A downloadable game




謎の人物に追われながらも、この場所から出るために探索をする二人は、徐々にこの場所の真実と過去を知る事になる…… 。





ジャンル : サイコホラーADV

推奨年齢 : 15歳以上推奨

プレイ時間 : 約3~4時間

エンディング数 : 13種

制作ツール : RPGツクールVX ACE



動作環境 : Win10確認済み













韓国語版(한글 번역판)  Mat様 https://blog.naver.com/matyttd

英語版(English version) Angel Lily-096様 https://space.bilibili.com/45864271

繁体中文版 sikv様 https://x.com/sikv68522


丸得基地のゲームの一部は「enigma virtual box 」を使用してパッケージングの上配布しています。





『RPGツクールVX Ace』©2011 Gotcha Gotcha Games Inc./YOJI OJIMA

RPG MAKERは、株式会社Gotcha Gotcha Gamesの登録商標又は商標です。

本ソフトでは表示フォントに「幻ノにじみ明朝」http://www.fontna.com/blog/1912/ ) を使用しています。

Licensed under SIL Open Font License 1.1( http://scripts.sil.org/OFL )


Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(356 total ratings)
TagsHorror, Pixel Art, RPG Maker


ZENO(R)ver1.16.zip 168 MB
ZENO(R)ENG_ver1.14.zip 173 MB
ZENO(R)KO_ver1.14.zip 171 MB
ブラジルポルトガル語版 (Versão em português brasileiro)
ZENO(R)_CHT_ver1.15.zip 168 MB


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I'm using a tablet and I doesn't workk pls help


im on mac and for some reason it wont let me download help me please i really want to do this


idek why but I check every zip file in antivirus scan and as well as some virus checker websites, and it says it's a trojan chat 😭💔


i love aki...


i love u haru

idk if rhis is a stupid q but does this work on chromebook? ive downloaded it like 10 timws but it keeps saying it was unsuccessful



which one is the eng version i have 6 dowland icons to many versions idk which one is the eng ver

Im not sure but it might be the one that says "ZENO(R)ENG_ver1.14.zip"... That could just be me though

Hi does this game have a virus because my computer said it might.. Im scared to download its the eng version im downloading. Could someone confirm its not a virus? 


hi dw its from itch io so there wont be any viruses ive donwloaded it and everything is perfectly fine


Alright thanks ill download it now 


its not :3


Game ALWAYS crashes after 1 minute and 50 seconds exactly. No matter where I am in the game, or title screen. 

I clicked "allow program" for my anti virus and everything I could think of. It still just keeps crashing. I have RTP and required programs too. I just can't play it.

(ENG Version/ PC updated / I'm able to play all RPG maker games like Wadanohara/Mogeko, etc...)

hey i need help i cannot download the English version im not sure what im doing wrong


finally finished this.....im becoming an alcoholic



my name is david dad i wan some iceceream dad

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

why i cant download it?


i can't open the game bc of an errror message and if i try to download it on the app it says its not compatible... what should i do


what're the keys for this game?


‌Why does it always show download failure when I try to download ZENO(R)-CHT-ver1.15.zip? What should I do?

nvm i cant maximize it apparently


try alt + enter if you haven't already

its not letting me go into fullscree

hi i downloaded it for windows but it says it could be risky if i open it t__t how can i be sure it's not a virus?

(3 edits) (+2)
Uhm...I already downloaded it and I still don't have a virus.


If its from itch, pretty sure there wont be any viruses


Don't worry, It's not a virus at all.. ^__^


I just downloaded it and i pressed more info and it allowed me to run it. Itch.io wouldn't have viruses so it should be a-ok. I've downloaded many of Studio Investigrave applications and have never had issues so I doubt it will run a virus.

I don't know why but Fuyu keeps on following me when I leave rooms, he's not supposed to, I've looked up gameplays and followed it closely thinking I was doing something wrong but it keeps on happening, does anyone know why this is happening? 

Fuyu always random follow no matter what kind of room, his frequency is up to how hard you set up begin. it normal thing like jump scared in this game.

(1 edit)

FOR some reason i cant open the english translation! every other translation works perfectly fine though!! IVE been trying since july and reinstalling over and over again + my antivirus is off .. HELP!




is it not virus? i tried downloading it but it showed me that windows defence reject that plik and that it could be dangerous to computer 


it's not a virus. If there is a "run anyway." option, you should click on it to play ZENO  we zeno players who have access to this game fully promise you that it has no virus!

hi, so i need help. i donwloaded the game and i played it but some while later i had to go so i saved the game and exited. and next day when i tried to load the same file i saved my gameplay to it didnt work like everytime i hage to start new game and is it supposed to be like that? like ok lets js say i do it in 1 sitting but then the progress will still be lost so i dont get it. if anyone could reply and help ill be glad

Hi! This problem is quite convenient, we're waiting for the bug to get fixed, should you encounter similar errors while running the game please try and report it to the official dev. For now, maybe you can try re-downloading the same file and open it again? Let me know please!

i actually did try to re-download it but it seems to have the same problem..



Can this game be downloaded to the Mac? If so, then how... because I can't figure something out😿

Yes. Click on the download and it should pop up on your screen it's compatible for both Windows and Mac i heard

I tried, but I only have a file and that's it.. no games, nothing. One file that doesn't open and a folder with scripts

i think you need to right click or left click and extract file!

I did that, but the result is the same. It just won't open.

hello did you find the problem ? cause i have the same... the end just says that its a windows application


Can this game be downloaded in mobile and if yes how do I download it on an Android mobile?



How do I download it in an Android mobile?

Hello! Do you have any social medias I can contact you on? I unfortunately can't say it here, the last time I did, my comment got removed   I know of a way it can be played in mobile. For short, you just need plugins and the game engine's RPG Maker version and download a few apps. You also need an RTP.

THIS GAME IS PEAK (im literally kuro)

i want to know how can i download the chinese

Please find the "ZENO(R)_CHT_ver1.15.zip". It should be the last one

(1 edit)

how in the hell do I maximize the screen


You can't

Nvm figured it out, It's Alt+Enter for those who are wondering

alt+enter. Check walkthrough for more game controls



Hello! I downloaded the Chinese version of the game, but the buttons on my computer can't be operated correctly, so I can't play the game properly. I want to know what the problem is? I have a win11 system, but my friends can also work normally.

To run the game normally, try re-downloading it, it works best but if it still does not work you can always report to the game developer for certain issues.

Or maybe there's just a problem with your computer.

Deleted 9 days ago

Do you have the game engine's RTP? Maybe it requires that





does it really not have virus? i am terrified by the fact that i have... pls answer me!


it's not a virus



when i try to open the game it doesnt even tho i have rpg vx  ace rtp. what should i do??

Make sure you use the RTP correctly, this comment was last month ago, so i apologize for the late reply (I'm not sure if this comment is of no use now, so this applies to future games!)

hey i have a question.
Is there gonna be an english version for 1.16 as well? Or can u download it somewhere else? 
Becasue i have looked at playthroughs of other content creators and realized that they play the game with a diffrent dialouge and also more endings (and the game continues longer)

a reply would be appreciated thanks ^^

Hi, from what I've heard I'm pretty sure the 1.16 in the Japanese version are just bug fixes in the game. The whole gameplay in both ENG and JP should be completed since the translation was already finished long ago.

A versão em português não esta funcionando, problema na hora de extrair os arquivos. [ The Portuguese version is not working, there is a problem when extracting the files. ]

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