Plugin Tag: csv
Simple WC order Export/Import
(2 total ratings)Simple WC order Export/Import is a plugin for export and import orders of woocommerce. While importing Products sometime products get new ID's so …
Advanced Pods Bulk Action
(0 total ratings)Advanced Pods Bulk Action allow marking bulk items on several pages and uses POST instead of GET to avoid the "too long URI" issue.
WP Simple Subscriber
(0 total ratings)Allows you to collect subscribers via a simple form (in a shortcode) or your own custom form.
CSV User Import with custom email message
(0 total ratings)Allows you to import a list and create users from a CSV files . Allows you to send a custom email with credentials
SMTP King Pro
(1 total ratings)Overrides the standard wp_mail function and used SwiftMail via an SMTP connection to send you site mail
Import hotels from CSV for affiliates
(1 total ratings)This plugin will import the hotels from TSV(csv) files to your wordpress site.
WTG CSV Exporter Beta for WordPress
(0 total ratings)New multiple file CSV exporter for 2015 offers export profiles to create the perfect .csv file.
Import/Export for Advanced Custom Fields
(0 total ratings)Import and export ACF field groups, custom post types, taxonomies, and post data with hierarchical relationships in CSV format.
AV csv 2 posts
(1 total ratings)Importar archivos CSV y convertirlos en Posts. Seleccionar campos, autor, post_type, imagen destacada, campos personalizados, categorías…
Advanced Datatable – The Ultimate Data Table Plugin
(1 total ratings)Show Data on your website with sorting, searching and pagination.
CSV Format
(0 total ratings)Read CSV data from local files, WordPres media files, local or remote databases or 3rd party API, and output it anywhere in WordPress with using short …
(2 total ratings)Upload csv files from a local directory or via a URL. Display the data in any post or page using a basic shortcode.
CSV Download
(1 total ratings)A plugin for WP developers to easily add CSV download links to the admin section or front end.
Name: Csv Viewer
(0 total ratings)With the Csv Viewer plugin you can display your CSV-files on your WordPress-page. You can simply upload your CSV-file, change them settings and style, …
Large CSV Import Handler
(1 total ratings)Provides ability to import any type of data from large CSV files into Wordpress
Download Post Comments
(1 total ratings)This plugin adds a link to the "Edit Posts" view that will allow you to download a CSV of all comments for that particular post.