Let me start off with two words. Shut. Up.
Well, I never claimed to be much of a writer, unlike our subject, who I think has a talent with words, even if he is writing in the mindset of the late author, V. C. Andrews. Constantly I am reading about how fellow fans of Andrews' work have stop reading after Dark Angel, and refuse to pick up another novel from her name, simply because Andrew Neiderman, the chosen ghost writer, had picked up where she left off. Taking her notes, and the brief synopsis that she left after her passing, he was chosen by the Andrews family to continue her legacy with her name on each book cover.
First off, the Andrews family knew how much Cleo Virginia Andrews took a great passion in her writings, her characters and her stories that she twisted and developed for many years of her life. They didn't want her storytelling to die along with her body. It even says on the inside of each book since her passing, that they carefully chose another author to continue her stories and create new ones with the same story telling genius and twisted plotlines that V. C. Andrews entertained us with.
Personally, I have been reading the V. C. Andrews collection since I was 10 years of age, which sadly was a year after Miss Andrews passed away in 1986. My mother handed me a copy of Flowers in the Attic, and I haven't stopped reading since. From my late teen years until now at age 30, I have patiently waited twice to three times a year watching the Wal-Mart bookshelves for a new V. C. Andrews title to appear. Once I did, I would dive into those stories, starving for yet another twisted plotline to entertain, entrance and satisfy me every time. Of course there is a great difference between V. C. Andrews' writings and Mr. Neiderman's writing. An artist cannot duplicate another's fantastic portrait. However, both are great writers, and I can enjoy all of these works with a strong appreciation.
If I may play the Devil's Advocate (ha! get it?!) for just a moment, I can say that some of the new ghost writer series and collections were not as good as others. The Hudson series and the De Beers series were by far some of the best stories I have read so far. The Logan series was also wonderful as well. I can agree that the mini-series collections and the Shadows series wasn't his best, but I read them as if I was welcoming an old friend.
As for the movie adaptations, well I believe we can all agree that it is a disgrace to the stories that we have loved. Rain was just atrocious. But, you also need to look at the producer of this movie. Andrew Neiderman did not write the screenplay to this story, he wrote the book. And the book was wonderful. Besides, its not as if book-to-movies by V. C. Andrews has a good running start *coughflowersintheatticcough*.
For the most recent outrage from the critics, this is what I have to say. Secrets in the Attic is not a play at the title Flowers in the Attic. The only common word here is "Attic". Have you even read the synopsis of the story? It doesn't resemble Miss Andrews' story even remotely. You accuse Mr. Neiderman of recycled plotlines and overly used sob stories, which is just ridiculous. Even though most stories are about young girls going from rags to riches, back to rags, and eventually living a happy life, this is just how storytelling is. Look at one of the most well known stories of all time, Cinderella. Everyone loves a good "fairytale", a happy ending. This IS how V. C. Andrews wanted us to be entertained.
I have one final thing I would like to say and to make very clear. If you don't like Mr. Neiderman as the ghost writer, without even taking the time to read his stories, then please just do not bother to buy the book or read it. Save it for others like me who love to take the time to be entertained by his craftsmanship. I am very sorry to say that we likely will not be graced with another like Miss Andrews, so in that case you will not be satisfied. In the meantime, I will continue to purchase, collect and read every story that has her name loudly shown on the cover of her books. And I will enjoy them, even if they are written by the ghost writer.
Torri L. Sanders
Chesapeake, Virginia
[email protected]