Papers by Dušan Stanković

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
The research objectives were to examine the concentration of crime and its temporal patterns in N... more The research objectives were to examine the concentration of crime and its temporal patterns in Niš and compare the related research results in spatial criminology. Longitudinal property and violent crime data were geocoded and assigned to three types of grid cells. Descriptive statistics were used to examine crime concentration, and spatial stability of crime was tested using a spatial point pattern test. The findings suggest an intense concentration of all crime types within all areal units and years of study. The higher rates of concentration were found in the analysis of less common robbery and violent crime. Findings of spatial pattern analysis suggest moderate to a high degree of similarity in spatial patterns among all crime types. However, sensitivity analysis indicates significant changes in the spatial distribution of both property and violent crime. Therefore, an alternative method is applied. Theoretical implications are discussed, highlighting routine activities and crime pattern theory. The study aims to instigate more spatial analysis of crime and evidence-based criminal policies within the region.
This study aimed to examine the relationship between environmental facilities as risk factors and... more This study aimed to examine the relationship between environmental facilities as risk factors and crime. Police data of property and violent criminal offences registered during 2018 in the city of Nis, Republic of Serbia, has been geocoded. Grid cells of 100 by 100 meters were designed as spatial units for the analysis, and geoinformation data of 12 different facilities were extracted from GIS. The negative binomial regression model was constructed to investigate crime risky facilities. The crime is mostly related to facilities as banks and exchange offices, bus stops, gyms and recreational centers. On the other hand, cafes, nightclubs, and big shopping centers were not significantly associated with crime. Finally, limitations, practical and theoretical usage of the research are discussed.

Bezbednost, Beograd
Позитивн правни прописи који регулишу приватни сектор безбедности у Републици Србији донети су на... more Позитивн правни прописи који регулишу приватни сектор безбедности у Републици Србији донети су након двадесетак година правног вакуума у овој области. Њима је уређен и процес лиценцирања службеника приватног обезбеђења. Циљ овог рада била је идентификација кључних карактеристика процеса лиценцирања, као и вредносних ставова, искуства и мишљења припадника приватног обезбеђења у процесу њиховог обучавања, полагања испита и издавања лиценце. Примењена је метода полуструктурисаног експертског интервјуа, који је обављен сa једанаест испитаника-припадника агенција за приватно обезбеђење у Републици Србији који поседују лиценцу физичког лица за вршење послова приватног обезбеђења. У истраживању су идентификовани кључни проблеми у процесу лиценцирања: истовремени рад (најчешће ноћни) и похађање обуке (током дана), изостајање са обуке, снижени критеријуми на испиту, питање носиоца трошкова лиценцирања. Процес лиценцирања показао је и своје добре стране: стручно оспособљавање кроз стицање знања из домена безбедносних наука, правних прописа и права службеника приватног обезбеђења, развијање вештина самоодбране, савлађивања отпора и физичке снаге, развој безбедносне културе и подс-

The ecological theory of crime was first introduced into criminology by the Cartographic School o... more The ecological theory of crime was first introduced into criminology by the Cartographic School of Criminology in the 19th century. Ecological theories of crime were further developed by the Chicago School of Criminology in the early 20th century. Contemporary ecological theories include routine activity theory, crime pattern theory, and rational choice theory. The impact of the ecological perspective in scientific research of crime is noticeable in today's studies too. Modern scientists, researchers, and practitioners study crime by using the geographic information system, statistical and geostatistical methods, and crime mapping. The empirical research on the spatial patterns and concentration of crime in the City of Nis, Republic of Serbia, was conducted on the research sample of property crimes and violent crimes committed in the years 2008, 2013 and 2018. All the cases were geocoded into spatial units which represent urban and suburban areas in the territory of the City of ...

