1. You must fill out the application we give you using an LJ- Cut. We already have one in; DON'T remove it. You must be 14 or older to apply.
2. To post your application in our community, you must go to our userinfo page and click on the blue pencil at the top. Then you will be able to post. Also, you need to click JOIN at the top of the user info. MAKE THE APPLICATION FRIENDS ONLY! 3. The members of the community will comment on your application with a "yes" or "no". Once there are enough votes, the mods will stamp you either rejected or accepted. Majority Rules. If a member has asked you to sway them and you have not, that vote will be counted as no. If there is a tie, mods will have the final say. 4. If you aren't a stamped accepted member, DON'T post! 5. If you are accepted, you can post. If you are rejected, DON'T post 6. In this community you can talk about whatever you want. Just don't chat type (LyK oMg! OkKzz!) 7. We will have themes every two weeks so remember to check for new themes! 8. To prove that you've read the rules, please put "JULiE iS A PiNEAPPLE" in your text of your lj-cut instead of what we already have - Read my App! 9. When posting an application, put "NEW" in the subject line. PLEASE BOLD EITHER YOUR ANSWERS OR THE QUESTIONS SO IT IS EASIER TO READ. We have already done this for you. DON'T POST IN RICH TEXT MODE OR ELSE IT WON'T WORK AND WE WILL YELL AT YOU FOR NOT READING THE RULES. If you post in regular mode AND leave the b's how they are, there shouldn't be a problem 10. Stay Active, vote, and promote! 11. MAKE ALL ENTRIES FRIENDS ONLY! 12 Don't delete your entry if you get "NO" votes. We'll ban you! :) 13. Most importantly, please, please please POST YOU APPLICATION WITHIN 2 DAYS OF JOINING.