Mad Crazy Toronto
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Missing Person [25 Aug 2014|09:34am]

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The 10th Annual Small World Music Festival Sep 22-Oct 2: The Beat Of The Globe [08 Sep 2011|04:20pm]


Small World Music Presents
September 22 to October 2
Venues: Lula Lounge, Armenian Youth Centre, Yonge Dundas Square, Koerner Hall, The Great Hall, and Enwave Theatre

The tenth anniversary of Small World Music's signature annual program marks a milestone, both for the organization and for Toronto's world music community. Over the past decade, this passionate and dedicated organization has worked with thousands of people to weave the thread of world music through the fabric of the city.
As always, this year's Festival embraces the past and future of global sounds, showcasing new sounds infused with youthful energy and the spirit of cross-cultural collaboration that makes for a Brave New World of Music. As always, Toronto and Canada are proudly and diversely represented by the likes of David Buchbinder's Andalusia to Toronto, Autorickshaw, Eccodek, Njacko Backo, Boogat, Drumhand, Prince Enoki's Insect Orchestra, Lemon Bucket Orchestra, and The Tich Maredza Quartet. The festival's centrepiece Small World in the Square on Saturday, September 24 at Yonge Dundas Square. Appropriate to the occasion, this most ambitious day of programming in Small World's history will offer 10 mainstage concerts featuring sounds from all over the world -- absolutely free!!
For ticket information, artist bios and audio samples, please visit the Small World website at

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The Droz Report #7: Have you listened to a Ford, lately? [30 Jul 2011|01:22pm]


The brothers Ford reveal the naked neocon truth

July 29 2011, OTTAWA —It sounds like a skit from a Marx Brothers movie. On the one hand, the Mayor of Canada's largest city is said to have given the finger to a six year-old girl and her mother while at the wheel of his van and while talking on his cellphone; and on the other, the Mayor's brother (and also a City Councilor) falsely claims there are more libraries than Tim Horton's coffee shops in his part of the city and tells Canada's leading novelist to butt out of municipal politics unless she gets elected to city council.

Yes it's farce, but it's also deadly serious politics, that reveals volumes about neo-conservative attitudes and the triumphalist agenda the radical right-wing. Read the full story here.

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Open Letter To Peter Mansbridge and The National [18 Jan 2011|09:30am]


Stop the presses!

Snowpocalypse Now

Dear Peter,

The pate of Parson Mansbridge shines bright on The National.

I am a Canadian, and so I understand, I really do. Toronto is the most important city in Canada, arguably in the world. And most of those of you who produce The National live in the city or in its environs and commute in to your fabulous Broadcasting Centre on Front Street. What happens in Hogtown matters to Canadians. I get it.

But still ...

I tuned in to your venerable program for the first time in a while last night. (I don't usually get my news via television; I prefer the printed word or radio. Forgive me.)

I am very sorry to say, I quickly switched it off again — and would have (I swear it!) even did I not currently reside in that sorry provincial backwater, Ottawa.

Please, let me explain.

Edited to fix bad HTML.

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MONKEY NIGHT IN CANADA! [12 Sep 2009|09:58pm]


Monkeyman Productions Fundraiser for GODZILLA ON SUNDAYS
HARD ROCK CAFE, 279 Yonge St., 2nd Floor
Doors open at 8:00 pm, Suggested donation of $5
***For more information, check out the Facebook event***

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cowhunt [18 Apr 2009|11:19am]

It’s spring time. That means it is time to go cowhuntin’!

Don’t worry, we’re not really hunting cows. The Cowhunt is what we’re calling our own version of an urban adventure where teams solve clues, photograph themselves with proof, and race to the finish line (a pub!) for prizes. It’s a play on the word coworking, which is sometimes pronounced in jest as cow-orking. And while we’re not sure what is involved with orking a cow, we think the big mammals are fun and cute enough to use as our mascot for our urban adventure. It’s fun, the weather is generally nice this time of year, and it’s a great way to experience the city while raising funds for a new coworking facility for Toronto.

Choose a partner (or let us know if you need a partner and we’ll randomly match you with someone else who needs a partner), register yourselves, and have fun! Must be 19yrs of age or older. Registration is $15 per person. Space is limited. The Cowhunt starts at 11:00am on Sat Apr 25, 2009 in the Annex.

