

This plugin will let you manage your POEditor translations directly from WordPress via the POEditor API.

It will fetch all your projects from POEditor.com, based on your API KEY, and it will scan your /wp-content/ folder for gettext language files (.po and .pot). After this, you can assign files from your WordPress themes or plugins to your POEditor language files and you can import, export or sync your files with the POEditor translations.

You can find step by step instructions on how to use the POEditor plugin in this localization guide.

If you want to contribute to the localization of this plugin, please go to the plugin’s translation page and join the translation effort.

You can also contribute to plugin’s development on GitHub.


  • Main plugin page
  • Assign local file to POEditor language


  1. Upload the contents of the zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Tools > POEditor to use the plugin
  4. Add the API KEY provided to you in your POEditor.com account


Why can’t the plugin write the file from the API?

If the import gives you a writing permissions error, you should go to the path the file is located and set the proper writing permissions


19 aprīlis, 2017
Great plugin. It helped me with the translation of WordPress files. Easy to use and friendly interface. Thanks for this tool!
17 marts, 2017
This plugin helped me a lot. It connects the languages in WordPress to my POEditor languages, making it easy to transport strings.
20 oktobris, 2016
The plugin asks you to register to a 3rd party website. I did. Got the API key. Created the project. But simply couldn’t find the option to actually translate it. Using Loco Translate now, much more straightforward.
3 septembris, 2016
if you’re a poeditor user, this plugin makes it easy to manage your translation projects from inside wordpress
Lasīt 12 atsauksmi

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