Peščanik, 2020
Društvo i država oduvek nastoje da kontrolišu i suzbiju kriminalitet, a uređenje prostora i obrać... more Društvo i država oduvek nastoje da kontrolišu i suzbiju kriminalitet, a uređenje prostora i obraćanje pažnje na prostore gde se naročito često dešavaju kažnjiva dela i društveno devijantne pojave, jedan je od načina za ispunjenje ovakvih ciljeva. Ekološka perspektiva se nastankom Kartografske škole javlja sa samim početkom i razvojem kriminologije i nauke uopšte. Uticaj ekoloških teorija u proučavanju zločina značajan je i u današnjim istraživanjima. Tako, kriminalitet se u svetu proučava korišćenjem geografskog informacionog sistema, mapiranjem kriminala, statističkim i geostatističkim metodima koji su prikazani u posebnoj glavi rada. Empirijskim istraživanjem su metodima deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike obrađena krivična dela imovinskog i nasilničkog karaktera učinjena 2008, 2013. i 2018. godine na teritoriji Grada Niša. Identifikovana su područja u kojima je koncentrisan kriminalitet. Testom sličnosti prostornih obrazaca je utvrđeno da kriminalitet ne zadržava isti obrazac prostorne distribucije. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja imaju praktičnu primenu i korisni su u donošenju odluka i kreiranju strategija bezbednosti i prevencije kriminaliteta od strane policije, donosioca odluka i samih građana.

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 2021
The research objectives were to examine the concentration of crime and its temporal patterns in N... more The research objectives were to examine the concentration of crime and its temporal patterns in Niš and compare the related research results in spatial criminology. Longitudinal property and violent crime data were geocoded and assigned to three types of grid cells. Descriptive statistics were used to examine crime concentration, and spatial stability of crime was tested using a spatial point pattern test. The findings suggest an intense concentration of all crime types within all areal units and years of study. The higher rates of concentration were found in the analysis of less common robbery and violent crime. Findings of spatial pattern analysis suggest moderate to a high degree of similarity in spatial patterns among all crime types. However, sensitivity analysis indicates significant changes in the spatial distribution of both property and violent crime. Therefore, an alternative method is applied. Theoretical implications are discussed, highlighting routine activities and crime pattern theory. The study aims to instigate more spatial analysis of crime and evidence based criminal policies within the region.

Archives of Criminology, 2021
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between environmental facilities as risk fa... more The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between environmental facilities as risk factors and crime. Police data of crimes against property and violent criminal offences registered in 2018 in the city of Niš, Serbia, were geocoded. Grid cells of 100 by 100 metres were designed as the spatial units for analysis, and the geoinformation data of 12 different facilities were extracted from a geographic information system. A negative binomial regression model was constructed to investigate facilities associated with crime. The results suggest that crime is mostly related to facilities such as banks and exchange offices, bus stops, gyms, and recreational centres. On the other hand, cafés, nightclubs, and large shopping centres were not significantly associated with crime. Finally, the limitations as well as the practical and theoretical applications of the research are discussed. Abstrakt: Prezentowane badanie ma na celu analizę relacji przestrzeni i obiektów w niej rozmieszczo-nych oraz przestępczości. W analizach wykorzystano dane policyjne o przestępczości zarejestrowanej w 2018 roku-czynach przeciwko mieniu i z użyciem przemocy popełnionych w mieście Niš w Serbii. Dane te zostały poddane geokodowaniu, względem miejsc zdarzeń przestępczych. Jednostką prze-strzenną była komórka siatki o wymiarach 100 na 100 metrów. Dane geoinformacyjne o 12 rodzajach obiektów uzyskano za pomocą oprogramowania GIS. Celem zbadania związku między wybranymi obiektami a przestępczością wykorzystano model regresji dwumianowej. Wyniki przeprowadzonych 2 Dušan Stanković analiz pokazały, że przestępczość występuje najczęściej w przestrzeniach, w których mieszczą się banki, kantory, znajdują się w niej przystanki autobusowe, restauracje, siłownie czy ośrodki rekreacyjne. Nieistotny statystycznie z kolei okazał się związek między występowaniem przestępczości a rozmiesz-czeniem takich obiektów jak: kawiarnie, kluby nocne czy duże centra handlowe. W artykule zostały omówione także ograniczenia oraz praktyczne i teoretyczne możliwości zastosowania przeprowadzo-nych analiz. Słowa kluczowe: przestępczość, urządzenia środowiskowe, przestępczość przeciwko mieniu, przestępstwa z użyciem przemocy, analiza przestrzenna

