SimpLy Gallery Blocks ir draudzīgs, viegli lietojams galerijas spraudnis ar uzlabotu opciju sarakstu, lai izveidotu atsaucīgas attēlu, video, audio galerijas.
Combine multiple galleries into one collection and publish it. The gallery from the album will be added to the page using the AJAX request as needed, which will make your page even faster and at the same time as informative as possible.
Lightbox Plugin
Spraudnis SimpLy Lightbox viegli pielāgojamā gaismas kastē parāda visus saistītos attēlus no ziņas vai lapas. Savietojams ar esošo WordPress galeriju (Bloku vai Klasisko redaktoru). Katrai ziņai vai lapai var būt unikāls gaismas kastes iestatījums.
- Masonry, Justified, Grid, Slider, Viewer Gallery Blocks – Live DEMO
- Album Navigator Block – Live DEMO
- Albums Block – Live DEMO
- Viewer Gallery Block – Live DEMO
- Premium Showcase Gallery Block – Live DEMO
- Premium Diamond Gallery Block – Live DEMO
- Premium Horizon Gallery Block – Live DEMO
- Premium Split Carousel Block – Live DEMO
- Premium TagsBox Block – Live DEMO
- Premium Portfolio Block – Live DEMO
- Tags Filter – Live DEMO
- SimpLy Slider / Carousel – Live DEMO
- YouTube and Vimeo Gallery – DEMO
- SimpLy Lightbox and WordPress Native Gallery – DEMO
- Albums
- Build dynamic video galleries by simply adding a YouTube Playlist *PRO
- Build dynamic Vimeo video galleries by simply adding a Video Showcase / Album, User Uploads, Channel or Category *PRO
- Advanced Tags Filter. DeepLinking for tags. Filter without button “All” Demo *PLUS/PRO
- WooCommerce Products list, Categories and Tags – Dynamic Gallery *PRO
- Media Library Assistant. Att. Cattegory and Att. Tag – Dynamic Gallery *PRO
- FileBird Media Folders – Dynamic Gallery *PRO
- Tags Filter
- Poster generator for a self-hosted video (.mp4). Just select a frame and set it as a featured image for your video.
- Hidden Gallery
- Supports Photo, Video MP4, YouTube, Vimeo and Audio *MP3 Lightbox is enabled by default
- HTML5 Browser History support – Deep linking. Disabled by default*
- Lightbox – Mouse wheel navigation and Fading Transition
- Automātisks slaidrādes atbalsts (ar CountDown taimeri)
- Vairāku pieskārienu žestu atbalsts
- Sīktēlu atbalsts
- Pilnīgi atsaucīgs
- Mobilajām ierīcēm draudzīgs
- Neierobežotas krāsas
- SVG ikona
- Fizikā balstītas animācijas
- Pilnekrāna atbalsts
- Pārlūkprogrammas funkciju vadība (ritjosla, peles ritenis, labo klikšķu novēršana)
- Neaktīvas stāvokļa noteikšana
- Viedā izmēra maiņa
- HTML paraksts (pielikuma paraksts vai alternatīvs teksts)
- Tastatūras un peles rata atbalsts (pārvietošanās un tālummaiņa)
- Sociālā koplietošana (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)
- Viedā ielāde
Nepārspējams visos veidos
The first of its kind, SimpLy Gallery Blocks offers an unrivaled drag and drop gallery building experience in Gutenberg. Add your images, video or audio files in your choice of photo gallery block, customize display settings, hit publish.
Nepārspējamas iespējas
Novatoriska pārveidošanas sistēma ļauj uzreiz mainīt galerijas citā formā. Pārejiet no pilnekrāna mūra galerijas uz universālu režģi vai stilīgu galeriju Līdziniet tikai ar vienu klikšķi. Jūs neatradīsit citu Gutenberg galerijas spraudni ar šāda veida iespējām. Garantējam.
Ļoti atsaucīgs
Mūsu Gutenberga galerijas bloki ir nepārspējami, un tiem ir vispusīgs adaptīvs atbalsts. Izmantojot precīzas vadības iespējas mobilajiem un darbvirsmas stiliem, katrai galerijai varat iestatīt pielāgotu stilu.
