Nicola Lupo
Nicola Lupo is a constitutional law scholar specialized in parliamentary and legislative studies. He is a Professor of Public Law in the Department of Political Science and Director of the Center for Parliamentary Studies (Centro di studi sul Parlamento) at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. PhD from the University of Florence, he has been advisor to the Chamber of Deputies (1997-2005), member of the Simplification Unit (2006-2008), law clerk at the Constitutional Court (2013-2015) and advisor to the Minister of Economy and Finance (2018-2019).From September 2021 to March 2023, he has coordinated - appointed by the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi the “Better Regulation Unit ” (Unità per la razionalizzazione e il miglioramento della regolazione), for the purpose of implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, NRRP).He has been the holder of a Jean Monnet Chair on “Understanding European Representative Democracy” (2018-2021) and visiting professor at several universities. He directed the Joint Master Erasmus in Parliamentary Procedures and Legislative Drafting-EUPADRA (2016-2020).He has recently published a book “The Constitution of Italy. A contextual analysis" (with Marta Cartabia, Hart, 2022) and, in Italian, a textbook on parliamentary law “Corso di diritto parlamentare" (with Luigi Gianniti, IV ed., Il Mulino, 2023) and “Il Parlamento europeo. Una introduzione" (with Andrea Manzella, LUP, 2019)
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Papers by Nicola Lupo
Il presente lavoro rappresenta la rielaborazione dell'intervento svolto in occasione del seminario annuale di Quaderni Costituzionali "Il contributo delle Corti Costituzionali a garanzia delle democrazie", che si è tenuto a Bologna l'11 dicembre 2024. La registrazione del seminario è disponibile sul sito di Radio radicale: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/746017/il-contributo-delle-corti-costituzionali-agaranzia-delle-democrazie.
EuConst is a peer-reviewed English-language journal published by Cambridge University Press that seeks to advance the study of European constitutional law, its history and its evolution. Its four issues per year contain articles on doctrine, theory and practice, plus case notes and review essays.
Each year EuConst organises a symposium for early-career scholars, where selected participants present their research.
The aim of the symposium is to offer participants a stimulating intellectual exchange, provide detailed feedback on participants' work by EuConst editorial board members, as well as to build an intellectual network of young and more established scholars in the field of European constitutional law.
We invite participants to apply with a paper abstract that falls within the remit of the journal. We welcome papers that deal with EU constitutional law, fundamental rights law, comparative constitutional law, national constitutional law that has importance beyond the country studied, as well as papers with a theoretical focus.
What we offer:
- Extensive feedback on your paper by the editorial board members of EuConst and other scholars present.
- An intellectually stimulating exchange.
- Reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs.
- The chance to connect with emerging and more established scholars in the field of European constitutional law.
Russia's illegal aggression against Ukraine has been a watershed moment for the European Union (EU). The return of large-scale conventional warfare to the European continent, unseen since the Second World War, shattered the illusion of perpetual peace and forced the EU to confront the reality of hard power. Originally created to maintain internal peace, the EU was never conceived to handle the challenges of war. Yet, the war in Ukraine required the EU to repurpose its machinery of government to do just that. Embracing a comparative analytical framework, the speaker's book examines how the EU constitution has functioned in response to Russia's aggression. It scrutinizes the EU's legal reactions across five key policy areas: foreign, security, and defence policy; economic and fiscal policy; justice and home affairs; energy and industrial policy; and enlargement and reform. In doing so, it investigates whether the EU constitution has enabled the EU to respond effectively to the war, how EU treaties have been interpreted to authorize warrelated actions, and whether these responses have adhered to constitutional limits. Advancing a threefold argument, the book asserts that the EU constitution has demonstrated sufficient flexibility to permit wartime actions. Secondly, it highlights the limitations exposed by the return of conventional warfare in Europe, noting structural constraints and governance shortcomings that hinder decisive action, and instances where laws inadequately constrain EU action, particularly regarding fundamental rights and the rule of law. Finally, it evaluates the long-term constitutional implications of war for EU governance and proposes legal reforms that could shape a more perfect EU for both times of war and peace.