Details at
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One Week To Go... [12 Feb 2007|12:15pm]

Until 1984 To Wilson's Wake!

details and poster under cutCollapse )
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IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: Robert Anton Wilson wake [24 Jan 2007|04:46pm]

Due to a miscommunication of the date of the Robert Anton Wilson Memorial, the wake wound up on the wrong date.

I have therefore, moved the wake at the Imperial Pub to Sunday, February 18th to really coincide with the memorial service in San Francisco.

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February 7th [18 Jan 2007|10:02pm]

Imperial Pub in Toronto, Canada, Irish Wake in honour of Robert Anton WilsonCollapse )

If you would like to help spread the word, you can save this file and probably print it in a small size or email me at mightydoll AT yahoo DOT com and I'll send you a full sized .jpg or .ai (adobe illustrator format)

This is a not-for-profit event, donations will be accepted to defray associated costs, with any extra being donated to charity.

If you would like to throw a similar event in your town, feel free to lift the flyer and tweak it to your own needs. Respond here with your email address for a copy of the original .ai file.

It would be pretty cool to know that there were parties all over the place happening at the same time.
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The Toronto Game [06 Mar 2006|12:11am]

There's a new city-wide project in the works, sort of an art/game thing. It's non-profit, unaffiliated with any organization, and it's being run by people who just think it will be a blast. The goal is simply to make something awesome and fun.

More specifically:

The Toronto Game is going to be a plot-based competition between teams to solve a series of puzzles that are based on the landscape and geography of Toronto, with an emphasis on exploring public spaces. We aim to make it fun, challenging, and intense. While we plan to keep the game accessible to players of all skill levels, we also aim to provide participants with a very memorable experience. Kind of like an ARG or a Puzzle Hunt, if you're into that sort of thing.

The website:

Right now, we need volunteers! We need planners, writers, puzzle designers, artists, etc. Basically, if you're interested in getting involved, we'd love to have you on board! Just send us an e-mail, or join the mailing list on the website.
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Visiting Toronto for New year's Eve [29 Dec 2005|03:11pm]

Hi Everyone,

What are your plans in Toronto this coming New Year's Eve? It can go from boring/bizarre/fun to typical. My friends and I are headed there, unsure of what to do specifically, but we'd love some leads if any of you have any suggestions (we don't know the area at all and are up for anything)-- or hell, if you want to meet up with a bunch of random friendly people, certainly let me know :)


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[11 Dec 2005|11:31pm]


Where Spirit Meets Matter #3: Esoteric Chatter
Full Moon in Gemini

This is not a Christmas Party, it is a ritual. A ritual through whichyouwill gather mind and soul, matter and spirit and make lots of trippy new friends since you don't fear it.

Lots of Chatter (about things that matter & matters of the spirit)
Museical Outbursts (including: Whoever else lets the sounds flow through them + PsytranscEnding)
Eye Candy (From hands onto paper and electronics onto screens)

Bring your own whatever (Examples: Instruments, plants, art supplies, insanity, love)

When: Thursday December 15th, 2005, 8:30PM
Where: 523 Bloor St. W. #3 (1.5 blocks E of Bathurst)
For more info call: 416-536-7190 or comment
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Coldplay [05 Dec 2005|03:00pm]

Hello! I'm new here, as I don't actually live in Toronto (unfortunately).

So, I bought some tickets to the Coldplay concert planned for March 22nd, 2006. Ticketmaster gave me two extra tickets, and I have to pay for them. Nobody I know can use those tickets, so would any of you lovely people like to go? I can't remember the exact price, but they're very close to $70 each (see why I can't afford them?)

First come first serve, and I will give more details once someone comments.
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RetroACTIVE: Fundraiser for a Mine Free World [28 Oct 2005|05:41pm]
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Cuddle Party Wednesday [23 Aug 2005|11:57pm]

[ mood | excited ]

There have been a couple of cancellations for Wednesday's Cuddle Party, there are now two women's places available...sign up now and be sure to get a place...they're so much fun!!

Details here...Collapse )

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Sorry it's a little off-topic but I thought I'd share... [30 Jul 2005|12:40am]

Looking for a cat?

The Toronto Humane Society needs your help.

They currently have 500 cats needing homes, from a variety of places. They're so desperate they're going to waive the usual adoption fee of $25. (And even then, that's still a great deal.)