Nākamās paaudzes Lightbox
SimpLy Lightbox ir Veidots, izmantojot jaunākās tehnoloģijas un ir saderīgs ar vairākiem žestiem, vienmērīgs un rezultatīvs! Viedtālrunī ērti pārvietojieties ar vienu vai vairākiem pirkstiem. Pavelciet, velciet un satveriet saturu dabiski, tāpat kā ar vietējo mobilā pārvelkamo skatu. Tas arī atbalsta navigāciju ar tastatūru vai peles riteni, lai bīdītu vai tuvinātu.
Mūsu gaismas kaste atdarina vispopulārākās lietotāja saskarnes, piemēram, IOS, Android, Google disks utt. Izmantojot labi zināmu lietotāja saskarni, lietotāji uzreiz sapratīs, kā izmantot gaismas kasti, un viegli pārvietosies pa savām galerijām.
SimpLy Lightbox ir vienīgā gaismas kaste, kas apkopo visas šīs iespējas, un jūs to varat izmantot pilnīgi bez maksas, neiegādājoties spraudņu papildinājumus vai maksas versijas.
Ļoti ātra pieredze
Mēs esam izveidojuši ļoti interaktīvu un intuitīvu pieredzi, koncentrējoties uz ātrumu un lietošanas ērtumu. Velc. Nomet. Pārveido. Maini stilu.
Īss SimpLy galerijas bloku demonstrējums
Šajā videoklipā jūs redzēsiet, cik viegli jūs varat izveidot foto galeriju, izmantojot SGB Gutenberg foto galerijas bloku.
Un ņemiet vērā, ka bloka galeriju no Mūra var viegli pārveidot par Līdzinātu vai Režģa vai pars WordPress attēlu galeriju un otrādi.
Iekļauj arī Gūtenberga bloku galeriju
- Albums Block
- Slīdņa / karuseļa galerijas bloks
- Mūra galerijas bloks
- Līdzināts bloks
- Grid Block
- Augšupielādējiet spraudņa mapi
mapē/ wp-content /spraudņi/
vai arī augšupielādējiet failu block-gallery.zip, izmantojot WordPress spraudņu lapu, noklikšķinot uz “Pievienot jaunu” un savā datorā atlasot .zip failu. - Instalējiet un aktivizējiet Gutenberg WordPress spraudni (ja jūsu WordPress versija ir zem 5.0).
- Aktivizējiet SimpLy Gallery WordPress spraudni, izmantojot WordPress izvēlni Spraudņi.
Vai SimpLy galerijas bloki ir bez maksas?
Jā! SimpLy Gallery bloka pamatfunkcijas ir absolūti bezmaksas.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Galerijas bloki ar Lightbox. Attēlu galeriju, (HTML5 video, YouTube, Vimeo) video galerija un Lightbox esošajai galerijai” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
Līdzdalībnieki“Galerijas bloki ar Lightbox. Attēlu galeriju, (HTML5 video, YouTube, Vimeo) video galerija un Lightbox esošajai galerijai” ir tulkots lokalizācijās 7. Paldies tulkotājiem par ieguldījumu.
Vai jūs interesē attīstība?
Pārlūkojiet kodu, apmeklējiet SVN krātuvi vai abonējiet attīstības žurnālu, ko izveidojis RSS.
Izmaiņu žurnāls
- Added: Autoplay option for slideshow in Lightbox (Slideshow Autostart)
- Changed: Tabindex for thumbnails (set to 0) to comply with WCAG 2.2 standards.
- Fixed: minor bug fixes
- Updated: Internal improvements
- Fixed: Block Viewer – add “alt-text”
- Updated: Internal improvements
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.10.1)
- Updated: Internal improvements
- Fixed: XSS vulnerability via saved HTML in the title link of any gallery item
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.9.0)
- Fixed: issue with album initialization when adding an album to a page
- Updated: shortcode generation script
- Updated: Changed the algorithm for calculating responsive height for mobile devices (smartPhone)
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.7.4)
- Fixed: issue with Additional CSS class(es)
- Fixed: an issue with the thumbnail panel on touchscreen devices
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.7.3)
- Package updates, security improvements.
