves! Please post totals only, not breakdowns of who earned the points. Please include a link to the post where the points are from. For example, Sorting Points: include a link to the sorting_realm post where new members are announced, or for Caption Contest include a link to the humor_realm or tolkiens_realm post where winners are announced.
Thank you!

Edit: Totals from previous Ring Wars will be deleted after the end of that war.


Points for Hobbits

Posted by sheiannasherra on 07.24.2007 at
Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative
Tags: , ,
This is the new place to post points earned by the Hobbits! Please post totals only, not breakdowns of who earned the points. Please include a link to the post where the points are from. For example, Sorting Points: include a link to the sorting_realm post where new members are announced, or for Caption Contest include a link to the humor_realm or tolkiens_realm post where winners are announced.
Thank you!

Edit: Totals from previous Ring Wars will be deleted after the end of that war.

RotK horses

Official 'Let me back in!' post

Posted by shieldmaidenjen on 06.17.2007 at
Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative
As many of you know, a recent well-intentioned but far too impetuous decision resulted in a large number of people who were sorted into tolkiens_realm being dropped from the communities. We deeply regret this and want everyone to know that if you were accidentally deleted (or if you just left for personal reasons and want to return), you are more than welcome to come back without being resorted!

All you have to do is reply to this post with what Race you were so we can send you an invite to get back in. No questions asked!

You may also comment with which of the other communities you would like to be invited back into and we will gladly send you the invitations!

Regarding the invites: Since not everyone gets the notification for invites by email, please go to 'Manage Communities' on the top of your LJ profile page and then go to 'Manage Your Invites'. There you can accept all invitations we send you and be automatically let back into the communities you requested. :)


Posted by elgato_gamgins on 05.17.2007 at
Only people sorted at sorting_realm may post here.