Papers by Esther van Zuuren
British journal of dermatology/British journal of dermatology, Supplement, May 22, 2024
JAMA dermatology, Apr 24, 2024
Dermatologic surgery, Mar 13, 2024
Picosecond lasers are increasingly used as the mainstay laser technology alongside nanosecond las... more Picosecond lasers are increasingly used as the mainstay laser technology alongside nanosecond lasers for removing tattoos. We present a unique case of a patient who developed progressive and recurrent Type I allergic reactions 1 week following each laser treatment.

PLOS Med, 2024
When research evidence is limited, inconsistent, or absent, healthcare decisions and p... more Background
When research evidence is limited, inconsistent, or absent, healthcare decisions and policies need to be based on consensus among interested stakeholders. In these processes, the knowledge, experience, and expertise of health professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the public are systematically collected and synthesised to reach agreed clinical recommendations and/or priorities. However, despite the influence of consensus exercises, the methods used to achieve agreement are often poorly reported. The ACCORD (ACcurate COnsensus Reporting Document) guideline was developed to help report any consensus methods used in biomedical research, regardless of the health field, techniques used, or application. This explanatory document facilitates the use of the ACCORD checklist.
Methods and findings
This paper was built collaboratively based on classic and contemporary literature on consensus methods and publications reporting their use. For each ACCORD checklist item, this explanation and elaboration document unpacks the pieces of information that should be reported and provides a rationale on why it is essential to describe them in detail. Furthermore, this document offers a glossary of terms used in consensus exercises to clarify the meaning of common terms used across consensus methods, to promote uniformity, and to support understanding for consumers who read consensus statements, position statements, or clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). The items are followed by examples of reporting items from the ACCORD guideline, in text, tables, and figures.
The ACCORD materials—including the reporting guideline and this explanation and elaboration document—can be used by anyone reporting a consensus exercise used in the context of health research. As a reporting guideline, ACCORD helps researchers to be transparent about the materials, resources (both human and financial), and procedures used in their investigations so readers can judge the trustworthiness and applicability of their results/recommendations.
Background: While many studies have reported on occupational allergic contact dermatitis amongst ... more Background: While many studies have reported on occupational allergic contact dermatitis amongst dental personnel, studies on the relevance of patch testing in dental patients are scarce. Objectives: To determine the frequency and clinical relevance of contact allergy in patients with intra-and perioral complaints. Methods: A total of 360 patients with intra-and perioral complaints suspected of having a contact allergy were patch-tested with the dental allergen series, European

Het merendeel van de antibiotica-allergieregistraties in
patiëntendossiers is onjuist of onvolled... more Het merendeel van de antibiotica-allergieregistraties in
patiëntendossiers is onjuist of onvolledig. Dit leidt tot
onnodig afwijken van het antibioticum van eerste keuze,
met negatieve gevolgen voor de patiënt en de maatschappij.
Het doel van dit project was om de kwaliteit
van antibiotica-allergieregistraties in het ziekenhuis te
verbeteren met een simpele interventie. Volwassen
patiënten die in het LUMC waren opgenomen met een
geregistreerde antibiotica-allergie werden benaderd
door het allergieteam. Een gestructureerde allergie-
anamnese werd afgenomen en dossieronderzoek
werd gedaan. Voor elke allergieregistratie werd een
aanbeveling voor toekomstig gebruik geformuleerd op
basis van de SWAB-richtlijn Aanpak bij vermoeden van
antibiotica-allergie. Deze werd gecommuniceerd met
de patiënt en de betrokken zorgverleners. In totaal werden
311 antibiotica-allergielabels beoordeeld bij 238
patiënten. Na de interventie konden 134 (43,1%) van de
311 allergieregistraties compleet worden verwijderd. Bij
80% (250/311) van de registraties werd hernieuwde
blootstelling aan het antibioticum toegestaan. Bij 200
(64%) registraties waren daarbij geen beperkingen voor
toekomstig gebruik. Bij 48 (15%) registraties werd bij
hernieuwde blootstelling medische supervisie aanbevolen.
Voor 55 (23%) van de 238 patiënten werd een
verwijzing voor allergietesten geadviseerd, wat neerkomt
op 66 (21%) van de 311 registraties. Deze eenvoudige
interventie maakt het mogelijk antibiotica-allergieregistraties
te verbeteren. De implementatie van de
nieuwe richtlijn voorkomt onnodig gebruik van tweedelijns-
antibiotica, waardoor het een veelbelovend instrument
is voor ‘antibiotic stewardship’.

