? ?
Journal created:
on 22 January 2005 (#5859049)
on 12 June 2016
Luck_0ff - are you lucky?
Shelto, United States
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated

We are a rating community. We judge you based on your personality, likes, and dislikes.
DON'T apply if you can't handle rejection.

The mods in this community are ikilledkenny Alli, cherri_pye Jenn, crazie130 Meghan, bellalunaariana Meg, & lola_thatsme Laura !!!
Please contact one of us if you have a problem:
ikilledkenny - s1nfuly1nn0cent
cherri_pye - cHeRRi pYe xO
crazie130 - x3blaCk my eyEsz
bellalunaariana - Scorpiochick1102
lola_thatsme - LuckyLo115

1. You must fill out the application we give you using an LJ- Cut. We already have one in; DON'T remove it. You must be 14 or older to apply.
2. To post your application in our community, you must go to
our userinfo page and click on the blue pencil at the top. Then
you will be able to post. Also, you need to click JOIN at the top of the user info. MAKE THE APPLICATION FRIENDS ONLY!
3. The members of the community will comment on your application with a "yes" or "no".
Once there are enough votes, the mods will stamp you either rejected or accepted. Majority Rules. If a member has asked you to sway them and you have not, that vote will be counted as no. If there is a tie, mods will have the final say.
4. If you aren't a stamped accepted member, DON'T post!
5. If you are accepted, you can post. If you are rejected, DON'T post
6. In this community you can talk about whatever you want. Just
don't chat type (LyK oMg! OkKzz!)
7. We will have themes every two weeks so remember to check for
new themes!
8. To prove that you've read the rules, please put "JULiE iS A PiNEAPPLE" in your text of your lj-cut instead of what we already have - Read my App!
9. When posting an application, put "NEW" in the subject line. PLEASE BOLD EITHER YOUR ANSWERS OR THE QUESTIONS SO IT IS EASIER TO READ. We have already done this for you. DON'T POST IN RICH TEXT MODE OR ELSE IT WON'T WORK AND WE WILL YELL AT YOU FOR NOT READING THE RULES. If you post in regular mode AND leave the b's how they are, there shouldn't be a problem
10. Stay Active, vote, and promote!
12 Don't delete your entry if you get "NO" votes. We'll ban you! :)
13. Most importantly, please, please please POST YOU APPLICATION WITHIN 2 DAYS OF JOINING.

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SiSTER COMMUNITIES: if yours would like to be added, make a post!
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CREDIT FOR THE LAYOUT GOES TO: baby_scarling @ _premadelayouts
7th heaven, a walk to remember, abercrombie, adam brody, aeropostale, aim, american eagle, american idiot, ashlee simpson, baby got back, beach, beauty, billie joe armstrong, blink 182, books, boston, boston college, boulevard of broken dreams, boys, boys of harry potter, buying school supplies, california, candy, cd, chad michael murray, cheerleading, cheerleading competitions, christmas, coach, controversy, cookies, couture, dance, death cab for cutie, degrassi, disney, dolce & gobbana, donnie darko, earrings, emo, emo boys, empty apartment, fear factor, fridays, friends, glitter, golden retrievers, good charlotte, gossip girl, gossiping, green day, gucci, harry potter, having a good time, hot boys, hot chocolate, hot guys, hotties, hugging people, ice cream, inside jokes, internet, jake epstein, jake gylenhaal, james lafferty, jesse mccartney, jessica simpson, jewelry, justin timberlake, kate spade, kisses, lip gloss, louis vuitton, love, luck, magazines, makeup, mandy moore, mario, maroon 5, mean girls, mistletoe, moulin rouge, mounts, movies, mtv, music, new york, new york city, newlyweds, nick lachey, nirvana, ocean city new jersey, one tree hill, parties, pink hummers, pirates, pizza, poodles, prada, preps, punks, rain, rupert grint, ryan cabrera, salt, saved by the bell, seth cohen, shane west, shelton vikings, shopping, simple plan, skater boys, sleepovers, spongbob, summer, talking, tate donovan, the dark, the mall, the oc, the real world, tumbling, tv, tyler hilton, unexpected kisses, vanilla ice cream, von bondies, walking in the rain, weekends, wet seal, yellowcard