Facta Universitatis, Series: Law and Politics, 2020
The ecological theory of crime was first introduced into criminology by the Cartographic School o... more The ecological theory of crime was first introduced into criminology by the Cartographic School of Criminology in the 19th century. Ecological theories of crime were further developed by the Chicago School of Criminology in the early 20th century. Contemporary ecological theories include routine activity theory, crime pattern theory, and rational choice theory. The impact of the ecological perspective in scientific research of crime is noticeable in today's studies too. Modern scientists, researchers, and practitioners study crime by using the geographic information system, statistical and geostatistical methods, and crime mapping. The empirical research on the spatial patterns and concentration of crime in the City of Nis, Republic of Serbia, was conducted on the research sample of property crimes and violent crimes committed in the years 2008, 2013 and 2018. All the cases were geocoded into spatial units which represent urban and suburban areas in the territory of the City of Niš. Descriptive statistics was used to identify the urban areas with the highest crime rate. Andersen's Spatial Point Pattern Test (SPPT) was used to check the research hypothesis that the spatial patterns of crime are stable over time. This hypothesis has not been confirmed as the findings show that criminal activity demonstrates a trend of moving away from the central city zones towards the urban (residential) areas and suburban settlements. The results of this empirical research are of scientific and practical value. This spatial analysis of crime is among the first analysis of this kind in Serbia and the Balkans, and it was the very first time in the region that such analysis involved the application of the Spatial Point Pattern Test (SPPT). The research results maybe useful when creating security strategies and crime prevention policies by the police, decision-makers, and other stakeholders.

Master thesis, 2020
Rad se bazira na osnovnim princima ekološkog pravca izučavanja pojave kriminala u kriminologiji. ... more Rad se bazira na osnovnim princima ekološkog pravca izučavanja pojave kriminala u kriminologiji. Ljudi, društvo i država su oduvek nastojali da kontrolišu i suzbiju kriminalitet, a uređenje prostora i obraćanje pažnje na mesta, zone i područja u kojima se naročito često dešavaju kažnjiva dela i društveno devijantne pojave, jedan je od načina za ispunjenje ovakvih ciljeva. Ekološka perspektiva se nastankom Kartografske škole javlja sa samim početkom i razvojem kriminologije i nauke uopšte. Sledi razvoj ekološke teorije u Čikaškoj školi, a potom i savremene ekološke perpsektive kriminaliteta poput teorije rutinskih aktivnosti, teorije kriminalnog obrasca i teorije racionalnog izbora. Uticaj ekoloških teorija u proučavanju zločina značajan je i u današnjim istraživanjima. U empirijskom istraživanju su metodima deskriptivne statistike obrađena krivična dela imovinskog i nasilničkog karaktera učinjena 2008, 2013. i 2018. godine na teritoriji Grada Niša. Najpre je izvršeno geokodiranje svakog pojedinačnog krivičnog dela koje je pripalo posebno određenim prostornim jedinicama tj. gradskim i prigradskim područjima Niša. Time su identifikovana područja u kojima je najviše koncentrisan kriminalitet i potvrđene su hipoteze da su centralna gradska područja najopterećenija kriminalitetom. Utvrđeno je da se zločini najčešće javljaju u područjima gde se nalaze centralne gradske ulice i trgovi, velika autobuska stajališta, pijace, šoping centri, lokali i prodavnice, kockarnice, kafići, kafane i druge vruće tačke kriminaliteta. Na kraju, Testom sličnosti prostornih obrazaca je utvrđeno da kriminalitet ne zadržava isti obrazac prostorne distribucije i da se vremenom pomera sa centralnih gradskim područja ka gradskim i prigradskim naseljima, čime je i opovrgnuta hipoteza da kriminalitet zadržava svoju distribuciju u prostoru i protekom vremena.