The Global Guidelines in Dermatology Mapping Project (GUIDEMAP) assesses the methodological quali... more The Global Guidelines in Dermatology Mapping Project (GUIDEMAP) assesses the methodological quality of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for high-burden skin diseases. This review focuses on contact dermatitis. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Emcare, Epistemonikos, PsycINFO and Academic Search Premier for CPGs published between 1 November 2018 and 1 November 2023. Prespecified guideline resources were hand searched. Two authors independently undertook screening, data extraction and quality assessments. Instruments used were the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II Reporting Checklist, the U.S. Institute of Medicine's (IOM) criteria of trustworthiness, The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's National Guideline Clearinghouse Extent Adherence to Trustworthy Standards (NEATS) Instrument and Lenzer's Red Flags. Twenty five CPGs were included, exhibiting heterogeneity in both the topics they addressed and their methodological quality. Whereas the CPGs on management of hand eczema from Denmark, Europe and the Netherlands scored best, most CPGs fell short of being clear, unbiased, trustworthy and evidence-based. Disclosure of conflicts of interest scored well, and areas needing improvement include 'strength and wording of recommendations', 'applicability', 'updating' and 'external review'. Adhering to AGREE II and Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) enhances methodological quality.
Picosecond lasers are increasingly used as the mainstay
laser technology alongside nanosecond las... more Picosecond lasers are increasingly used as the mainstay
laser technology alongside nanosecond lasers
for removing tattoos. We present a unique case of
a patient who developed progressive and recurrent Type I
allergic reactions 1 week following each laser treatment.
Cochrane clinical answers, Jun 6, 2018
Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, Apr 30, 2014
Cochrane clinical answers, Aug 22, 2016
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
British Journal of Dermatology

Contact Dermatitis, 2022
cocamidopropyl betaine 1%; however, the results were difficult to interpret due to the presence o... more cocamidopropyl betaine 1%; however, the results were difficult to interpret due to the presence of numerous erythematous patches where the chambers made contact with the skin with central clearance (Figure 2). Allergen avoidance provided no improvement of his rash at 2-month follow-up, and wheals were noticed on subsequent exam. The patient was diagnosed with delayed pressure urticaria (DPU). DISCUSSION DPU is a type of physical and chronic inducible urticaria triggered by sustained pressure to the skin. 1 It affects men more commonly than women and manifests in 2% to 35% of patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria. 2 The pathogenesis of DPU remains unclear; mast cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, or platelets may mediate the inflammatory process by releasing histamine or inflammatory cytokines within the deep dermis and subcutis. 3,4 DPU presents classically as delayed, recurrent, erythematous wheals in response to sustained pressure. 1-3 Lesions may manifest within 4 to 6 hours after sustained pressure and may persist between 8 and 72 hours; patients may not recognize the inciting event. 1,2 The severity of the wheals depends on the duration and intensity of pressure. Commonly affected areas include the face and chest upon awakening and the thighs and buttocks after sitting on a hard chair. Tight clothing, bra straps, belts, watches, and sleeves can also trigger lesion development. 1,2 Pressure challenge tests can confirm the diagnosis of DPU but may be falsely negative; thus, DPU remains a clinical diagnosis. To our knowledge, patch testing has not been reported previously as a trigger of DPU; however, it likely caused false positive patch test interpretation in our patient. Patch test readings can prove challenging in patients with DPU. In cases where patch testing is needed, patients may be treated with oral antihistamines prior to and during patch testing to mitigate result misinterpretation. Although controversial, oral antihistamines may affect patch test reactivity; however, literature on this topic is limited. 5 In addition, clinicians should perform a final patch test interpretation at least 72 hours after patches are removed, with final reading at 120 hours as opposed to 72 or 96 hours as is traditionally done. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors report no conflicts of interest. This report has not been presented or published previously. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Marina Kristy Ibraheim: Writingoriginal draft (lead). Megan Rogge: Conceptualization (lead); investigation (lead); writingreview and editing (lead).
