Papers by Antonello Tarzia

A&C – Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional, 2020
El crecimiento de la tasa de urbanización será la tendencia más transformadora del siglo XXI. Gra... more El crecimiento de la tasa de urbanización será la tendencia más transformadora del siglo XXI. Gran parte de la viejas y nuevas mega-ciudades estarán en las regiones del mundo menos desarrolladas. El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis de los principales problemas del desarrollo urbano en Latinoamérica con referencia tanto a las mega-ciudades, como a las pequeñas y medianas, que se enfrentan con graves problemas de segregación socioespacial y desigualdad, cambio climático y carencia de servicios públicos esenciales. El pasaje a un nuevo concepto de ciudad, designado con la locución “ciudad inteligente”, requiere nuevas formas de planificación, gestión y financiación local, incluidas herramientas financieras de procedencia internacional. En todo caso, en Latinoamérica es imprescindible la reforma de los sistemas tributarios, frecuentemente regresivos al momento actual

Misconceptions about local autonomy over the last decades have triggered the annihilation of the ... more Misconceptions about local autonomy over the last decades have triggered the annihilation of the capacity of the thousands of Italian smallMunicipalities to carry out their administrative duties. Italian under-resourced Local Authorities had been overburdened of administrative tasks, frequently impossible to be fulfilled, under a frequently conflicting and frantic multi-layered national and regional legislation. The fatal blow for small Municipalities has been delivered by an asphyxiating digital bureaucracy that led to a new sophisticated form of tutelle administrative. Digital deadlines have become the metronome of administration and thousands of small Municipalities are obliged to take their few civil servants away from the services to the community and reassign them to discharge dozens of daily digital obligations all year round. The entire reduction of the local autonomy to the decentralization of powers risks being a point of no return. Keywords: Local autonomy; decentralizat...