- Fixed: XSS vulnerability (properly escape custom class name and prevent use of undefined values)
- Fixed: minor bug fixes
- Fixed: a problem with the poster editor (impossibility to delete) in Items Manager
- Updated: Twitter icon to X
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.7.2)
- Fixed: minor bug fixes
- Fixed: bug with displaying Media Library Assistant categories and tags
- Updated: system for loading the list of FileBird folders
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.6.2)
- Fixed: minor bug fixes
- Added: gallery status to the “SimpLy Saved Gallery” block
- Added: gallery status to the “SimpLy Gallery” dashboard widget
- Fixed: shortcode rendering for unpublished galleries
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.6.1)
- Added: support for YouTube Shorts
- Fixed: AlbumNavigator – error displaying some galleries
- Added: mode for automatically loading pages after the first click of the “Load More” button Live DEMO
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Fixed: Albums and AlbumNavigator – error displaying some galleries
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Tweak: Updated Freemius SDK (2.5.10).
- Fix: Security fix.
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Added: Gallery Settings -> ‘Apply Global Preset’
- Optimized: Gallery Settings -> ‘Use Global Preset’
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Added: support for publishing folders from Vimeo
- Fixed: management of dynamic galleries
- Fixed: minor bug fixes
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Fixed: minor bug fixes (video)
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Added: the ability to create a poster for a self-hosted video (.mp4). Just select a frame and set it as a featured image for your video.
- Fixed: SimpLy Viewer – item description
- Fixed: playlist icon in YouTube player
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Update: for posters on video and audio files, only the Featured Image will be used.
- Added: Clean Style for Viewer
- Fixed: issue with download button (Viewer Block)
- Fixed: minor bug fixes (Vimeo Cattegories)
- Added: New block with Slider – Viewer
- Fixed: security vulnerability fixed – improved permission check for different user types for Ajax requests. With the assistance of Erwan Le Russo (Security Research Engineer, WPScan / Jetpack / Automattic)
- Fixed: issue with lightboxes in Classic Editor
- Fixed: minor bug fixes (Vimeo)
- Update: Freemius SDK (2.5.3)
- Added: multiselect option for Att. Cattegory and Att. Tag (Media Library Assistant). (* PRO version).
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: random sorting mode for dynamic galleries (Att. Cattegory, Att. Tag, FileBird Media Folders and SimpLy Tags)
- Fixed: sorting system for Vimeo collections (as far as Vimeo API allows). The sequence of video clips must match the source on the Vimeo service.
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Updated: poster display method for audio files (MP3)
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Update: Freemius SDK
- Fixed: Showcase Gallery Block – Next / Previous Buttons
- Upgrade: Zoom mode changed in Lightbox
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added the ability to activate comments on gallery posts
- Fixed: Lightbox description
- Tried to fix the problem in Jetpack – Enable Lazy Loading for images
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Fixed: issue with Share and Download buttons
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Updated: block data optimization
- Added: dynamic mode for galleries – automatically update descriptions and tags for gallery items. Disabled by default. (* PLUS version).
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: ability to create dynamic gallery for selected SimpLy tags (* PRO version).
- Fixed: HTML validity errors
- Added: new Showcase Gallery Block (* PLUS version)
- Added: mode to play the entire YouTube playlist (* PLUS version).
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: Responsiveness improvement. Grid, Masonry, Justified, Slider, Portfolio, Portfolio2 Blocks
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: SimpLy Gallery permalinks. Settings -> Permalink Settings
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Fixed: Freemius – Security fix
- Added: Block and Preset Selector for Album shortcode.
- Added: Preset editor for Albums and AlbumNavigator blocks (* PLUS version).
- Added: Mode – Display Image in original Size in Lightbox (* PLUS version).
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: New Album Mavigation Block (* PLUS version)
- Fixed: Lightbox for Native Gallery Block and Native Image Block
- Fixed: Major bug fixes
- Added: ability to publish Woocommerce Product List, Cattegory or Tag (* PRO version)
- Fixed: MLA Cattegories, Tags and FileBird Folders – convert to staic mode (import content)
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: ability to publish Vimeo Showcase / Album, User Uploads, Channel, Category (* PRO version)
- Added: Paged Mode – “Show more” for Grid, Masonry, Justified, Portfolio and Portfolio2 Blocks (* PLUS version)
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Fixed: Justified Block and Grid Block layouts (Gallery without background)
- Fixed: Diamond Block – YouTube playlist
- Added: New Diamond Gallery Block (* PLUS version)
- Fixed: Performance improvement
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: New Accordion Gallery Block (* PLUS version)
- Added: New display mode (Fit) for images in the Slider Block (* PLUS version)
- Fixed: Errors in the block settings panel in the site customization mode (Customize)
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: Improved block transformation mode
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: Items Manager – Bulk Select. It is now possible to easily add (remove) a tag to a group of items. And quick removal of a group of elements from the gallery is available
- Fixed: Removed preloading for videos that have a poster
- Fixed: improved Blocks compatibility with iOS 11.3 – 13.3
- Fixed: Albums Block – Gallery Preloader
- Fixed: Slider/Carousel Block – some CSS styles
- Added: New Editor for Tags Filter – Premium Blocks
- Added: DeepLinking for Tags Filter – Premium Blocks
- Added: Ability to disable the “All” button in the Tags Filter – Premium Blocks
- Updated: Plugin Core – Performance improvement
- Fixed: Albums Lightbox Settings – Caption source
- Fixed: All JavaScripts that the user added to the image caption, description and title will be filtered and, if the user has no rights, will be blocked. At the request of Vishnupriya Ilango of Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs ( CVE-2021-24667 ).
- Added: Albums Block
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Fixed: SimpLy Gallery Custom Post – blocking third-party blocks
- Fixed: Lightbox for Native WordPress Gallery – erroneous actuation
- Fixed: Performance improvement
- Novērsts: konflikts ar Jetpack
- Izlabots: veiktspējas uzlabošana
- Izlabots: Globālā iepriekš iestatītā prioritātes renderēšana
- Pievienots: Horizon Gallery Block (* PLUS versija)
- Fixed: Performance improvement
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Pievienots: sadalīts karuseļa bloks (* PLUS versija)
- Izlabots: pielāgotas saites saglabāšana ar parametriem
- Izlabots: pārejas starp blokiem
- Pievienots: avota pārvaldnieks (vienuma saite vai ziņa), lai kopīgotu vienumu (koplietošanas joslas iestatījumi)
- Pievienots: dinamiskā galerija parāda YouTube atskaņošanas sarakstu (* PRO versija)
- Pievienots: Galerijas vienumi Klikšķināšanas darbība — pielikuma lapa
- Fiksēts: nejauša pasūtīšana
- Izlabots: nelielas kļūdas
- Pievienots: dinamiska galerija pēc Media Library Assistant kategorijas, birkas(* PRO versija)
- Pievienots: dinamiskā galerija parāda FileBird mapi (* PRO versija)
- Labots: bloku stili
- Added: Elementor Widget for Saved SimpLy Gallery
- Added: Dashboart Widget
- Updated: SEO Optimization
- Added: SimpLy CPT and Shortcode
- Added: SimpLy Gallery Widget
- Added: Block for SimpLy CPT
- Added: Storage mode for gallery. The SimpLy gallery will be available (in a simplified style) to visitors after deactivating the plugin or removing the block used
- Updated: Save Method – no longer need additional publishing permissions for Editors (and other roles) in Multisite (WordPress MU)
- For galleries created in earlier versions of the plugin, an update (Reload Button) and re-save procedure is required (Update Page / Pos).