Journal of the Bahrain medical society, 2013

British Journal of Dermatology, 2018
Running head: Evidence based treatments for rosacea based on phenotype approach Funding sources: ... more Running head: Evidence based treatments for rosacea based on phenotype approach Funding sources: Dutch Society of Dermatology and Venereology Conflict of interest: Zbys Fedorowicz, Ben Carter, Bernd Arents and Lyn Charland have no declarations of interest. Esther van Zuuren serves on the global rosacea consensus panel (ROSCO) and received non-financial support and other from Galderma in October 2016. Jerry Tan has been an advisor, consultant, investigator and/or speaker for Allergan, Bayer, Cipher, Galderma and Valeant. He was a co-author of the Canadian Rosacea Clinical Practice Guidelines and is the co-chair of the global rosacea consensus panel (ROSCO) and serves on the expert panel of the National Rosacea Society (NRS). He was an investigator in the following trials: Stein L, Kircik L, Fowler J et al. Efficacy and safety of ivermectin 1% cream in treatment of papulopustular rosacea: results of two randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled pivotal studies.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie
Vademecum permanente nascholing huisartsen, 2006
Overgevoeligheidsreacties op acetylsalicylzuur (aspirine) en NSAID’s kunnen grofweg in 2 categori... more Overgevoeligheidsreacties op acetylsalicylzuur (aspirine) en NSAID’s kunnen grofweg in 2 categorieen worden onderverdeeld:
Papers by Esther van Zuuren
When research evidence is limited, inconsistent, or absent, healthcare decisions and policies need to be based on consensus among interested stakeholders. In these processes, the knowledge, experience, and expertise of health professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the public are systematically collected and synthesised to reach agreed clinical recommendations and/or priorities. However, despite the influence of consensus exercises, the methods used to achieve agreement are often poorly reported. The ACCORD (ACcurate COnsensus Reporting Document) guideline was developed to help report any consensus methods used in biomedical research, regardless of the health field, techniques used, or application. This explanatory document facilitates the use of the ACCORD checklist.
Methods and findings
This paper was built collaboratively based on classic and contemporary literature on consensus methods and publications reporting their use. For each ACCORD checklist item, this explanation and elaboration document unpacks the pieces of information that should be reported and provides a rationale on why it is essential to describe them in detail. Furthermore, this document offers a glossary of terms used in consensus exercises to clarify the meaning of common terms used across consensus methods, to promote uniformity, and to support understanding for consumers who read consensus statements, position statements, or clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). The items are followed by examples of reporting items from the ACCORD guideline, in text, tables, and figures.
The ACCORD materials—including the reporting guideline and this explanation and elaboration document—can be used by anyone reporting a consensus exercise used in the context of health research. As a reporting guideline, ACCORD helps researchers to be transparent about the materials, resources (both human and financial), and procedures used in their investigations so readers can judge the trustworthiness and applicability of their results/recommendations.
patiëntendossiers is onjuist of onvolledig. Dit leidt tot
onnodig afwijken van het antibioticum van eerste keuze,
met negatieve gevolgen voor de patiënt en de maatschappij.
Het doel van dit project was om de kwaliteit
van antibiotica-allergieregistraties in het ziekenhuis te
verbeteren met een simpele interventie. Volwassen
patiënten die in het LUMC waren opgenomen met een
geregistreerde antibiotica-allergie werden benaderd
door het allergieteam. Een gestructureerde allergie-
anamnese werd afgenomen en dossieronderzoek
werd gedaan. Voor elke allergieregistratie werd een
aanbeveling voor toekomstig gebruik geformuleerd op
basis van de SWAB-richtlijn Aanpak bij vermoeden van
antibiotica-allergie. Deze werd gecommuniceerd met
de patiënt en de betrokken zorgverleners. In totaal werden
311 antibiotica-allergielabels beoordeeld bij 238
patiënten. Na de interventie konden 134 (43,1%) van de
311 allergieregistraties compleet worden verwijderd. Bij
80% (250/311) van de registraties werd hernieuwde
blootstelling aan het antibioticum toegestaan. Bij 200
(64%) registraties waren daarbij geen beperkingen voor
toekomstig gebruik. Bij 48 (15%) registraties werd bij
hernieuwde blootstelling medische supervisie aanbevolen.
Voor 55 (23%) van de 238 patiënten werd een
verwijzing voor allergietesten geadviseerd, wat neerkomt
op 66 (21%) van de 311 registraties. Deze eenvoudige
interventie maakt het mogelijk antibiotica-allergieregistraties
te verbeteren. De implementatie van de
nieuwe richtlijn voorkomt onnodig gebruik van tweedelijns-
antibiotica, waardoor het een veelbelovend instrument
is voor ‘antibiotic stewardship’.
laser technology alongside nanosecond lasers
for removing tattoos. We present a unique case of
a patient who developed progressive and recurrent Type I
allergic reactions 1 week following each laser treatment.
