Papers by Stefano Paderni

Informazioni riguardanti scoperte fortuite, acquisto o vendita di manufatti antichi, scavi regola... more Informazioni riguardanti scoperte fortuite, acquisto o vendita di manufatti antichi, scavi regolari o illeciti riguardanti il Tirreno cosentino, possono essere recuperate dallo spoglio di alcuni documenti del XIX sec. conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Cosenza. Il presente contributo si concentra su un fascicolo del Fondo Intendenza di Calabria Citra, contenente un carteggio datato maggio-luglio 1826 e riguardante il ritrovamento fortuito di alcune monete nel territorio di Cirella. Questi manufatti, in particolare quelli in cui sono rappresentati carri in trionfo e vittorie alate ed emblemi della dea Minerva, ben si collocano nel contesto archeologico in questione, caratterizzato da notevoli evidenze di media eta romano-imperiale (villa, acquedotto, necropoli, mausoleo). Informations about accidental archaeological discoveries, purchase or sale of ancient artefacts, regular or illegal excavations concerning the Tyrrhenian coast of Cosenza, can be retrieved from the study of so...
This report summarizes the activities and results of the first year of archaeological investigati... more This report summarizes the activities and results of the first year of archaeological investigations conducted by the University of Messina at the site of ancient Blanda near Tortora, in northern Calabria. A team of graduate students from the Universities of Messina, Udine, and Calabria participated in the excavations, which took place in June, 2016, and were aimed at understanding the spatial organization of the Forum, Blanda's principal square.
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 378, 2017
This report summarizes the activities and results of the first year of archaeological investigati... more This report summarizes the activities and results of the first year of archaeological investigations conducted by the University of Messina at the site of ancient Blanda near Tortora, in northern Calabria. A team of graduate students from the Universities of Messina, Udine, and Calabria participated in the excavations, which took place in June, 2016, and were aimed at understanding the spatial organization of the Forum, Blanda’s principal square. The excavations revealed the presence of a commercial building (datable to the 2nd-4th centuries A.D.) aligned with plateia A, the town’s main avenue, and yielded new data about a porticus triplex that framed the northern, eastern and southern sides of the Forum.
Papers by Stefano Paderni