Bezbednost, 2019
Pozitivno pravni propisi koji regulišu privatni sektor bezbednosti u Republici Srbiji doneti su n... more Pozitivno pravni propisi koji regulišu privatni sektor bezbednosti u Republici Srbiji doneti su nakon dvadesetak godina pravnog vakuuma u ovoj oblasti. Njima je uređen i proces licenciranja službenika privatnog obezbeđenja. Cilj ovog rada bila je identifikacija ključnih karakteristika procesa licenciranja, kao i vrednosnih stavova, iskustva i mišljenja pripadnika privatnog obezbeđenja u procesu njihovog obučavanja, polaganja ispita i izdavanja licence. Primenjena je metoda polustrukturisanog ekspertskog intervjua, koji je obavljen sa jedanaest ispitanika – pripadnika agencija za privatno obezbeđenje u Republici Srbiji koji poseduju licencu fizičkog lica za vršenje poslova privatnog obezbeđenja. U istraživanju su identifikovani ključni problemi u procesu licenciranja: istovremeni rad (najčešće noćni) i pohađanje obuke (tokom dana), izostajanje sa obuke, sniženi kriterijumi na ispitu, pitanje nosioca
troškova licenciranja. Proces licenciranja pokazao je i svoje dobre strane: stručno osposobljavanje kroz sticanje znanja iz domena bezbednosnih nauka, pravnih propisa i prava službenika privatnog obezbeđenja, razvijanje veština samoodbrane, savlađivanja otpora i fizičke snage, razvoj bezbednosne kulture i podsticanje želje za usavršavanjem pripadnika privatnog sektora bezbednosti.

Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 2019
Nasilje na internetu se manifestuje na različite načine među kojima značajno mesto zauzima uznemi... more Nasilje na internetu se manifestuje na različite načine među kojima značajno mesto zauzima uznemiravanje na društvenim mrežama. Mladi-ma su internet i savremene digitalne tehnologije prijemčivi i lako dostu-pni, a oni su skloni izlaganju rizicima i ranjiva su kategorija. Cilj ovog rada bilo je ispitivanje prevalence i načina ispoljavanja sajber nasilja na društvenim mrežama među mladima u Srbiji. S tim ciljem primenjeno je empirijsko istraživanje anketnim metodom gde je onlajn upitnik podeljen srednjoškolcima. Ispitanici su popunjavali podskalu činjenja i podska-lu doživljavanja uznemiravanja na društvenim mrežama. Dok jedna peti-na ispitanika (20,2%) prijavljuje da je činilo sajber nasilje, čak polovina (51,6%) prijavljuje viktimizaciju. Najčešći oblici sajber nasilja su vređa-nje, ismevanje i širenje glasina. Analizom je utvrđena veza između činje-nja i viktimizacije sajber nasiljem te učinioci najčešće budu i žrtve nasilja. Muški pol je skloniji činjenju sajber nasilja, dok kod viktimizacije nema značajne razlike između polova. U trećini slučajeva nakon sajber nasilja dolazi do tradicionalnog nasilja.

Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law, 2019
Cyberbullying manifests in different ways. Harassment on the
social network takes the place in cy... more Cyberbullying manifests in different ways. Harassment on the
social network takes the place in cyberbullying. Internet and modern
technologies are available and well adapted for youth. They are prone
to risky behavior and vulnerable category. This paper aims to examine the prevalence and shape of cyberbullying on social networks.
According to the aim, we did empirical research using a survey, which is
online delivered among high school students in Serbia, users of social
networks. Respondents completed cyberbullying and victimization scale
about harassment on the social networks. Results showed similarities and
differences, compared with researching in the world and Serbia. About
one-fifth of the participants (20,2%) reported that have cyberbullied
others, and half of the participants (51,6%) reported victimization. The most
common shapes of cyberbullying are insulting, mocking and spreading
rumors. The analysis showed the connection between cyberbullying and
victimization in the way that cyberbullies have the most chance to be
the victim. Males are more prone to cyberbullying than females, while
there is no gender difference regard victimization. In one-third of the
cases, after cyberviolence on the social network, the form of traditional
violence occurs between participants