A&C – Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional, 2020
El crecimiento de la tasa de urbanización será la tendencia más transformadora del siglo XXI. Gra... more El crecimiento de la tasa de urbanización será la tendencia más transformadora del siglo XXI. Gran parte de la viejas y nuevas mega-ciudades estarán en las regiones del mundo menos desarrolladas. El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis de los principales problemas del desarrollo urbano en Latinoamérica con referencia tanto a las mega-ciudades, como a las pequeñas y medianas, que se enfrentan con graves problemas de segregación socioespacial y desigualdad, cambio climático y carencia de servicios públicos esenciales. El pasaje a un nuevo concepto de ciudad, designado con la locución “ciudad inteligente”, requiere nuevas formas de planificación, gestión y financiación local, incluidas herramientas financieras de procedencia internacional. En todo caso, en Latinoamérica es imprescindible la reforma de los sistemas tributarios, frecuentemente regresivos al momento actual
Il diritto di fronte all’emergenza Un percorso interdisciplinare, 2020
This paper provides a study of the critical side effects related to school closures on constituti... more This paper provides a study of the critical side effects related to school closures on constitutional, social and pedagogic grounds. The author aims to illustrate the shortcomings of the kind of distance learning made during the lockdown and proposes solutions for a more effective use of digital technology in teaching. The author emphasizes the key role of the school community in pursuing and enhancing constitutional principles and values.
dpceonline, 2020
Local Authorities in the new Cuban Constitution. Much ado about nothing?-This paper provides a st... more Local Authorities in the new Cuban Constitution. Much ado about nothing?-This paper provides a study of the regulation of Local Authorities in the 2019 Cuban Constitution. By comparison with the previous constitutional rules and legislation, the Author aims at demonstrating that there are few substantial changes and many problems still remain. One possible solution for local development would be to favour participation through inter-municipal associations to deliver better local public services., 2019
L'autonomia locale proceduralizzata e il decentramento sotto vincoli finanziari. Quando null'altr... more L'autonomia locale proceduralizzata e il decentramento sotto vincoli finanziari. Quando null'altro importa.
Misconceptions about local autonomy over the last decades have triggered the annihilation of the capacity of the thousands of Italian small Municipalities to carry out their administrative duties. Italian under-resourced Local Authorities had been overburdened of administrative tasks, frequently impossible to be fulfilled, under a frequently conflicting and frantic multi-layered national and regional legislation. The fatal blow for small Municipalities has been delivered by an asphyxiating digital bureaucracy that led to a new sophisticated form of tutelle administrative. Digital deadlines have become the metronome of administration and thousands of small Municipalities are obliged to take their few civil servants away from the services to the community and reassign them to discharge dozens of daily digital obligations all year round. The entire reduction of the local autonomy to the decentralization of powers risks being a point of no return.
Il volume si occupa della Legge delega al Governo in materia di riorganizzazione delle amministra... more Il volume si occupa della Legge delega al Governo in materia di riorganizzazione delle amministrazioni pubbliche (cd. riforma "Madia").
Questo capitolo si occupa della riforma dell'amministrazione centrale e periferica e del rafforzamento della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
in Bruno Di Giacomo Russo e Antonello Tarzia (cur.), Il nuovo governo locale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2015
in Bruno Di Giacomo Russo e Antonello Tarzia (cur.), Il nuovo governo locale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2015
in R. Canosa Usera, J. Rodríguez-Arana (eds.), Jurisdicción de la Libertad en Europa e Iberoamérica, Madrid, Editorial Reus, 2014, pp. 77-95
J. Pernas García, C.I. Aymerich Cano (coord.), Cuestiones actuales del Derecho Público. Estudios en homenaje a la Dra. Irmgard Lepenies, May 2014
G.F. Ferrari (ed.), Diritto pubblico dell’economia, Milano, Egea, 2a ed., 2013, pp. 391-441;, 2013
G.F. Ferrari (ed.), Diritto pubblico dell’economia, Milano, Egea, 2a ed., 2013, pp. 391-441;, 2013
Derecho administrativo italiano, 2013
Los controLes administrativos antonello tarzia sumario: i. Premisa: la recomposición de la funció... more Los controLes administrativos antonello tarzia sumario: i. Premisa: la recomposición de la función de control y la reconfiguración del Estado. ii. Noción, estructura y clasificaciones tradicionales de los controles. iii. El sistema de los controles en la nueva estructura constitucional. iv. Nuevas formas y acepciones del control. De la revisión del acto a la comprobación de la gestión pública por resultados. v. Bibliografía.
Papers by Antonello Tarzia
Misconceptions about local autonomy over the last decades have triggered the annihilation of the capacity of the thousands of Italian small Municipalities to carry out their administrative duties. Italian under-resourced Local Authorities had been overburdened of administrative tasks, frequently impossible to be fulfilled, under a frequently conflicting and frantic multi-layered national and regional legislation. The fatal blow for small Municipalities has been delivered by an asphyxiating digital bureaucracy that led to a new sophisticated form of tutelle administrative. Digital deadlines have become the metronome of administration and thousands of small Municipalities are obliged to take their few civil servants away from the services to the community and reassign them to discharge dozens of daily digital obligations all year round. The entire reduction of the local autonomy to the decentralization of powers risks being a point of no return.
Questo capitolo si occupa della riforma dell'amministrazione centrale e periferica e del rafforzamento della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Misconceptions about local autonomy over the last decades have triggered the annihilation of the capacity of the thousands of Italian small Municipalities to carry out their administrative duties. Italian under-resourced Local Authorities had been overburdened of administrative tasks, frequently impossible to be fulfilled, under a frequently conflicting and frantic multi-layered national and regional legislation. The fatal blow for small Municipalities has been delivered by an asphyxiating digital bureaucracy that led to a new sophisticated form of tutelle administrative. Digital deadlines have become the metronome of administration and thousands of small Municipalities are obliged to take their few civil servants away from the services to the community and reassign them to discharge dozens of daily digital obligations all year round. The entire reduction of the local autonomy to the decentralization of powers risks being a point of no return.
Questo capitolo si occupa della riforma dell'amministrazione centrale e periferica e del rafforzamento della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri