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Macabre Art

art, photography, and films of the horror genre

Journal created:
on 14 May 2009 (#20113943)
on 27 May 2010
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

Hans Bellmer

do you love blood, guts and gore?
the dark, the damned, and the downright spooky?

you're in the right place.

all i ask is that if you post art that is not your own, please credit the artist. it's the nice thing to do.
and don't be a douchebag to other members. i shouldn't have to say that, but, you know. humanity and all.
abandoned places, abnormal psychology, alternative photography, art, asylums, b movies, bats, bela lugosi, black and white photos, blood, body art, body modification, bones, boris karloff, catacombs, cathedrals, cemetaries, chains, childhood nightmares, classic horror, clive barker, corn fields, creativity, creature features, creepy stuff, cryptozoology, danny elfman, dark art, darkness, david lynch, dead things, death, decay, dracula, drive-in theatres, edgar allan poe, elvira, fantasy, fear, folklore, forensics, frankenstein, fright, gargoyles, george romero, ghost hunting, ghost stories, ghost towns, ghosts, ghouls, gore, gothic architecture, gothic photography, graverobbing, graveyards, grimms fairy tales, h.p. lovecraft, h.r. giger, haints, halloween, haunted attractions, haunted houses, hearses, hide and seek, horror, horror films, horror lit, horror movies, insanity, insomnia, john carpenter, legends, lucid dreaming, madness, masks, mental illness, monsters, morbidness, morgues, morticians, mummies, mythology, myths, nightmares, nosferatu, occult, ouija, paranormal, parapsychology, phantasms, phantoms, phobias, photography, post apocalyptic world, preternatural, psychological horror, psychology, psychopathology, renaissance period, roadkill, robert englund, sam raimi, scarecrows, scars, scary stories, sea monsters, self destructing, serial killers, shadows, skeletons, skulls, spiders, spiderwebs, spooks, stephen king, stop motion animation, storms, supernatural, swamps, tales from the crypt, taxidermy, terror, the dark, the moon, the woods, theatre, through the looking-glass, tim burton, tombs, tombstones, torture, true crime, undead, universal monsters, unusual, urban decay, urban myths, vampires, victorian era, vincent price, voodoo, werewolves, wes craven, wolfman, zombies
