Francesco Alicino
Francesco Alicino is Full Professor in Public Law and Religion at the University of LUM (Casamassima, Bari, Italy), where he also teaches Constitutional Law, Law of the Third Sector, and Immigration Law. He is Vice Rector (Prorettore) for teachings activities, the Coordinator of the five-years Degree Course in Law (LGM /01) and the Director of the School of Law at the University of LUM.He is a member at the Italian Council for the relationship with Muslim communities at the Italian Minister of the Interior.
He is member of the Institute of S. Pio V based in Rome, where he has been coordinating several projects on freedom of religion-belief, religion-inspired terrorism, religion and sustainable goals, and the state-religions relations in the Mediterranean area (see at https://www.istitutospiov.it/?s=alicino+francesco).
He is the national coordinator of EUREL (Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe) based at CNRS University of Strasbourg (see at https://www.eurel.info/spip.php?rubrique126&lang=fr).
He is a local coordinator of PriMED (Prevention and Interaction in the Trans-Mediterranean Space) based at University of Piemonte Orientale (see at https://primed-miur.it/).
He is a local coordinator of FIDR (Forum Internazionale Democrazia & Religioni-International Forum for Democracy & Religions) based ate the University of Insubria (see at https://irc-fidr.it/).
He is a member of EUNAP (Jean Monnet Network European Union-Asia Pacific Dialogue: Promoting European Integration and Mutual Knowledge across Continents) providing a multidisciplinary academic platform on European Union (EU)-Asia Pacific relations (see at https://www.eunap-deusto.es/).
He is the editor of the Italian first-class review Daimon-Annuario di diritto comparato delle religioni (Il Mulino).
He is a member the Committee for National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale also known as ASN) related to IUS/11 discipline (Ecclesiastical law and Canon law). ASN is required to enter Italian universities as associate and full professor (see at https://abilitazione.miur.it/public/index.php).
He is a member of ICLARS (International Consortium for Law and Religious Studies) based at the University of Milan (see at https://www.iclars.org/).
He is docente a contratto (professor with a temporary appointment) for the Course in State and Rights in the Mediterranean Islam) at the School of Government, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (see at https://sog.luiss.it/faculty/francesco-alicino).
He has been the coordinator of the research project on Bio-law in Religious Hospitals (Biodiritto negli ospedali confessionali), financially supported by Associazione Religiosa Istituti Socio Sanitari (A.R.I.S.) (Prot. 12/PR/DL).
He has been the Coordinator of the research project on Creating a Consolidated Act from the Laws concerning State-Confessions Understandings and Religious Associations (Realizzazione di un Testo Unico sulle leggi relative alle intese e agli enti ecclesiastici), financially supported by Unione Cristiana Evangelica Battista d’Italia (UCEBI) (D.R. n. 1024/2017).
He has been the Coordinator of the research project on International Refugee Law in Cases of Religious Persecutions (La protezione internazionale nei casi di persecuzione per motivi religiosi alla prova), financially supported by Apulia Region (Article 90 of the regional law no. 67/2017).
He has been member of research groups for Bioethics, Research Integrity and Sustainable Food at the Italian National Research Council (Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche-CNR).
He has been member of the LUM University’s internal Unit for the Quality Assurance (Presidio della Qualità) related to the European Higher Education Area (EGS).
He is the author of several books and articles in English, Italian and French. In 2010 he took the Ph.D in European Studies in Canon Law and Law of State-Religions Relations at the University of Paris-Sud 11 and Catholic Institute of Paris (France).
In 2008 he took the Ph.D in Docteur en DROIT at the École doctorale of the University of Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III (Aix-en-Provence, France) with a Thesis titled “Constitutionalism and Constitution-Making Process of the European Union’s Law”, unanimously commended as “très honorable” (the highest mark) by all members of the Commission (Jury).
In 2007 he took the Ph.D in Institutions and Comparative Politics at the University of Bari (Italy). Ph.D. Thesis: The European Constitutionalism and the European Union. The Thesis was unanimously commended as eccellente (the highest mark) by all members of the Commission.
He is member of the Institute of S. Pio V based in Rome, where he has been coordinating several projects on freedom of religion-belief, religion-inspired terrorism, religion and sustainable goals, and the state-religions relations in the Mediterranean area (see at https://www.istitutospiov.it/?s=alicino+francesco).
He is the national coordinator of EUREL (Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe) based at CNRS University of Strasbourg (see at https://www.eurel.info/spip.php?rubrique126&lang=fr).
He is a local coordinator of PriMED (Prevention and Interaction in the Trans-Mediterranean Space) based at University of Piemonte Orientale (see at https://primed-miur.it/).
He is a local coordinator of FIDR (Forum Internazionale Democrazia & Religioni-International Forum for Democracy & Religions) based ate the University of Insubria (see at https://irc-fidr.it/).
He is a member of EUNAP (Jean Monnet Network European Union-Asia Pacific Dialogue: Promoting European Integration and Mutual Knowledge across Continents) providing a multidisciplinary academic platform on European Union (EU)-Asia Pacific relations (see at https://www.eunap-deusto.es/).
He is the editor of the Italian first-class review Daimon-Annuario di diritto comparato delle religioni (Il Mulino).
He is a member the Committee for National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale also known as ASN) related to IUS/11 discipline (Ecclesiastical law and Canon law). ASN is required to enter Italian universities as associate and full professor (see at https://abilitazione.miur.it/public/index.php).
He is a member of ICLARS (International Consortium for Law and Religious Studies) based at the University of Milan (see at https://www.iclars.org/).