So, if you're already looking for one, stop on down and give a cute kitty a home. Spread the word! More info @
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Toronto: KensingtonMarket, Capture the Flag !!! [22 Jul 2005|06:00pm]

[ mood | excited ]

On Tuesday, July 26th, 2005 presents:

Capture the Flag ! Toronto, Kensington Market

Join us for a game of Capture the Flag, the urban game with teams, sides and flags! Run around the streets of Toronto's Kensington Market, land of Al Waxman and bicycles. Outwit opponents, hiding behind fruit stand corners before you find their flag, outmaneuver their flag keepers and dash home for a point in the pulse-quickening game of metro-capture. Defend your territory with all its vintage goodness by tagging trespassers and sending them back to their side. The games in New York have been wonderful; come capture the flag in Toronto for a night of summer joy. The streets are your playground, reclaim them!
The totally hip game of Capture the Flag with a run-like-mad urban flair. The city is your playground! Redefine public space and reclaim the streets for a summer of silly games!

Capture the Flag (Kensington Edition)
College & Augusta (SW corner) // Spadina streetcar to College or the College Streetcar to Augusta.

Bring your cellphones. This game is technology enabled :)
9:30 PM SHARP!

Game play will be approximately 90 minutes, leaving plenty of time for your Tuesday night weeklies
Tell your friends!

For more info and rules, check out << new! Forward to appropriate everythings!

-Lori* twinkley_star and Kevin pyrotix
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Sociological Imagination [14 Apr 2005|08:25am]

I hope this doesn't offend anyone because it's not my intent to do so.

What: Walk around downtown and subways pretending to be blind. We'll take turns pretending to be the blind person. The rest of the group will follow the blind person and watch. The blind person will wear black sunglasses and carry a cane. S/he will act clueless and get in people' way.
Where: Around downtown and the subways
When: April 30, 2005
Cost: No costs, excepts the TTC tickets

This is similar to the show Just For Laughs Gags. Maybe we can even replicate some of the other skits there.
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tin foil hat contest! [25 Jan 2005|02:32pm]

We all know that dangerous aliens are attempting to probe our brains with their high falutin' energy beams. What's the cheapest, most efficient way to block their intentions and think for ourselves? Yup. Tinfoil Hats.

Thursday, February 3, 2005
@ The Blue Moon, 725 Queen St. East (steps east of Broadview, south side)

Doors at 8 pm sharp $5 19+
Tinfoil Hat creation & crafting begins at 8:30 pm Judging around 9:30 pm
Live Music around 10pm

BRING: tinfoil, duct tape, accesories and beer money to create grand shiny sculptures. Hats may be judged on engineering, artistry, or simply whoever buys the most drinks for the judges. (Yes, bribery is encouraged). Bring cool people to cheer you on. And cameras. And candy.

THE JUDGES: novelist and pop culture provocateur Jim Munroe (, music composer Ravi Persaud (, and Rachel Ross, robot builder, and Technology Reporter at The Toronto Star.

THE BAND: The Goulais River Rats are a four-member, 16-piece band presently playing east-coast and folk/folk-rock music.

IMPORTANT: Visit for rules & prize list!

Please Note: Due to allergies, no perfume, cologne, or scented chemicals are permitted at funkless events. Thanks!
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d.o.r.k. Takes Toronto - East /West console gaming LAN events - Sat. Dec. 4 [03 Dec 2004|11:37am]

The troops are armed - and we're coming, full force, to all ends of the city this Saturday!

First, d.o.r.k. will be helping our allies at MICROPLAY - 1330 Danforth Ave. celebrate their first anniversary!

From 10 am till 10 pm this MICROPLAY location will be rocking, with FREE CAKE, FREE PRIZES, and of course, FREE TOURNAMENTS brought to you by the d.o.r.k. ARMY! This will be a cross platform event, with d.o.r.k. bringing you HALO 2 action on the XBOX, as well as Mario Tennis for the GameCube and WWE RAW vs. Smackdown for the PlayStation 2 - this is your opportunity to play the hottest games out for all 3 of the major systems - ALL FOR FREE!

While battle rages on in the east at MICROPLAY, our 2nd battalion of troops will be moving into position for an evening raid on B-SWEET - 1279 Queen Street West!

Crazy HALO 2 multiplayer combat will begin at 8 pm in the west and will continue late into the night.
B-SWEET is a licensed establishment, so alcohol will be available to those with ID.

So drop whatever plans you thought you had - now you have better plans!
Read more...Collapse )

X-posted everywhere!
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