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Il presente lavoro rappresenta la rielaborazione dell'intervento svolto in occasione del seminario annuale di Quaderni Costituzionali "Il contributo delle Corti Costituzionali a garanzia delle democrazie", che si è tenuto a Bologna l'11 dicembre 2024. La registrazione del seminario è disponibile sul sito di Radio radicale: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/746017/il-contributo-delle-corti-costituzionali-agaranzia-delle-democrazie.
EuConst is a peer-reviewed English-language journal published by Cambridge University Press that seeks to advance the study of European constitutional law, its history and its evolution. Its four issues per year contain articles on doctrine, theory and practice, plus case notes and review essays.
Each year EuConst organises a symposium for early-career scholars, where selected participants present their research.
The aim of the symposium is to offer participants a stimulating intellectual exchange, provide detailed feedback on participants' work by EuConst editorial board members, as well as to build an intellectual network of young and more established scholars in the field of European constitutional law.
We invite participants to apply with a paper abstract that falls within the remit of the journal. We welcome papers that deal with EU constitutional law, fundamental rights law, comparative constitutional law, national constitutional law that has importance beyond the country studied, as well as papers with a theoretical focus.
What we offer:
- Extensive feedback on your paper by the editorial board members of EuConst and other scholars present.
- An intellectually stimulating exchange.
- Reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs.
- The chance to connect with emerging and more established scholars in the field of European constitutional law.
Russia's illegal aggression against Ukraine has been a watershed moment for the European Union (EU). The return of large-scale conventional warfare to the European continent, unseen since the Second World War, shattered the illusion of perpetual peace and forced the EU to confront the reality of hard power. Originally created to maintain internal peace, the EU was never conceived to handle the challenges of war. Yet, the war in Ukraine required the EU to repurpose its machinery of government to do just that. Embracing a comparative analytical framework, the speaker's book examines how the EU constitution has functioned in response to Russia's aggression. It scrutinizes the EU's legal reactions across five key policy areas: foreign, security, and defence policy; economic and fiscal policy; justice and home affairs; energy and industrial policy; and enlargement and reform. In doing so, it investigates whether the EU constitution has enabled the EU to respond effectively to the war, how EU treaties have been interpreted to authorize warrelated actions, and whether these responses have adhered to constitutional limits. Advancing a threefold argument, the book asserts that the EU constitution has demonstrated sufficient flexibility to permit wartime actions. Secondly, it highlights the limitations exposed by the return of conventional warfare in Europe, noting structural constraints and governance shortcomings that hinder decisive action, and instances where laws inadequately constrain EU action, particularly regarding fundamental rights and the rule of law. Finally, it evaluates the long-term constitutional implications of war for EU governance and proposes legal reforms that could shape a more perfect EU for both times of war and peace.
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5. La sconfitta alle elezioni del 2010 e le posizioni più recenti.
La figura di Gordon Brown è sicuramente tra quelle di maggior rilievo sulla scena politica del Regno Unito nell’ultimo trentennio. Anche al di là del governo da lui presieduto, durato poco meno di tre anni (27 giugno 2007-11 maggio 2010), Brown ha giocato un ruolo importante, spesso decisivo, all’interno del partito laburista, prima nel delineare la piattaforma vincente del New Labour e poi, per oltre un decennio, quale cancelliere dello scacchiere nei governi presieduti dal suo amico-alleato-rivale Tony Blair (2 maggio 1997-27 giugno 2007).
Nel complesso, sembra stagliarsi una figura dai contorni per certi aspetti tragici (nel senso alto della parola). In particolare, il rapporto lungo, stretto e controverso con una figura, come quella di Tony Blair, leggermente più giovane, molto più telegenica, della cui eredità politica Brown non è riuscito a liberarsi, si presta facilmente a una rappresentazione in termini tragici. Se poi si aggiunge lo sfortunato intreccio temporale con la crisi economico-finanziaria, il cui scoppio segue di pochi mesi l’inizio del suo agognato mandato da premier, mentre all’indomani dell’avvio del governo Blair si era verificata la scomparsa di Lady Diana, che come è noto il nuovo Premier ben seppe cavalcare di fronte all’opinione pubblica, il quadro diventa ancora più a tinte forti. Forse paragonabile soltanto, nell’immaginario collettivo, alla rivalità tra i due fratelli Miliband, David e Ed – neanche a farlo apposta l’uno special adviser di Blair e l’altro di Brown nel primo governo Blair – che ha contraddistinto la lotta per la leadership del partito laburista, all’indomani dell’abbandono di Brown. Quasi a proseguire, appunto, una fratellanza-rivalità dalla durata ultradecennale.