Security, 2019
Legal laws which regulate private security sector in the Republic of Serbia have arrived after tw... more Legal laws which regulate private security sector in the Republic of Serbia have arrived after twenty years of legal vacuum in this area, and they have been the object of expectations of many private security experts and practitioners in Serbia. They regulate the licensing process of private security officers. Aim of this research was to identify key characteristics of the licensing process which implies training course in licensed training centers, exam in front of the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, finally, licensing. The aim was also to identify values points, experiences and opinions of private security officers and candidates in the process of their course, exam and licensing. That was the reason to use the method of a semi-structured interview in our qualitative research. We interviewed eleven respondents - private security officers who are working or have worked for eight different private security agencies in the Republic of Serbia. They all have a license which is regulated with new Private security law. Research helps us to identify key problems in the licensing process. Candidates who are working in some private security agencies are not free from the job days during the course. They work night shifts and then go to the training center or go to work after classes. Also, there is the question of meeting fund of the course hours and whether all candidates go to the course at all. The criteria were lowered at the exam, and there is a problem of funding licensing process. Some of the candidates are paying their course by self, some are financed by the employer. In that case, the employer refunds it in the future or candidate have a contractual obligation to work with that employer in the future. Licensing process has its good sides as well. Candidates gain knowledge in security sciences, law and their rights. They are developing skills of self-defense and overcoming the resistance and developing their physical strength. The development of security culture is encouraged as well as a desire for improvement of security sector officers and candidates.
Thesis Chapters by Dušan Stanković

