? ?
31 December 2013 @ 11:50 pm
Somewhere in Time has been updated and is now officially completed.




LJ Version

The Granger Enchanted version is still pending for approval.
07 December 2013 @ 11:29 pm
Somewhere in Time has been updated.




LJ Version

The Granger Enchanted version is still pending for approval.
28 September 2013 @ 10:14 pm
Recently I was in the mood to read some good Tom/Volmiones and went to see the masterlist Lunallelle created on this page to find said account got purged by LJ. Does anyone happen to have stored said list of Tom/Volmiones?  
Title: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Pairing: Abraxas/Hermione/Voldemort
Word count: 3,657 words
Rating: MA
Warnings: Portrait voyeurism, scarification, AU
Summary: “What is that, Lord Voldemort, and why is it getting filth on my carpet?”
Notes: For a friend's birthday.

Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManCollapse )
31 March 2013 @ 07:51 pm

I have written this out for my own amusement and as a resource for those who write Tom Riddle school fic and Tom Riddle Time Travel fic, of which I have read a lot lately. And that has made me ask the question, what do we know, canonically, about Tom Riddle’s school days?

Tom Marvolo Riddle's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Happy Easter!

19 March 2013 @ 08:11 pm
Title: Ascent (24/24)
Author: Lunalelle
Rating: M
Summary: Sequel to Abyss: Eight years later... Hermione's new profession leads her to take an anonymous client, and she finds herself face to face with the situation of her seventh-year, but now the tables have turned.
14 March 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Title: Ascent (23/24)
Author: Lunalelle
Rating: M
Summary: Sequel to Abyss: Eight years later... Hermione's new profession leads her to take an anonymous client, and she finds herself face to face with the situation of her seventh-year, but now the tables have turned.
14 February 2013 @ 03:41 pm
Title: Ascent (22/23?)
Author: Lunalelle
Rating: M
Summary: Sequel to Abyss: Eight years later... Hermione's new profession leads her to take an anonymous client, and she finds herself face to face with the situation of her seventh-year, but now the tables have turned.
15 February 2013 @ 12:54 am
Chapter 60 (or 61 on AFFnet and FFnet where I'd posted a troll chapter a few days ago) is up!

FFnet version

AFFnet version

AO3 version

LJ version (Friend-locked)

The Granger Enchanted version is still pending for approval.
20 January 2013 @ 12:27 pm
Title: Ascent (21/23?)
Author: Lunalelle
Rating: M
Summary: Sequel to Abyss: Eight years later... Hermione's new profession leads her to take an anonymous client, and she finds herself face to face with the situation of her seventh-year, but now the tables have turned.