Errant Kingdom Is Coming! (Release Update)

Just a quick note about Errant Kingdom's release this week. We've run into some delays in testing (because... game huge, team small) so to ensure we actually get the game in your hands without exhausting ourselves, we've made the decision to split the release. We're going to stagger the releases into chapters much like we did when we were originally releasing, but this time it'll be in pairs rather than one at a time. This will allow us time to finish the final portion of testing carefully while also getting the game into people's hands starting this week like we promised. As of right now, we envision the double chapter releases to be staggered fortnightly. If all goes to plan, the game will be out in it's entirety by the end of February, no issues pending

We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience. It's been a hell of a long road to get here. Your support through what's been a really arduous development (for both personal and professional reasons) has truly kept us going. 

We look forward to FINALLY watching you start to play later this week.

Please also note that if you desire a refund that is not something itch allows us to have control over. You will need to contact [email protected] to begin this process! 

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