[30 May 2005|08:24pm] |
[03 Apr 2005|02:30pm] |
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amused |
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Okay well I've decided to make a theme. WHATS EVERYONES FAVORITE PLACE TO HANG OUT HERE?! if there's any...hhaha. This community is probably going to bomb. <3
[03 Apr 2005|12:09pm] |
I'm cool because I live in Lutz. I'm even more cool because I go to Freedom High School.
[22 Mar 2005|10:24am] |
What a lively community.
[12 Feb 2005|09:44am] |
holy shit this community is borinnnggggg duhh.
[25 Jan 2005|08:02pm] |
lalalaa |
[24 Jan 2005|07:26pm] |
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aggravated |
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update you guys! GOSH! Dont let us die slowly!
[06 Jan 2005|09:19pm] |
[03 Jan 2005|11:57am] |
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crappy |
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I'm from Lutz.
Does that make me cool ?
Hello |
[06 Dec 2004|06:56pm] |
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being sick sucks |
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this thing is cool, I guess
Too bad I don't live in Lutz
[03 Dec 2004|11:03pm] |
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♥Looking Nerrrdy♥ |
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Errrrmmmm...yeah...thats me. Put a big x over it. lol. And hide it. I was laughing at someone when i took the pic...i think it was danielle and christian. so thats why i look so nerdy. lolAnywho i live in lutz and go to martinez and a hate. Cant wait till Sickles itll be great...My three current lovers are Danielle Jessi and Liz. I heart them...=) Now..I shall go do my buisness.
P.S. I look nerdy in that pic. lol. Dont make fun.
P.P.S. Surprise me with an amazing comment. lol. on this....about..our school? lol.
[03 Dec 2004|10:44pm] |
Blah. I hate pictures of me. But yeah....I'm Danielle.....and i'm dead sexy
[03 Dec 2004|09:55pm] |
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energetic |
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OMG. My first entry. YAY. I'm Jessica and I go to Martinez. Whooo! Lutz power. wow. i'm a loser.
 Ahh. look it's me!
<333 Simpson.
Yay! |
[03 Dec 2004|09:51pm] |
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♥High Probably♥ |
] |
Hey everyone! Everyone make an entry here saying who the heck you are...what school u go to and such! Yay! Include a pic if u wish. (Im not cuz...im not picturegenic. lol.) ♥Noemi
First postage |
[03 Dec 2004|09:36pm] |
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♥Loving the Weekends |
] |
Everyone...Lutz is for lovers. Please post. ♥