Master Thesis: COVID-19 influence on Crime Trends in Northern England: Distincting Rural from Urban Crime, 2022
This dissertation analyses the trends of rural and urban crime during the pandemic of COVID-19. P... more This dissertation analyses the trends of rural and urban crime during the pandemic of COVID-19. Previous studies have found that crime generally has decreased during stay-at-home orders and social distancing. However, rural crime has been an understudied topic in criminology, and crime in the pandemic is mainly studied from an urban perspective. Therefore, this study distinguishes between rural and urban crime trends for theoretical and practical reasons.
The analysis uses police recorded data from 11 police forces in Northern England from January 2015 to March 2022. Throughout the study period, all crimes summed have growing trends on both rural and urban levels. Interrupted time series analysis shows that lockdowns have stopped it. Crime has dropped in all areas and most crime types. The first and third lockdowns significantly impacted crime drop, while the second has not made such a prominent effect. However, this may be due to the short time between the second and the third lockdown.
Rural crime trends follow urban crime trends in general and during the pandemic. However, there are some discrepancies between rural and urban crime. It is noticed that lockdowns have had less effect on crime drop in rural areas. This may be due to the lower numbers of rural criminal events and the characteristics of rural environments. Considering that previous studies indicate that authorities are less present in rural areas, it is suggestible that rural communities were less affected by the enforcement of stay-at-home orders. Additionally, findings suggest that rural crimes were increasing during the summer months. This is expected, considering previous suggestions of population flow into rural areas during agricultural seasons.
In conclusion, some practical implications are highlighted, considering situational crime prevention and rural policing. Theoretically, results support previous research on crime during the pandemic, finding that changes in routine activities and restricted mobility produced fewer opportunities for crime. Furthermore, increases in some types of crime, such as drugs, public order, criminal damage and arson, are discussed in terms of General Strain Theory and negative stimuli during restrictions that increased these offences.
Papers by Dušan Stanković
troškova licenciranja. Proces licenciranja pokazao je i svoje dobre strane: stručno osposobljavanje kroz sticanje znanja iz domena bezbednosnih nauka, pravnih propisa i prava službenika privatnog obezbeđenja, razvijanje veština samoodbrane, savlađivanja otpora i fizičke snage, razvoj bezbednosne kulture i podsticanje želje za usavršavanjem pripadnika privatnog sektora bezbednosti.
social network takes the place in cyberbullying. Internet and modern
technologies are available and well adapted for youth. They are prone
to risky behavior and vulnerable category. This paper aims to examine the prevalence and shape of cyberbullying on social networks.
According to the aim, we did empirical research using a survey, which is
online delivered among high school students in Serbia, users of social
networks. Respondents completed cyberbullying and victimization scale
about harassment on the social networks. Results showed similarities and
differences, compared with researching in the world and Serbia. About
one-fifth of the participants (20,2%) reported that have cyberbullied
others, and half of the participants (51,6%) reported victimization. The most
common shapes of cyberbullying are insulting, mocking and spreading
rumors. The analysis showed the connection between cyberbullying and
victimization in the way that cyberbullies have the most chance to be
the victim. Males are more prone to cyberbullying than females, while
there is no gender difference regard victimization. In one-third of the
cases, after cyberviolence on the social network, the form of traditional
violence occurs between participants
Thesis Chapters by Dušan Stanković
The analysis uses police recorded data from 11 police forces in Northern England from January 2015 to March 2022. Throughout the study period, all crimes summed have growing trends on both rural and urban levels. Interrupted time series analysis shows that lockdowns have stopped it. Crime has dropped in all areas and most crime types. The first and third lockdowns significantly impacted crime drop, while the second has not made such a prominent effect. However, this may be due to the short time between the second and the third lockdown.
Rural crime trends follow urban crime trends in general and during the pandemic. However, there are some discrepancies between rural and urban crime. It is noticed that lockdowns have had less effect on crime drop in rural areas. This may be due to the lower numbers of rural criminal events and the characteristics of rural environments. Considering that previous studies indicate that authorities are less present in rural areas, it is suggestible that rural communities were less affected by the enforcement of stay-at-home orders. Additionally, findings suggest that rural crimes were increasing during the summer months. This is expected, considering previous suggestions of population flow into rural areas during agricultural seasons.
In conclusion, some practical implications are highlighted, considering situational crime prevention and rural policing. Theoretically, results support previous research on crime during the pandemic, finding that changes in routine activities and restricted mobility produced fewer opportunities for crime. Furthermore, increases in some types of crime, such as drugs, public order, criminal damage and arson, are discussed in terms of General Strain Theory and negative stimuli during restrictions that increased these offences.
troškova licenciranja. Proces licenciranja pokazao je i svoje dobre strane: stručno osposobljavanje kroz sticanje znanja iz domena bezbednosnih nauka, pravnih propisa i prava službenika privatnog obezbeđenja, razvijanje veština samoodbrane, savlađivanja otpora i fizičke snage, razvoj bezbednosne kulture i podsticanje želje za usavršavanjem pripadnika privatnog sektora bezbednosti.
social network takes the place in cyberbullying. Internet and modern
technologies are available and well adapted for youth. They are prone
to risky behavior and vulnerable category. This paper aims to examine the prevalence and shape of cyberbullying on social networks.
According to the aim, we did empirical research using a survey, which is
online delivered among high school students in Serbia, users of social
networks. Respondents completed cyberbullying and victimization scale
about harassment on the social networks. Results showed similarities and
differences, compared with researching in the world and Serbia. About
one-fifth of the participants (20,2%) reported that have cyberbullied
others, and half of the participants (51,6%) reported victimization. The most
common shapes of cyberbullying are insulting, mocking and spreading
rumors. The analysis showed the connection between cyberbullying and
victimization in the way that cyberbullies have the most chance to be
the victim. Males are more prone to cyberbullying than females, while
there is no gender difference regard victimization. In one-third of the
cases, after cyberviolence on the social network, the form of traditional
violence occurs between participants
The analysis uses police recorded data from 11 police forces in Northern England from January 2015 to March 2022. Throughout the study period, all crimes summed have growing trends on both rural and urban levels. Interrupted time series analysis shows that lockdowns have stopped it. Crime has dropped in all areas and most crime types. The first and third lockdowns significantly impacted crime drop, while the second has not made such a prominent effect. However, this may be due to the short time between the second and the third lockdown.
Rural crime trends follow urban crime trends in general and during the pandemic. However, there are some discrepancies between rural and urban crime. It is noticed that lockdowns have had less effect on crime drop in rural areas. This may be due to the lower numbers of rural criminal events and the characteristics of rural environments. Considering that previous studies indicate that authorities are less present in rural areas, it is suggestible that rural communities were less affected by the enforcement of stay-at-home orders. Additionally, findings suggest that rural crimes were increasing during the summer months. This is expected, considering previous suggestions of population flow into rural areas during agricultural seasons.
In conclusion, some practical implications are highlighted, considering situational crime prevention and rural policing. Theoretically, results support previous research on crime during the pandemic, finding that changes in routine activities and restricted mobility produced fewer opportunities for crime. Furthermore, increases in some types of crime, such as drugs, public order, criminal damage and arson, are discussed in terms of General Strain Theory and negative stimuli during restrictions that increased these offences.