When research evidence is limited, inconsistent, or absent, healthcare decisions and policies need to be based on consensus among interested stakeholders. In these processes, the knowledge, experience, and expertise of health professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the public are systematically collected and synthesised to reach agreed clinical recommendations and/or priorities. However, despite the influence of consensus exercises, the methods used to achieve agreement are often poorly reported. The ACCORD (ACcurate COnsensus Reporting Document) guideline was developed to help report any consensus methods used in biomedical research, regardless of the health field, techniques used, or application. This explanatory document facilitates the use of the ACCORD checklist.
Methods and findings
This paper was built collaboratively based on classic and contemporary literature on consensus methods and publications reporting their use. For each ACCORD checklist item, this explanation and elaboration document unpacks the pieces of information that should be reported and provides a rationale on why it is essential to describe them in detail. Furthermore, this document offers a glossary of terms used in consensus exercises to clarify the meaning of common terms used across consensus methods, to promote uniformity, and to support understanding for consumers who read consensus statements, position statements, or clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). The items are followed by examples of reporting items from the ACCORD guideline, in text, tables, and figures.
The ACCORD materials—including the reporting guideline and this explanation and elaboration document—can be used by anyone reporting a consensus exercise used in the context of health research. As a reporting guideline, ACCORD helps researchers to be transparent about the materials, resources (both human and financial), and procedures used in their investigations so readers can judge the trustworthiness and applicability of their results/recommendations.
patiëntendossiers is onjuist of onvolledig. Dit leidt tot
onnodig afwijken van het antibioticum van eerste keuze,
met negatieve gevolgen voor de patiënt en de maatschappij.
Het doel van dit project was om de kwaliteit
van antibiotica-allergieregistraties in het ziekenhuis te
verbeteren met een simpele interventie. Volwassen
patiënten die in het LUMC waren opgenomen met een
geregistreerde antibiotica-allergie werden benaderd
door het allergieteam. Een gestructureerde allergie-
anamnese werd afgenomen en dossieronderzoek
werd gedaan. Voor elke allergieregistratie werd een
aanbeveling voor toekomstig gebruik geformuleerd op
basis van de SWAB-richtlijn Aanpak bij vermoeden van
antibiotica-allergie. Deze werd gecommuniceerd met
de patiënt en de betrokken zorgverleners. In totaal werden
311 antibiotica-allergielabels beoordeeld bij 238
patiënten. Na de interventie konden 134 (43,1%) van de
311 allergieregistraties compleet worden verwijderd. Bij
80% (250/311) van de registraties werd hernieuwde
blootstelling aan het antibioticum toegestaan. Bij 200
(64%) registraties waren daarbij geen beperkingen voor
toekomstig gebruik. Bij 48 (15%) registraties werd bij
hernieuwde blootstelling medische supervisie aanbevolen.
Voor 55 (23%) van de 238 patiënten werd een
verwijzing voor allergietesten geadviseerd, wat neerkomt
op 66 (21%) van de 311 registraties. Deze eenvoudige
interventie maakt het mogelijk antibiotica-allergieregistraties
te verbeteren. De implementatie van de
nieuwe richtlijn voorkomt onnodig gebruik van tweedelijns-
antibiotica, waardoor het een veelbelovend instrument
is voor ‘antibiotic stewardship’.
laser technology alongside nanosecond lasers
for removing tattoos. We present a unique case of
a patient who developed progressive and recurrent Type I
allergic reactions 1 week following each laser treatment.
Methods We followed methodology recommended by the EQUATOR Network for the development of reporting guidelines: a systematic review was followed by a Delphi process and meetings to finalise the ACCORD checklist. The preliminary checklist was drawn from the systematic review of existing literature on the quality of reporting of consensus methods and suggestions from the Steering Committee.
Results A Delphi panel (n=72) was recruited with representation from six continents and a broad range of experience, including clinical, research, policy and patient perspectives. The three rounds of the Delphi process were completed by 58, 54 and 51 panellists. The preliminary checklist of 56 items was refined to a final checklist of 35 items relating to the article title (n=1), introduction (n=3), methods (n=21), results (n=5), discussion (n=2) and other information (n=3).
Conclusions The ACCORD checklist is the first reporting guideline applicable to all consensus-based studies. It will support authors in writing accurate, detailed manuscripts, thereby improving the completeness and transparency of reporting and providing readers with clarity regarding the methods used to reach agreement. Furthermore, the checklist will make the rigour of the consensus methods used to guide the recommendations clear for readers. Reporting consensus studies with greater clarity and transparency may enhance trust in the recommendations made by consensus panels.