- Added: Custom CSS Editor for gallery blocks
- Added: Support for Featured Images for videos (Media Library)
- Added: Premium List Block
- Added: Capabilities editor for Admin and Editor Roles – Multisite (WordPress MU)
- Fixed: WPML
- Fixed: Portfolio & Portfolio2 Blocks Tags Filter
- Fixed: RTL support for Lightbox
- Added: Premium TagsBox Block – Covers Gallery
- Fixed: SimpLy Slider – low quality video poster
- Fixed: SimpLy Grid – low quality video poster
- Added: Hidden Mode
- Added: Premium Portfolio2 Block
- Added: Filters (by Tags)
- Added: Tags for Items
- Added: Premium Portfolio Block
- Fixed: Slider error on touch device
- Fixed: bug Lightbox for WP Native Image
- Optimization: Slider Slideshow speed
- Fixed: bug Lightbox for WP Native Image
- Added: New Block – Slider / Carousel Gallery
- Fixed: bug Lightbox for native gallery with some buttons/links
- Fixed: Resolved conflict with plugins Smush and Jetpack – Lazy Load system
- Added: Youtube and Vimeo video gallery support
- Added: Lightbox for native gallery for Archive Page (Categoty Page)
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Added: compatible with Yoast SEO Plugin – Images in the XML sitemap. Need reload SimpLy gallery data and update Post/Page
- Fixed: Poster (Video and Audio) Error with small images
- Added: Now you can add poster for Video and Audio elements
- Added: Export / Import gallery content
- Added: Random sorting for gallery (frontend)
- Fixed: Conflict with native Image block
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Optimization: performance improvement – Go to Block Sidebar -> Items Manager -> Reload Gallery and Update Post/Page
- Added: Now you can attach an additional link to an element
- Added: Ability to disable lazy loading mode
- Added: Gallery without background mode (Block without padding)
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Fixed: HTML Tags in the caption
- minor fix
- Big changes – Major Udate!
- Added: Supports Video MP4 and Audio MP3
- Added: Gallery sorting by Uploaded date, Title, Caption or Custom
- Added: Caption source – Caption, Title, Alt
- Added: Thumbnail Caption Position (Top / Bottom)
- Added: Option – disable Lightbox for a specific gallery
- Added: Caption source for Lightbox – Caption, Title, Alt
- Fixed: plugin conflict – removing featured image of a Woocommerce product
- Fixed: Lightbox Plugin conflict with custom posts
- Fixed: removed duplicate button (Settings) on Plugins page
- Fixed: Error on page 404
- Added: Lightbox for native WordPress Gallery (Gutenberg/Classic Editor)
- Added: Gutenberg Sidebar plugin for lightbox control.
- Added: Settings Page for Clobal Lightbox Pressets
- Added: Settings Page for Blocks Pressets
- Fixed: “Scroll down the page for the item you viewed” – smooth scroll theme compatibility
- Fixed: input fields in the ColorPickers
- Added: “Space between thumbnails” – increased limit to 40px
- Added: Justified Thumbnail Size – XXL size (Height 450px +)
- Added: partial support for HTML tags in pictures captions
- Fixed: Corrected the proportions of thumbnails when upload images directly into the gallery block
- Added: Global Preset – You modify the Global Preset to change all the galleries associated with this preset (automatically)
- Added: For Masonry and Grid new settings – Colums, Min. Thumbnails with (Mobile Device)
- Added: For Justified new option – Last Row Mode
- Added: For Lightbox new transition moode – Fading/Slipping
- Added: Thumbnails – native lazy loading
- Changed: Data structure
- Fixed: Lightbox – Caption on Mobile Device
- Fixed: Thumbnails – Caption on Touch Device
- Fixed: Lightbox Settings and some bugs
- Added: Show image caption in Lightbox (this option will be disabled by default)
- Added: Option – Prevent downloading in Lightbox (this option will be enabled by default)
- Fixed: Lightbox Settings – Copyright Alert
- Fixed: JavaScript issues with Grid and Justified Editors
- Fixed: CSS Grid and Justified Blocks
- Fixed: minor JavaScript issues with Blocks Editor
- Added: HTML5 Browser History support (deep linking)
- Added: Lightbox – mouse wheel navigation mode
- Added: auto scroll gallery (follow the one viewed in Lightbox)
- Initial release on WordPress.org. Enjoy!