He is docente a contratto (professor with a temporary appointment) for the Course in State and Rights in the Mediterranean Islam) at the School of Government, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (see at https://sog.luiss.it/faculty/francesco-alicino).
He has been the coordinator of the research project on Bio-law in Religious Hospitals (Biodiritto negli ospedali confessionali), financially supported by Associazione Religiosa Istituti Socio Sanitari (A.R.I.S.) (Prot. 12/PR/DL).
He has been the Coordinator of the research project on Creating a Consolidated Act from the Laws concerning State-Confessions Understandings and Religious Associations (Realizzazione di un Testo Unico sulle leggi relative alle intese e agli enti ecclesiastici), financially supported by Unione Cristiana Evangelica Battista d’Italia (UCEBI) (D.R. n. 1024/2017).
He has been the Coordinator of the research project on International Refugee Law in Cases of Religious Persecutions (La protezione internazionale nei casi di persecuzione per motivi religiosi alla prova), financially supported by Apulia Region (Article 90 of the regional law no. 67/2017).
He has been member of research groups for Bioethics, Research Integrity and Sustainable Food at the Italian National Research Council (Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche-CNR).
He has been member of the LUM University’s internal Unit for the Quality Assurance (Presidio della Qualità) related to the European Higher Education Area (EGS).
He is the author of several books and articles in English, Italian and French. In 2010 he took the Ph.D in European Studies in Canon Law and Law of State-Religions Relations at the University of Paris-Sud 11 and Catholic Institute of Paris (France).
In 2008 he took the Ph.D in Docteur en DROIT at the École doctorale of the University of Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III (Aix-en-Provence, France) with a Thesis titled “Constitutionalism and Constitution-Making Process of the European Union’s Law”, unanimously commended as “très honorable” (the highest mark) by all members of the Commission (Jury).
In 2007 he took the Ph.D in Institutions and Comparative Politics at the University of Bari (Italy). Ph.D. Thesis: The European Constitutionalism and the European Union. The Thesis was unanimously commended as eccellente (the highest mark) by all members of the Commission.
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Papers by Francesco Alicino
location. Immigration is no longer an emergency, but a structural phenomenon, which impacts on State law, especially the parts concerning regular and irregular migrants as well as the reception system. Exposed to social and electoral pressures, that phenomenon produces uncertain and precarious legal status. This paper analyses them by focusing on the Italian legal system and the fact that immigration constitutes a crucial test for constitutional democracies and, more generally, for Western constitutionalism. In these contexts, the effective protection of dignity should be combined with fundamental rights and free- doms, including those pertaining to religion. Theoretical assumptions, however, are not always reflected in the daily life, least of all in the area of immigration.
In other words, the bilateralism principle can be perfectly used when referring to traditional Judeo-Christian denominations. On the contrary, it can hardly be considered for other minority groups, other than the traditional ones. Moreover, the bilateralism principle does not fit in easily with current Italian society that, due to immigration and globalization, is no a longer monocultural society.
dwelling on the jurisprudential and normative history of ethically sensitive subjects (abortion, assisted procreation, surrogacy, end-of-life), in which science and technology have led the basic notions of human life (birth, life, death, dignity, health, self-determination) to an epistemological crisis. In constitutional democracies they become a source of intense tensions, from which the need for codified state law emerges. Grappling with electoral interests, parliaments respond with tendencies ranging from inertia to partisanship. From the related normative narratives, the confrontation between different conceptions of bioethics comes out. Both secular and religious ideologies take part in the debate concerning the interpretation of constitutional principles, including those related to the theory of “constitutional originalism” and the “living constitution”. That is evident in the light of the Italian legislative and jurisprudential evolution of the last two decades, which is even more interesting when compared to other jurisdictional contexts. Those pertaining to the American Constitution are of particular interest for the present work.
location. Immigration is no longer an emergency, but a structural phenomenon, which impacts on State law, especially the parts concerning regular and irregular migrants as well as the reception system. Exposed to social and electoral pressures, that phenomenon produces uncertain and precarious legal status. This paper analyses them by focusing on the Italian legal system and the fact that immigration constitutes a crucial test for constitutional democracies and, more generally, for Western constitutionalism. In these contexts, the effective protection of dignity should be combined with fundamental rights and free- doms, including those pertaining to religion. Theoretical assumptions, however, are not always reflected in the daily life, least of all in the area of immigration.
In other words, the bilateralism principle can be perfectly used when referring to traditional Judeo-Christian denominations. On the contrary, it can hardly be considered for other minority groups, other than the traditional ones. Moreover, the bilateralism principle does not fit in easily with current Italian society that, due to immigration and globalization, is no a longer monocultural society.
dwelling on the jurisprudential and normative history of ethically sensitive subjects (abortion, assisted procreation, surrogacy, end-of-life), in which science and technology have led the basic notions of human life (birth, life, death, dignity, health, self-determination) to an epistemological crisis. In constitutional democracies they become a source of intense tensions, from which the need for codified state law emerges. Grappling with electoral interests, parliaments respond with tendencies ranging from inertia to partisanship. From the related normative narratives, the confrontation between different conceptions of bioethics comes out. Both secular and religious ideologies take part in the debate concerning the interpretation of constitutional principles, including those related to the theory of “constitutional originalism” and the “living constitution”. That is evident in the light of the Italian legislative and jurisprudential evolution of the last two decades, which is even more interesting when compared to other jurisdictional contexts. Those pertaining to the American Constitution are of particular interest for the present work.