INDICE DEL VOLUME: Prefazione. Dieci anni dopo, di Andrea Manzella. - Avvertenza. - I. La politica e i suoi limiti: diritto parlamentare e diritto costituzionale. - II. La storia dei regolamenti parlamentari. - III. Le fonti del diritto parlamentare. - IV. Lo status dei parlamentari. - V. I parlamentari e la rappresentanza politica. - VI. L’organizzazione del Parlamento. - VII. Le funzioni del Parlamento. - VIII. I procedimenti parlamentari. - IX. Il Parlamento italiano nell’Unione Europea. - X. La pubblicità dei lavori parlamentari: principi e strumenti. - Riferimenti bibliografici. - Indici.
It illustrates how parliamentary interactions within the European Union are highly systematic, with integrated procedures and mutual interdependence between the various institutions and stakeholders. The book argues that this dynamic is vital for both the functioning and the future equilibrium of democracy in the EU. This is significant, particularly given the challenges posed to democracy within the EU institutions and the Member States. Notwithstanding its peculiarities (a symmetrical bicameral system in which both Houses are directly elected, hold the same powers and are linked through a confidence relationship with the government), the Italian Parliament deserves specific attention as a lively active player of the European polity. The grid for its analysis proposed by this collection may also be applied to other national parliaments, so contributing to the development of comparative research in this field.
Notwithstanding its peculiarities (a symmetrical bicameral system in which both Houses are directly elected, hold the same powers and are linked through a confi dence relationship with the government), the Italian Parliament deserves specifi c attention as a lively active player of the European polity. The grid for its analysis proposed by this collection may also be applied to other national parliaments, so contributing to the development of comparative research in this field.
Volume 2 in the series Parliamentary Democracy in Europe
Da questi interrogativi nasce il presente volume che raccoglie le osservazioni di alcuni tra i maggiori studiosi di diritto costituzionale. L’introduzione del giudice della Corte costituzionale Ugo De Siervo e la postfazione del giudice emerito della stessa Enzo Cheli uniscono i contributi di Andrea Simoncini, Cesare Pinelli, Giovanni Pitruzzella, Alfonso Celotto, Roberto Romboli, Filippo Vari, Andrea Pugiotto, Nicola Lupo, Laura Lorello, Alessandra Concaro, Giovanni Di Cosimo e Ana Maria Carmona Contreras, ai quali si aggiunge un’appendice di aggiornamento di dati e statistiche sull’utilizzo della fonte del decreto-legge.
Sono queste alcune delle domande cui proveremo a dare risposta, venerdì 14 dicembre al Campus Luigi Einaudi, in dialogo con alcuni dei più autorevoli studiosi di diritto costituzionale e con rappresentati apicali delle istituzioni italiane.
L’iniziativa, dal titolo “Ripensare il Parlamento”, rappresenta la III edizione della giornata di studi sull’ordinamento costituzionale promossa dal CEST, dopo quelle del 2016 e del 2017 sulle riforme della Costituzione e delle istituzioni.
Dopo la lectio di apertura, due focus tematici, uno al mattino, sulle trasformazioni dell'attività legislativa e il bicameralismo, e uno nel primo pomeriggio, sulle potenzialità e sui limiti della funzione di controllo politico. L'appuntamento si concluderà con una tavola rotonda.
È necessario prenotare il proprio posto compilando il form: bit.ly/CESTParlamento18
L’iniziativa ha ricevuto i patrocini di: Senato della Repubblica, Camera dei deputati, Associazione Italiana Costituzionalisti, Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza UniTo e dell'Università del Piemonte orientale
17 novembre 2017 - Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale, Università degli Studi di Torino