This is my (late) entry or Minijam 109: Depths

Explore the depths of the purgatory while keeping your imaginary heart alive! Buy items to help you survive and to advance further, and more importantly, don't stop your heartbeat!

Uncadaveric tells the tales of the afterlife through a unique optic: your soul has to learn how your body used to beat your heart, and go through series of activities that you used to do when you were alive. This is the only way to escape purgatory.

This is playable in the browser! (no standalone versions yet)

The game has a tutorial at the beginning, but here are some tips incase anyone has any issues:

  • The heartbeat is defined as two sounds, followed by a delay. The tutorial explains it, but you have to press spacebar two times, then wait a little bit, press again, etc, in rhythm.
  • The challenges are not mandatory, and you don't have to follow the target BPM at all times. You are certainly rewarded with more tokens if you do so, though.
  • Heart durability decreases with usage (more BPM = more wear and tear), so sometimes it may be useful to reduce your heart rate just to save durability until you get to the shop.
  • Try getting some items before venturing into further levels. They have tougher challenges that may be overwhelming if you're not well prepared.
  • The heartbeat marker helps you to keep on the beat. Perfect beats are rewarded more points. But remember, there's no explicit punishment for missing the marks. It's better to be stay alive, even if it may cost some tokens!
  • Using the defibrillators gives you a little durability back. You can use that to your advantage
  • Viruses can auto-flatline you if they reach your heart. Ensure you kill all of them before they reach you or that you have at least one defibrillator to stay alive.
  • The only time you can stop beating your heart is during the shop. Use that moment to rest your hands for a bit.

For now, the game has no ending. And the main screen just shows a falling character. It was supposed to show each activity with different animations but I wasn't able to do that in the alloted time. 

This game took 4 days to make (3 days of the mini jam + 1 extra day to finish the game loop and make some little tweaks).

It was massively overscoped but I was so in love with the idea that I decided to finish a jam version anyway. Please, if you play it, let me know what you think.

All assets were made by me, except for the font I used, which is this one:, by soixantedeux.

I've used a open-source public library for Unity that I'm slowly developing over time:

And this is the source code for the game:

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